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Resolution 15213
CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 15213 DECLARING CANVASS OF RETURNS AND RESULTS OF CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2016, INCLUDING ENACTING OF ORDINANCE NO. 3169 N.S. AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 3 -59 (UTILITY USERS TAX) IN ITS ENTIRETY AND REPLACING IT WITH A NEW SECTION 3 -59 (UTILITY USERS TAX) WHEREAS, a consolidated General Municipal Election, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article XIX of the Charter of said City, was held for the purpose of electing officers to the Office of Councilmember, Office of City Auditor and Office of City Treasurer and for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda a certain initiative proposal, as set forth hereafter: terms. Two (2) Councilmembers on the Council of said City for full One (1) City Auditor of said City for a full term. One (1) City Treasurer of said City for a full term. MEASURE K1 City of Alameda Ballot Measure: To maintain funding for essential services, such as police, fire, parks and libraries, without raising tax rates or electric charges, shall the City of Alameda amend its Charter to reaffirm the continuous annual transfer of approximately $3.7 million from Alameda Municipal Power to the City, adjust future transfer amounts for inflation, and modernize the existing Utility Users Tax ordinance to reflect new and evolving technologies so that all taxpayers are treated equally regardless of technology? MEASURE L1 City of Alameda Measure: Shall the voters adopt the City's March 31, 2016 Rent Stabilization Ordinance, which (a) limits residential rent increases to once annually, (b) requires mediation for all residential rent increases above 5 %, including binding decisions on rent increases for most rental units, (c) restricts reasons for evictions, (d) requires landlords to pay relocation fees when terminating certain tenancies, and (e) permits the City Council to amend the ordinance to address changing concerns and conditions? MEASURE M1 Shall the City Charter be amended to (a) limit annual residential rent increases for certain units to 65% of the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index, (b) create an elected Rent Control Board separate from the City with authority to hire staff, impose fees on landlords for program funding and assess penalties, (c) limit the reasons for terminating tenancies and (d) require rental property owners to pay relocation fees to tenants when terminating certain tenancies? WHEREAS, notice of the election was given in the time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in the time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has received the canvass of returns of the election and has certified the results to the City Council, the results are received, attached and made a part hereof, as "Exhibit A." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA and said Council finds, as follows: (1) That said Consolidated General Municipal Election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof ascertained, determined and declared in all respects and particulars in the time, form and manner provided by law. (2) That the whole number of ballots cast in the City of Alameda at said election was 39,334 and the total number of registered voters at said election was 48,849. (3) That the names and total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the Office of Councilmember of said City was as follows: Malia (Mary) Vella 13,856 Tony Daysog 11,408 Jennifer Roloff 10,442 Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft 12,474 Lena Tam 8,693 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Malia (Mary) Vella and Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft - having - received the two highest- number of votes cast for the Office of Councilmember, were, and are hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the Office of Councilmember of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2016, and continuing for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified; and (4) That the name and total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the office of City Auditor of said City was as follows: Kevin R. Kearney 22,033 Mike McMahon 8,139 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Kevin R. Kearney, having received the highest number of votes cast for the Office of City Auditor, were, and are hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the Office of City Auditor of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2016, and continuing for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified, and (5) That the name and total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the office of City Treasurer of said City