Spencer 700CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION A PUBLIC DOCUMENT Please type or print in ink. NAME OF FILER (LAST) SPENCER 1. Office, Agency, or Court Agency Name (Do not use acronyms) CITY OF ALAMEDA Division, Board, Department, District, if applicable CITY COUNCIL STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTER ,, -STS '-' , - ..-,., . P, COVER PAGE (FIRST) PATRICIA Your Position MAYOR If filing for multiple positions, list below or on an attachment. (Do not use acronyms) Agency: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) El State 0 Multi-County CityALAMEDA of 3. Type of Statement (Check at least one box) Annual: The period covered is January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016. -or- The period covered is December 31, 2016. 0 Assuming Office: Dale assumed _/_/ 0 Candidate: Election year 4. Schedule Summary (must complete) Schedules attached , through Position: (MIDDLE) V 0 Judge or Court Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) 0 County of 0 Other 1.111812■1116.1■1 0 Leaving Office: Date Left / (Check one) o The period covered is January 1, 2016, through the date of leaving office. -or- 0 The period covered is / / , through the date of leaving office. and office sought, if different than Part 1: ■ Total number of pages including this cover page: 10 Schedule A-1 - Investments — schedule attached 0 Schedule A-2 - Investments — schedule attached 0 Schedule B - Real Property — schedule attached -or- , 0 None - No reportable interests on any schedule 5. Verification MAILING ADDRESS STREET (Business or Agency Address Recommended - Public Document) 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE #320 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER ( 510 ) 747-4700 Schedule C - Income, Loans, & Business Positions — schedule attached Schedule D - Income — Gifts — schedule attached 11 Schedule E - Income — Gifts — Travel Payments — schedule attached CITY ALAMEDA E-MAIL ADDRESS STATE ZIP CODE CA 94501 tspencer@alamedaca.gov I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in any attached schedules is true and complete. I acknowledge this is a public document. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that with your Ring official.) FPPC Form 700 (2016/2017) FPPC Advice Email: advice@fppc.ca.gov FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/275-3772 www.fppc.ca.gov SPENCER, PATRICIA V. FORM 700 AGENCY: Alameda County Lead Abatement Joint Power Authority Board POSITION: Board Member Assumed Office: 01/22/2015 AGENCY: Alameda County Transportation Commission POSITION: Commissioner Member Assumed Office: 01/26/2015 AGENCY: Stopwaste.org Alameda County Waste Management Authority POSITION: Board Member Assumed Office: 01/28/2015 AGENCY: Association of Bay Area Government POSITION: Executive Board Member Assumed Office: 01/2015 SCHEDULE C Income, Loans, & Business Positions (Other than Gifts and Travel Payments) CALIFORNIA FORM 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION Name PATRICIA SPENCER NAME OF SOLJRCE OF INCOME BANK OF THE WEST ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) 2527 CAMINO RAMON BUSNESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE SAN RAMON, CA YOUR BUSINESS POSITION BANKER GROSS INCOME RECEIVED 0 No Income Business Position only 0 $1.001 $10,000 0 OVER $100,000 CONSIDERATION FOR \M-IICH INCOME INAS RECEIVED O oalary Spouse's or registered domestic partner's ncome (For self-employed use Schedule A-2.) EJ Partnership (Less than 10% ownership. For 10% or greater Schedule A-2.) []Salem U Loan repayment O Commission or Rental Income, CisC each source of $1«00ommore (Real property car boat, etc.) O Other NAME OF SOURCE OF INCOME ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE YOUR BUSINESS POSITION GROSS INCOM RECEIVED LJo500 'm.000 LJ m10,00 's1ouo00 No Income Business Position Only 0 m.001 $10,000 U OVER m/00,mm CONSIDERATION FOR WHICI-I INCOME WAS RECEIVED 0 Salary 0 Spouse's or registered domestic partner's (For seIr-employed use Schedule A-2,) 0 Partnership (Less than 10% ownership. For 10% or greater usa Schedule A-2.) 0 Sale of O Loan repayment O Commission or fl Rental Income, tise each source m$1u00oor more (Real properly, car, boat, etc.) 0 Other __ You are not required to report loans from commercial lending institutions, or any indebtedness created as part of a retail iristaliment or credit card tnansacdon, made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the pub(ic without regard to 'our officia( status. Persona Ioans and oans received not in a ender's regular course of buskiess must be disc(osed as foliows: NAME OF LENDER* ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF LENDER HIGHEST BALANCE DURING REPORTING PERIOD 0 s500 '51,00 0 $1.001'o10,000 0 510,00 5100,000 0 OVER $100,000 Comments: INTEREST RATE TERM (Months/Years) % 0 None SECURITY FOR LOAN 0 None 0 Real Property 0 Guarantor El Other 0 Personal residence Street address City FPPC Form 700 (2016/2017) Sch. C FPPC Advice Email: advice@fppc.ca.gov pppc Toll-Free xeipUne:no6/z7s-377z www.fppc.ca.gov SCHEDULE D Income -- Gifts NAME OF SOURCE (Nof an Acronym) ALAMEOA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) 1221 OAK ST. OAKLAND, CA 94612 BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE DATE (mm/dd/yy) VALUE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) Name PATRICIA SPENCER NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) CITY OF YEONGDONG-ULJ ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) SISTER CITY DELEGATION BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE OCT. 12-17, 2016 DATE (mm/dd/yy) VALUE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) 04��L�� 268 CONCERT SEE ATTACHMENT ---�---�--- " M1.18 50 S0UVEN|R|NGTRMT 10±±17/ h6 60 WINE (3 BOTTLES) NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) P NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSNESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE omE(mmmmvy) VALUE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) DATE (mm/dd/n ) VALUE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) --_/ L--- ' NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) 1 NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) ADDRESS (Busines Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Busines Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE omE(mnmm'y) VALUE DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) DATE (mm/dd/yy VALUE ___/ / n L—_-L__ p ---I / __—/ / _--1__J n __—L_—_I Comments: DESCRIPTION OF GIFT(S) FPPC Form 700 (2016/2017) Sch. D FPPC Advice Email: advice@fppc.ca.gov pprc Toll-Free *e|p|ine:oo6/27s'377z www.fppc.ca.gov Schedule D Attachment. Name of Source: City of Yeongdong-gun, South Korea Address: On October 12-17, 2016, Mayor Spencer and the Alameda Sister City Association (ASCA) visited Yeongdong-gun, South Korea. Mayor Park Se-Bok. invited Spencer to travel to his city to continue buliding the sister-city relationship that began when Alameda Sister City Association visited Dumaguete, PhUipin8S. in November 2015, a sister-city of both Alameda and Yeongdong-gun, South Korea. Members of the Alameda delegation e joyed tours of the city and participated in business, academic and government forums. The City of Yeongdong-gun provided for the Alameda delegation, including Mayor Spencer, meals (5 breakfast, 5 lunch, 5 dinner: estimate $200 USA tota); transportation (van: estimate $50 USA total), hotel accommodations (4 nights, estimate $200 total). Each de|og8t8, including the K88yDF, paid for their own transportation (flights) to and from '{eongdong-Gun from Alameda. *pIease note that value of meals are estimates as meals were buffets, graciously provided by the host.