was as follows: Kevin Kennedy 24,378 Jeff Bratzler 6,066 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Kevin Kennedy, having received the highest number of votes cast for the Office of City Treasurer, were, and are hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the Office of City Treasurer of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2016, and continuing for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified, and (6) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure K1, the Utility Modernization Act, was as follows: Measure K1 Yes 25,451 No 9,454 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure K1, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed; and (7) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure K1 was as follows: Measure Ll Yes 20,167 No 16,164 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure L1, , the Rent Stabilization Act, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed; and (8) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure M1, the Proposed City of Alameda Charter Amendment to Establish Rent Control, a Rent Control Board, and Regulate Termination of Tenancies, was as follows: Measure M1 Yes 12,281 No 23,768 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure M1, not having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared not passed. ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA U- 0 _j U- LL 0 0 0 42 1:5 w M O LL Lu >0 0 n a = M 0 C �i M z 0 z z t V C cc I- I rt 1.- Lu. -4 E 30q000,- Vote by Mail Reporting 1427 771 64.03 233 252 141 221 252 426 12 440 IN 197 1 300000 - Election Day Reporting 1427 338 23.69 96 87 80 82 87 236 6 180 61 94 0 300100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1267 813 64.68 270 277 218 326 167 349 18 518 147 147 1 300100 - Election Day Reporting 1257 266 21.16 88 78 65 101 51 147 2 144 so 63 0 300110 - Vote by Mail Reporting 887 472 53.21 185 136 87 126 138 267 14 265 ill 126 0 300110 - Election Day Reporting 887 261 29.43 84 63 66 78 56 174 2 146 42 71 1 300126 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1403 833 66.17 264 276 226 264 220 412 10 501 172 166 0 300120 - Election Day Reporting 1483 385 26.96 118 105 107 122 90 223 2 218 82 83 0 300140 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1265 782 61.82 227 240 199 236 245 397 16 459 144 177 0 300140 - Election Day Reporting 1266 267 21.11 60 84 80 72 al 157 0 146 52 es 0 300150 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1049 659 62.82 189 211 172 251 200 291 4 416 102 139 0 300150 - Election Day Reporting 1049 212 20.21 65 68 67 62 65 ill 4 118 43 si a 300170 - Vote by Mail Reporting 376 6014 109 127 96 128 105 161 a 222 67 86 1 3001,70 - Election Day Reporting 145 23.42 40 54 43 61 27 73 2 83 28 34 0 300180 -Vote by Mail Reporting 817 .464 66.79 162 139 104 136 125 256 6 266 86 ill 0 300180 - Election Day Reporting 817 199 24.36 60 67 so 48 44 127 2 94 46 67 0 300210 - Vote by Mail Reporting an 644 65.54 170 197 154 201 135 218 10 336 106 100 1 300210 - Election Day Reporting 630 163 19.64 43 58 49 56 40 so 0 100 20 34 0 300300 - Vote by Mail Reporting 794 477 60.08 IM 171 130 171 98 187 14 294 95 Be 0 300300 - Election Day Reporting 794 208 26.20 80 63 55 69 3(] 119 0 114 43 so 0 3004,00 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1468 883 60.15 307 271 260 343 168 396 16 623 196 159 so 3 360400 - Election Day Reporting 1468 411 28.00 149 100 126 140 60 245 2 2217 84 99 0 301100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 747 468 62.65 iss 144 136 M 104 172 14 263 124 80 a 301100 - Election Day Reporting 747 195 26.10 63 72 73 65 30 83 4 104 58 33 0 301200 - Vote by Mall R eporting 793 418 62.71 157 143 11113 167 79 164 12 256 61 79 a 301200 - Election Day Reporting 793 261 32.91 73 91 78 79 44 157 a 146 43 72 a 3014(0 -Vote by Mali Reporting 1581 908 58.17 359 263 247 355 208 374 16 638 205 164 0 301400 - Election Day Reporting 1561 407 26.07 150 106 115 126 83 231 2 235 72 98 0 301620 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1656 881 53,20 294 275 193 293 229 456 20 482 192 205 1 301520 - Election Day Reporting 1656 432 26.09 168 86 86 115 85 332 2 198 80 152 0 301800 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1004 506 60.40 183 149 135 160 118 256 8 284 104 117 0 301.800 - Election Day Reporting 1004 316 130 79 91 108 54 169 a 166 76 72 0 301900 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1038 610 '49.13 212 117 134 173 116 263 16 284 118 106 1 301900 - Election Day Reporting 1038 293 28.23 108 62 68 74 55 216 0 140 62 90 0 302000 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1024 579 56:54 229 162 155 211 126 261 a 334 124 120 0 302000 - Election Day Reporting 1024 259 25.29 94 62 62 76 42 177 2 138 44 75 0 302100 . Vote by Mall Reporting 749 322 42.99 120 92 81 108 67 166 8 Ise 64 70 1 3021010 - Election Day Reporting 749 245 32,71 81 47 67 77 41 174 2 132 46 66 0 302200 - Vote by Mall RepoNng 1435 849 50.18 287 296 237 388 135 339 16 505 ISO 155 0 302200- Election Day Reporting 1435 404 28.15 138 127 134 152 61 192 2 232 88 81 0 302400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 835 411 49.22 166 115 104 132 114 179 10 246 85 79 0 302400 - Election Day Reporting 835 223 26.71 72 67 59 45 69 153 0 109 45 68 0 302506 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1481 755 50.98 270 214 182 231 187 410 14 432 W 185 1 302660,- Election Day Reporting 1481 406 27.41 136 89 go 91 93 295 4 195 82 128 a 3102610 - vote by Mall Reporting 914 453 49.66 154 136 122 132 94 255 a 249 85 117 0 302510 - Election Day Reporting 914 269 29.43 108 52 49 67 48 213 0 139 63 77 0 302700 -Vote by Mall Reporting 979 486 49.64 175 132 140 152 116 250 a 275 114 go 0 302700 - Election Day Reporting 979 270 27.58 85 62 73 64 38 216 0 133 52 84 0 303000 - Vote by Mall Reporting 906 467 61.65 178 116 I'll 163 79 284 4 250 93 123 1 303000 - Election Day Reporting 906 274 3024 100 55 80 88 35 182 8 133 62 77 0 303300 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1214 725 59.72 245 252 206 249 184 307 6 436 142 146 0 303300 - Election Day Reporting 1214 245 20.18 79 80 67 62 so 150 2 134 54 56 a 303400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 753 487 64.67 149 177 201 186 74 181 6 305 95 87 a 303400 - Election Day Reporting 753 160 21.26 46 51 69 66 17 71 0 95 38 27 0 303500 -Vote by Mall Reporting. .80 446 52.66 169 103 116 135 103 247 18 2111 104 102 0 303500 - Election Day Reporting 847 263 31.05 98 77 81 75 64 139 2 I'S, 43 60 0 303600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 156: 788 50.26 3171 2181 1981 2891 1781 352 22 4441 179 160 2 303600 - Election Day Reporting 1 66 4341 27.681 1741 1021 1081 1241 90 261 4 119 99 1 1303800 - Vote by Mali Reporting 1041 6761 55.331 10 im Im 1 1'1 313 a 313 128 135 0 November 22, 2016 4:58 pm Page 231 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA J � Z I { 0 01 LL N O a g Cr o 1Z 0 Lu Q O U. J Q O '� O I i O _ C r. w -r %� Z Z � Q m dS F= Z O - W m a' m F '.E .'S O F w ^� Q '.E W J = O 303600 - Election Day Reporting: 1041 249 23.92 93 54 67 74 152 0 132 66 304000 -Vote by Mail Reporting 475 60.80 158 153 179 147 99 208 6 281 95 61 0 304000 - Election Day Reporting, 935 311 3126 123 81 113 101 47 155 0 193 62 99 54 0 304120 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1524 817 53.81 298 245 193 225 189 459 22 448 183 198 0 1 304120 - Election Day Reporting 1524 362 _ 23.75 123 94 89 83 88 247 2 201 78 83 304200 - Vote by Mail Reporting 721 463 64.22 149 152 207 189 72 143 14 303 87 72 0 304200 - Election Day Reporting 721 176 24.69 46 L 63 81 86 20 79 0 111 33 L 33 0 304500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 930 465 48.92 ` 166 150 126 143 84 235 2 244 97 110 0 304500 - Election Day Reporting 930 269 28.92 96 56 82 69 37 190 2 144 47 78 3 304600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1117 565 50.58 232 177 149 178 120 258 16 313 134 117 0 1 304600 - Election Day Reporting 1117 322 28.83 125 83 81 99 45 206 4 167 60 93 1 304700 - Vote by Mail Reporting 888 472 53.15 173 150 93 138 111 260 18 260 112 100 0 304700 Election Day, Reporting 888 205 " 23.09 65 81 48 57 29 148 0 108 36 60 0 304800 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1028 486 47.28 205 134 12.6 147 102 250 8 267 116 102 0 304600 - Election Day Reporting 1028 291. 28.31 114 84 76 74 55 r 198 2 142 70 77 304900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 848 432 50.94 155 151 85 142 109 218 2 244 98 87 0 0 304900 - Election Day Reporting 846 262 30.90 83 75 74 53 54 183 2 139 51 71 305000 - Vote by Mail Reporting 764 376 49,21 149 102 122 100 77 197 4 204 82 87 0 305000 - Election Day Reporting 764 206 ' 26.E 79 60 54 42 L 51 126 0 117 37 51 0 0 305010 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1183 737 62.30 239 216 176 245 167 399 32 409 139 189 0 305010 - Election Day Reporting 1183 215 18.17 51 57 61 42 'fit 175 2 95 38 82 305100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1341 693 51.68 238 214 177 194 201 355 4 395 139 155 0 0 305100 - Election Day Reporting 1341 272 20.28 90 50 76 65 65 196 0 128 64 77 305400 - Vole by Mail Reporting 855 464 5427 168 141 140 151 102 218 8 240 11e 104 0 305400 - Election Day Reporting 855 245 . 28.65 82 74 68 76 51 138 L a 124 62 57 0 305410 - Vote by Mall Reporting 809 • 427 52.78 156 135 116 128 90 223 6 231 97 99 305410 - Election Day Reporting 809 225 27.81 78 53 48 64 ` 41 175 107 42 76 0 305500 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1277 551 43.15 225 118 99 131 149 360 16 307 115 124 0 0 30550D - Election Day Reporting 1277 321 25.14 121 75 64 49 81 246 4 161 80 76 1 305600 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1200 533 44.42 211 147 110 152 138 297 10 286 110 134 0 305600 - Election Day Reporting 1200 323 26.92 128 87 m 1 82 67 215 4 167 178 77 0 305700 - Vote by Mall Reporting 988 534 54.05 221 154 126 L 179 95 284 8 287 115 132 0 305700 - Election Day Reporting 988 278 28.14 108 69 82 66 04 174 0 140 64 71 0 Vote by Mail Reporting Totals 48849 26589 54.43 9475 8097 6968 8897 6182 12952 526 15278 5506 5719 19 Election Day Reporting Totals 48649 ` 12745 26.09 4381 3311 3474 3577 2511 8115 78 6755 2633 3294 4 District Totals - Absentee District Grand Totals 13th Congressional District 48849 39334 80.52 13856 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 9th State Senatorial District 48849 39334 80.52 13856 11408 - 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 18th Assembly District 48849 39334 80.52 13856 L 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033. 8139 9013 23 2nd Dist, Board of Equalization 48849 39334 80.52 13866 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 3rd SupervisodalDistrict 48849 39334 80.52 13866 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 ALAMEDA 48849 39334 80.52 13856 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 City of Alameda 48649 39334 80.52 13856 11408 10442 12474 8693 21067 604 22033 8139 9013 23 Grand Totals 1 48841 393341 $0.521 1 138561 114COI 104421 124741 86931 210671 6041 22033 8139 9013 23 November 22, 2016 4:58 pm Page 232 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION NON- PARTISAN TREASURER - ALAMEDA d O w a B W • w Z J 9 H nd m V p 04 Lu =3 Y m y O y 0 0 sw a. W U. j i m !z le 300000 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1427 771 r 64.03 - 448 123 197 0 300000 - Election Day Reporting 1427 338 23.69 191 52 91 1 300100 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1257 813 64.68 551 118 144 0 300100 - Election Day Reporting 1257 266 21.16 165 49 61 0 300110 - Vote by Mall Reporting 887 472 53.21 287 65 119 1 300110 - Election Day Reporting 887 261 29.43 164 39 65 1 300120 - Vote by Mail Reporting -` 1483 833 56.17 551 123 167 0 300120 - Election Day Reporting 1463 385 25.96 235 62 87 '- 0 300140 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1265 782 ' 61.82 475 111 193 1 300140 - Election Day Reporting 1265 267 21.11 164 29 73 0 300150 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1049 659 62.82 436 90 131 0 300150 - Election Day Reporting 1049 212 20.21 138 24 50 0 300170 - Vote by Mail Reporting 619 376. 60.74 233 68 85 0 300170 - Election Day Reporting 619 145 23.42 89 - 17 39 0 30018a- Vote by Mall Reporting 817 464 56.79 287 73 104 ' 0 300180- Election Day Reporting 817 199 24.36 105 42 51 0 300210 - Vote by Mail Reporting 830 544 65.54 367 81 95 0 300210 -Election Day Reporting 830 163 19.64 111 14 37 0 300300 - Vole by Mail Reporting 794 477 60.08 322 71 r- 83 1 300300- Election Day Reporting 794 ;208 26.20 131 31 46 0 300400 -Vote by Mall Reporting 1468 883 60.15 567 134 161 0 300400 - Election Day Reporting 1466 411 28.00 272 60 89 0 301100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 747 468 62.65 322 66 79 1 301100 - Election Day Reporting 747 195 26.10 132 27 36 0 301200 - Vote by Mail Reporting, 793 418 62.71 276 67 83 2 301200 - Election Day Reporting 793 261 32.91 160 28 72 0 301400 -Vote by Mall Reporting 1561 908 68.17 688 : 144 174 0 301400. Election Day Reporting 1561 407 26.07 243 70 93 0 301520 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1656 881 53.20 548 143 190 0 301520 - Election Day Reporting 1656 432 26.09 230 64 138 0 301600 - Vote by Mail Reporting _ 1004 606 50.40 325 70 110 301800 - Election Day Reporting =1004 316 3147 200 46 69 0 301900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1038 510 49.13 296 106 107 1 301900 - Election Day Reporting 1038 293 28.23 160 40 92 0 302000 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1024 579 56.54 390 83 104 302000 - Election Day Reporting 1024 259 25.29 160 30 67 0 30V 00 -Vote by Mail Reporting 749 322 42.99 203 46 71 0 302100 • Election Day Reporting 749 245 32.71 156 33 56 302200 - Vote by Mali Reporting 1435 849. 59.16 563 128 158 302200 - Election Day Reporting 1435 404 28.15 255 72 76 302400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 835 411 49.22 267 66 75 302400 - Election Day Reporting 835 223 26.71 127 33 62 302500 -Vote by Mall. Reporting 1461 755 50.98 469 104 180 1 302500 - Election Day Reporting 1481 406 27.41 210 76 116 0 302510 -Vote by Mail Reporting 914 453 4948 260 80 112 0 302510 - Election Day Reporting 914 269 29.43 152 38 79 0 302700 - Vote by Mail Reporting 979 486 49.84 311 75 100 0 302700 - Election Day Reporting 979 270 27.58 148 37 83 0 303000 = Vote by Mail Reporting 906 467 51.65 285 63 118 0 303000 - Election Day Reporting 906 274 30.24 162 39 71 0 303300 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1214 725 59.72 482 168 135 0 303300 - Election Day Reporting 1214 , 245 20.18 144 39 60 0 303400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 753 487 64.67 344 66 77 0 303400 - Election Day Reporting 753 160 21.25 111 22 26 0 303500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 647 446 52.66 269 75 101 0 303500 - Elect on Day Reporting 847 " 263 31.05 165 39 57 0 303600 - Vote by Mali Reporting 1568 788 50.26 497 138 150 1 303600 - Election Day Reporting 1568 434 27.68 255 73 104 1 303800 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1041 57 55.33 355 93 125 2 November 22, 2016 4:58 pm Page 233 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION NON- PARTISAN TREASURER -ALAMEDA i Qo w g ' o w a w w Z --i V 5 X > o N 0 C Q Z LL y > LL1 (ri,� LL 'p N OC m h � be > > 67 303800 - Election Day Reporting 1041 249 23.92 _ 134 63 62 0 304000 -Vote by Mail Reporting 935 475 50.80 311 68 96 0 304000 - Election Day Reporting 935 311 33.26 199 52 68 ` 0 304120 -Vote 6y Mail Reporting 1524 817 53.61 508 129 175 2 304120 - Election Day Reporting 1524 362 23.76 211 63 86 1 304200 - Vote by Mail Reporting 721 463 64.22 338 67 68 0 304200 - Election Day Reporting 721 178 24.69 124 18 36 0 304500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 930 455 48.92 262 82 108 1 304500 - Election Day Reporting 930 269 28.92 143 34 '89 0 304600 -Vote by Mail Reporting, 1117 565 50.58 371 90 102 0 304600 - Election Day Reporting 1117 322 28.83 196 30 93 0 304700 -Vote by Mail Reporting 888 472 53.15 296 79 97 0 304700 - Election Day Reporting 888 ..., 205 23.09 .,... 116 30 58 0.... .. 304800 - Vole by Mail Reporting 1028 486 , 47.28 290: 88 107 0 304800 = Election Day Reporting 1028 281 28.31 160 52 79 0 304900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 848 432 50.94 274 66 89 1 304900 - Election Day Reporting 848 262 30.90 157 34 71 0 305000 - Vote by Mall Repotting 764 376 49.21 238 60 76 0 305000 - Election Day Reporting 764 > ' 206 26.96 131 30 44 0 305010 'Vote by Mail Reporting 1183 737 62.30 440 ` 126. 171 0 305010 - Election Day Reporting ` 1183 215 18.17 108 26 80 0 305100 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1341 693 51.68 433 110 146 1 305100 - Election Day Reporting 1341 272 20.28 143 46 79 0 - 305400 -Vote by Mail Reporting 865 464 54.27 275 92 96 0 305400 - Election Day Reporting 855 245 28.65 141 39 65 0 " 305410 - Vote by Mail Reporting am 427 52.78 245 - 83 08 0 305410. Election Day Reporting 809 225 27.81 114 36 75 0 " 305500 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1277 551 43.15 351 90 110 0 305500 - Election Day Reporting 1277 321 25.14 188 56 72 1 305600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1200 533 44.42 313 84 134 0 305600 - Election Day Reporting 1200 323 " 26.92 190 57 73 0 305700 - Vote by Mail Reporting . 988 534 54.05 312 89 .132. 0 305700 - Election Day Reporting 988 278 28.14 159 42 76 0 Vote by Mail Reporting Totals 48849 26589 54.43 16849 4153 5522 16 Election Day Reporting Totals 48849 12745 26.09 7629 1913: 3243 6 District Totals - Absentee District Grand Totals 13th Congressional DlsMct 48849 39334 80.52 24378 6068 8765 21 9th State Senatorial District 48849 ' 39334 80.52 24378 6066 8765 21 18th Assembly District 48849 39334 80.52 ` 24378 6066 6765 21 2nd Dist, Board of Equalization 48849 39334 80.52 24378 6066 8765 21 " 3rd Supervisoriat District 48849 39334 80.52 24378 6066 8765 21 ALAMEDA 48849 39334 80.52 24378 6056 8765 21 City of Alameda 48849 39334 80,52 24376 6066 8765 21 Grand Totals 488491 393341 8D.521 24378 6066 8765 21 November 22, 2016 4:58 pm Page 234 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA u9 Ili 0 U- 0 0 _j w > Ix 00 E 1- 0 z :s 300000 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1427 771 54.03 479 194 91 1 365 314 64 2 300000 - Election Day Reporting 1427 338 23.69 189 92 57 0 169 130 37 J 2 300100 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1257 813 64.68 521 1 219 65 1 475 M 43 3 300100 - Election Day Reporting 1257 266 21.16 159 64 43 0 143 98 25 a 300110 - Vote by Mali Reporting 867 472 53.21 321 98 43 0 233 190 31 0 300110 - Election Day Reporting 887 261 29.43 172 50 38 1 131 102 28 0 300126 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1483 833 56.17 543 197 72 3 458 307 49 1 300120 - Election Day Reporting 1483 385 25.96 229 110 46 0 210 146 26 a 300140 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1265 782 61.82 474 230 so 1 376 353 44 1 300140 - Election Day Reporting 1265 267 21.11 176 60 30 0 144 lic 12 0 300160 -Vote by Mali Reporting 1049 659 82.82 418 158 72 1 334 267 47 1 300150 - Election Day Reporting 1049 212 20.21 125 57 27 0 109 76 24 0 300170 - Vote by Mail Reporting 619 376 60.74 223 105 43 0 212 137 22 0 300170 - Election Day Reporting 619 145 23.42 76 48 19 0 70 62 11 0 300180 - Vote by MallReporting 817 464 56.79 301 109 41 1 253 168 28 3 300180 - Election Day Reporting 817 099 24.36 122 55 22 0 109 72 17 1 300210 - Vote by Mail Reporting 830 644 65.54 327 179 34 0 286 228 28 0 300210 Election Day Reporting 830 163 19.64 107 37 20 0 98 66 10 0 300300 Vote by Mail Reiportlng 794 477 60.08 338 103 33 r 1 241 214 IQ I 300300 Election Day, Reporting 794 208 26.20 126 58 25 0 86 101 22 0 300400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1468 883 60,15 w 255 71 0 448 376 49 1 300400 - Election Day Reporting 1488 411 28.00 265 98 48 a 179 203 28 1 301100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 747 468 62.65 306 127 30 0 224 214 25 0 301100 - Election Day Reporting 747 195 26.10 132 43 20 a 101 77 17 0 301200_ Vote by Mall Reporting 793 418 52.71 290 35 a 237 163 24 2 301200'- Election Day Reporting 793 261 32.91 152 63 36 0 '125 100 26 0 301400 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1561 908 58.17 649 185 65 1 496 363 42 a 301400 - Election Day Reporting 1561 407 26.07 255 100 50 0 206 176 23 0 301520 - Vote by Mail Reporting 165e $81 53.20 593 200 81 a 469 363 41 1 301520 - Election Day Reporting 165e 432 26.09 285 so 81 1 180 188 59 0 361800 -,Vote by Mall Reporting 1004 508 50.40 343 124 35 a 303 176 21 2 30180Q- Election Day Reporting 1 316 31.47 207 81 29 a 152 148 Is 0 301900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1038 510 49.13 348 107 54 0 257 221 31 0 301900 - Election Day Reporting 1038 293 28.23 174 58 61 0 122 139 32 0 302000 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1024 579 56.64 372 142 54 0 317 225 25 1 302000 - Election Day Reporting 1024 259 25.29 170 63 27 0 133 108 19 0 302100 - Vote by Mail Reporting .749 322 42.99 230 63 26 0 187 112 19 0 302100 - Election, Day Reporting z49 24 5 32,71 150 62 33 a 117 98 30 a 302200 Vote by Mall Reporting 1435 849 69.16 659 220 63 a 463 334 43 2 302200 - Election Day Reporting 1435 404 28.15 249 115 38 0 220 160 22 a 302400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 835 411 49.22 280 94 33 0 222 161 23 1 302406 - Election Day Reporting 835 223 26.71 128 51 44 0 110 89 24 0 302500 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1481 755 50.98 516 152 7 1 6 0 421 292 30 1 302500 - Election Day Reporting 1481 406 27.41 263 Ja 66 0 177 190 40 0 302510 - Vote by Mall Reporting .,914 463 49.56 309 92 43 1 241 176 25 3 302510 - Election Day Reporting 914 269 29.43 182 51 33 a 133 112 21 0 302700 - Vote by Mail Reporting 979 486 49.64 336 100 40 1 246 213 18 0 302700 - Election Day Reporting 979 270 27.58 162 58 49 0 126 113 31 0 303000 -Vote by Mail Reporting 996 467 51.55 318 97 42 1 223 203 132 0 303000 - Election Day Reporting 906 274 3024 171 66 37 0 134 109 31 0 303300 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1214 725 , 59.72 478 193 47 1 397 283 39 • 0 303300 - Election Day Reporting 1214 245 20.18 139 69 37 0 124 95 26 0 303400 - Vote by Mall Reporting 753 487 64.67 312 127 43 0 289 170 23 0 303400 - Election Day Reporting 753 160 21.25 98 40 22 0 87 62 11 0 303500 -Vote by Mall Reporting 2847 446 62.66 260 112 47 0 24 '62 2' 303500 - Election Day Reporting 847 263 31.05 176 Eki 21 0 ji: 3_5 1: 303600 -Vote by Mail Reporting 15M 788 50.261 2:81 639 185 69 0 402 341 1 40 100, 303600 - Election Day Reporting 15681 341 4� 27�6 280 91 62 0 W 04 204 42 0 2 303800 - Vote by Mall Reporting 10411 676 55.33 3571 1531 60 0 1 273 4 01 Nov6mber 22, 2016 5:04 pm Page 808 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA c w w 1 � � � J J } a a 0 0 Q { F F- V U j c O Y J jv a 2 O a ' ; y > > Ln c ` Q� W {yy{y�r O G �sd W (µnn 0 `d) d' w F Y Z � Q 2 r 'Z 303800 - Election Day Reporting 1041 249 23.92 162 66 21 114 120 15 304000 - Vote by Mail Reporting 935 476 60.80 304 127 .39 0 247 199 23 1 304000 - Election Day Reporting 9 311 33.26 205 81 26 0 158 137 17 0 304120 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1524 817 53.61 541 194 67 2 431 323 48 2 304120 - Election Day Reporting 1524 362 23.75 235 84 41 1 169 137 35 0 304200 - Vote by Mail Reporting 721 ', 463 64.22 269 160 40 0 264 177 17 1 304200 - Election Day Reporting 721 178 ' 24.69 109 48 19 0 97 70 9 0 304500 - Vole by Mail Reporting 930 455 " 48.92 281 ` 118 49 0 214 209 25 . 0 304500 - Election Day Reporting 930 269 28.92 162 66 41 0 127 113 29 0 304600 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1117 565 50.58 386 133 39 0 301 233 23 3 304600 - Election Day Reporting 1117 322 28.83 208 64 50 0 148 138 36 0 304700 - Vote by Mall Reporting 888 472 53.15 301 117 50 0 227 212 29 0 304700 - Election Day Reporting, 888 205 23.09 138 33 33 0 100 86 18' 0 304800 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1028 488 47.28 332 106 - 42 1 262 191 27 1 304800 - Election Day Reporting 1028 291 28,31 164 62 44 ' 0 129 131 30 0 304900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 848 432 60.94 276 113 39 0 240 165 22 1 304900 - Election Day Reporting 848 262 30.90 151 73 37 0 125 110 26 0 305000 - Vole by Mali Reporting 764 376 49.21 256 78 37 0 198 150 23 0 305000 - Election Day Reporting 764 206 28.98 134 42 30 0 114 72 c 20 0 305010 - Vote by Mali Reporting 1183 737 62.30 '495 169 68 1 ° 39 273 53 2 305010 - Election Day Reporting 1183 216 18.17 124 45 46 0 103 83 29 0 305100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1341 693 51.68 448 184 46 0 320 327 29 2 305100 -Election Day Reporting 1341 272 20.28 160 60 52 0 111 123 38 0 305400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 855 464 54.27 295 123 42 0 207 230 23 0 305400= Election Day Reporting 855 245 28.65 162 "58 27 0 110 118 17 0 305410- Vote by Mail Reporting 609 427 52.78 259 ` 117 r 44 3 214 179 30 0 306410 - Election pay Reporting 809 225 27.81 157 41 28 0 106 99 21 ' 0 305500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1277 551 43.15 386 105 57 0 328 189 31 305500 - Election Day Reporting 1277 321 25.14 225 54 40 0 171 117 31 0 305600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1200 533 44.42 339 126 61 0 251 230 45 0 305600 - Election Day Reporting 1200 323 - . 26.92 210 76 37 0 142 151 30 0 305700 - Vote by Mall Reporting 986 534 64.05 344 129 55 0 284 219 24 1 305700 - Election Day Reporting 988 278 28.14 194 59 23 0 133 130 13 0 Vote by Mail Reporting Totals 48849 26689 54.43 17422 6490 2341 21 13999 10770 1465 40 Election Day Reporting Totals 48849 12745 26.09 - 8029 2964 1715 3 ' 6168 5394 1145 . 4 District Totals - Absentee District Grand Totals 13th Congressional District 48849 39334 80.52 25451 9454 4056 24 20167 16164 2610 44 9th State Senatorial District 48849 39334 80.62 25451 9454 4056 24 20167 16164 2610 44 lath Assembly District 48849 39334 80.52 26451 9454 4056 24 20167 16184 2610 44 2nd Dist, Board of Equalization 1,48849 39334 80.52 25451 : 9454 4056 24 20167 16164 2610 44 3rd Supervisorial District 48849 39334 80.52 25451 9454 4056 24 20167 16164 2610 44 ALAMEDA 46849 39334 80.52 25451 9454 4056 24 20167 16164 2610 44 City of Alameda 48849 393341 80.52 25451 9454 40561 241 20167 16164 2610 44 Grand Totals 48849 39334 80.52 25451 9454 4058 24 20187 16164 2810 44 November 22, 2016 5:04 pm Page 809 of 965 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION NON-PARTISAN MEASURE M1 - CITY OF ALAMEDA U. 0 0 0 0 0! to Z, 300000 - Vote by Mail Reporting. '1427 771 54.03 137 556 70 2 300000 - Election Day Reporting 1427 338 23.69 84 213 41 a 300100 - Vote by Mail Reporting' 1267 '813 64.68 130 622 63 1 300100 - Election Day Reporting 1257 266 21.16 53 186 27 0 300110 - Vote by Mail Reporting 887 472 63.21 120 313 29 0 300110 - Election Day Reporting, 887 261 29.43 79 152 30 a 300120 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1483 833 56.17 170 594 50 1 300120 - Election Day Reporting 1403 365 25.96 90 283 31 0 300140 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1265 782 61.82 130 597 47 0 300140 - Election Day Reporting 1265 267 21.11 62 186 18 0 300150 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1049 659 62.82 ill 490 47 1 300150 - Election Day Reporting 1049 212 20.21 33 152 24 0 300176 -Vote by Mail Reporting 619 376 60.74 63 294 24 0 300170 - Election Day Reporting 610 W 23.42 23 1107 13 0 300180 - Vote by Mail Reporting $17 464 56.79 84 341 26 1 300180 - Election Day Reporting 817 igg 24.36 41 136 22 0 300210 - Vote by Mall Reporting 830 544 65.54 73 436 30 1 300210 - Election Day Reporting 830 163 19.64 20 135 9 0 300300 -Vote by Mall Repo'111 n g 1 794 4177 60.08 98 347 29 1 300300 - Election Day Reporting 794 208 26.20 66 133 20 C 300400 --Vote by Mall Reporting 1468 883 6015 178 B47 49 0 300400 - Election Day Reporting 1468 411 28.00 114 265 32 0 301100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 747 468 62.65 85 350 28 0 301100 - Election Day Reporting 747 195 28.10 49 129 17 0 301200. Vote by Mail Reporting 793 418 62.71 101 294 20 1 30,12,00 - Election Day Reporting 703 261 32.91 61 159 30 -1 301400 -Vote by Mall Reporting 1561 08 68.17 248 .608 46 0 301400 - Election Day Reporting 1561 407 26.07 130 245 29 1 301520 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1656 881 53.20 359 460 64 1 301520 - Election Day Reporting 1656 432 26.09 209 161 67 0 301600 Vote by Mail Reporting 1004 50 60,40 141 336 23 2 301800 = Election Day Reporting 1004 318 31,47 107 186 24 .0 301906 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1038 610 49.13 211 263 33 2 301900 - Election Day Reporting 1638 293 28.23 134 125 34 0 302000 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1024 579 56.54 149 385 34 0 302000 - Election Day Reporting 1024 259 25.29 92 154 14 0 302I60 -Vote by Mall Reporting 749 322 42.99 97 199 22 a 302100. Election Day Re porting 749 245 32.71 88 129 28 0 302200 - Vote by Mai Reporting 1435 849 59.16 150 637 55 0 302200 - Election Day Reporting 1435 404 28.15 86 288 28 0 302400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 835 411 49.22 181 224 20 2 302400 - Election Day Reporting 835 223 26.71 95 go 30 0 302500 -. Vote by Mall Reporting 1481 755 50.98 344 356 44 0 302600 - Election Day Reporting MI 406 .27.41 185 173 48 1 302510 = Vote by Mall Reporting 914 463 49.68 185 230 28 2 302510 -Election Day Reporting 914 269 29.43 129 115 22 0 302700 - Vote by Mail Reporting 979 486 49.64 205 248 24 0 302700 - Election Day Reporting 979 270 27.58 110 128 31 0 303000 - Vote by Mall Reporting Sao 467 51.65 169 251 38 0 303000 Election Day Reporting 906 274 30.24 92 144 38 0 303300 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1214 725 59.72 158 513 47 1 303300 - Election Day Reporting 1214 245 20.18 64 151 30 0 303400 - Vote by Mall Reporting 753 487 64.67 Ila 354 18 0 303400 - Election Day Reporting 753 160 21.25 37 112 .11 0 303500 - Vote by Mau Reporting 847 446 52.66 140 271 28 0 303500 - Election Day Reporting 847 263 31.05 108 131 24 0 303600 -Vote by Mall Repo 788 50.26 311 431 39 2 303600 - Election Day Reporting 156 434 27.68 177 219 37 1303800 - Vote by Mall Reporting 1041 576 55.33 I891 342 461 0 November 22, 2016 5:04 pm Page 610 of 966 ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote GENERAL ELECTION NON- PARTISAN MEASURE M1 - CITY OF ALAMEDA 0 w t LL O {4 fi F ( V e ' w g Lu c w a �r O c tt OG m 1- Z 303800 - Election Day Reporting 1041 249 - 23.92 96 138 15 0 304000.- Vote by Mail Reporting 935 475 50.80 149 299 21 1 304000`- Election Day Reporting 935 311 33.28 108 ' 183 21 0 304120 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1524 _ 817 53.61 268 472 64 0 304120 - Election Day Reporting 1524 362 23.75 180 147 34 0 304200 - Vote by Mail Reporting 721 463 64.22 76 383 20 0 304200 - Election Day Reporting 721 178 . ` 24.69 48 115 13 0 304500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 930 455 , 48.92 169 253 26 0 304500 - Election Day Reporting _ 930 269 28.92 104 - 137 28 0 304600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1117 565 60.68 236 295 27 2 304600 - Election Day Reporting 1117 322 28.83 143 145 34 0 304700 - Vote by Me# Reporting 888 472 5315 194 242 32 0 304700 - Election Day Reporting 888 205 23.09 100 89 '15 0 304600 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1028 486 47.28 192. 251 37 1 304800 - Election Day Reporting 1028 ": 291 28.31 126 ' 125 39 304900 - Vote by Mail Reporting 848 432 60.94 179 219 29 1 304900 - Election Day Reporting 848 262 30.90 100 136 25 0 305000 - Vole by Mail Reporting 764 376 49.21 136 214 21 0 305000.; Election.Day Reporting 764 206 26.96 77 104 ' 25 305010 -Vote by Mail Reporting ;' 1183 737 62.30 209 439 73 2 305010 - Election Day Reporting 1183 216 '' 18.17 58 117 40 0 305100 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1341 693 51.68 166 480 32 0 305100 - Election Day Reporting 1341 272 20.28 96 135 41 0 305400 - Vote by Mail Reporting 855 464 54.27 157 276 26 1 305400 - Election Day Reporting 855 245 28.65 102 120 23 0 305410 - Vote,by Mail Reporting 809 427 52.78 147 242 34 0 305410- Election Day Reporting 809 225 27.81 106 105 15 0 305500 - Vote by Mail Reporting 1277 551 43.15 283 228 36 1 30550D - Election Day Reporting 1277 321 25.14 182 104 33 0 305600 -Vote by Mail Reporting 1200 533 44.42 226 257 43 0 305600 - Election Day Reporting 1200 323 26.92 144 145 - 33 1 305700 -Vote by Mail Reporting 988 534 ` 54.05 181 312 35 0 305700 - Election Day Reporting 988 278 26.14 147 " 117 12 0 Vote by Mail Reporting Totals 48849 26689 54.43 7756 16831 1657 30 Election Day Reporting Totals 48849 12745 26.09 4525 :.6937 1245 _ 4 District Totals - Absentee Distdct Grand Totals 13th Congressional Distdct 48849 39334 80.52 12281 23768 2902 34 9th State Senatorial Distdct 48849 39334 80.62 12281 '. 23768 2902 34 18th Assembly Distdct 48849 .39334 80.62 12281 23768 2902 34 2nd Dist, Board of Equalization 48849 " 39334 80.52 12281 23768 2902 34 3rd SupervisodalDistrict 48849 39334 80.52 12281 23768 2902 34 ALAMEDA 48849 39334 80.52 12281 23768 2902 34 City of Alameda 48849 39334 80,52 12281 23768 2902 34 Grand Totals 488491 393341 80.521 122611 237681 29021 34 November 22, 2016 5:04 pm Page 811 of 965 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 6th day of December, 2016, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, Matarrese, Oddie and Mayor Spencer — 4. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft — 1. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th day of December, 2016. LAI a 1 Wlr- Kern 61 torney Lara Weisiger, City � rk City of Alameda