2017-09-05 Special CS MinutesSpecial Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
TUESDAY- -SEPTEMBER 5, 2017- -5:30 P.M.
Mayor Spencer convened the meeting at 5:33 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie,
Vella and Mayor Spencer – 5.
[Note: Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft arrived at 5:35 p.m.]
Absent: None.
(17-493) Workshop on a Proposed Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Section 30-5.15 (Medical Dispensaries and Cultivation) of the Alameda
Municipal Code in its Entirety; Adding a New Article XVI (Cannabis Businesses); Adding
a New Section 30-10 (Cannabis); and Amending Sections 24-11 (Smoking Prohibitions
in Places of Employment and Unenclosed Public Places) and 24 -12 (Smoking
Prohibitions in Housing).
The City Manager and the Community Development Director made introductory
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Council would not be voting on the
ordinance tonight.
The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the purpose of the workshop is
for Council to provide direction.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the workshop is a first reading of the
ordinance, to which the City Manager responded in the negative.
Neil Hall, SCI Consulting Group, and the Community Development Director gave a
Power Point presentation.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired what vertical integration means.
Mr. Hall responded vertical integration means a cultivator can also be a manufacturer
and can hold a license for everything but testing.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether testing is a standalone license, to which
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
Mr. Hall responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired why there is a 600 foot buffer.
Mr. Hall responded the 600 feet is the State regulation and the minimum that is required
in other cities.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the 600 feet regulation is only from a
school or daycare center, and does not include public parks.
Mr. Hall responded the regulation has also been used for public parks; stated including
parks is at the preference of the city.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft how the City would know how much time a license would
take when doing the license for the first time.
Mr. Hall responded there is a learning curve with the industry; stated there is no real
way to know the time but an estimate is given.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether vaping is included in the smoking ordinance.
The Community Development Director responded in the negative; stated part of the
draft ordinance before Council would update the smoking ordinance to prohibit cannabis
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether tobacco vaping is in the ordinance.
The Community Development Director responded tobacco vapi ng was not around when
the smoking ordinance was adopted.
Councilmember Oddie inquired what is the significance of the January 1st deadline.
The Community Development Director responded January 2 nd is the date the State will
start issuing temporary licenses; stated a local jurisdiction needs to affirmatively
regulate the industry or ban it outright ahead of the January 2 nd deadline; if the City
does not have regulations or a ban, the State will presume the uses are permitted solely
based on the State requirements; if there is no consensus by the deadline, staff would
recommend banning cannabis activity to allow time to work through the regulatory
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether Alameda has a ban on medicinal use but
nothing in place for recreational use.
The Community Development Director responded in the affirmative; stated the
ordinance needs updating.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Councilmember Oddie inquired how local ownership could be encouraged.
Mr. Hall responded there are programs for local hiring.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the 600 foot regulation can be changed.
Mr. Hall responded there is conflict regarding the regulation, which states both a
minimum of 600 feet and 600 feet or whatever a local jurisdiction determines; stated he
is unsure how the matter will be reconciled.
The Community Development Director continued the presentation.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether dispensaries can be both medical and recreational
under State Law.
The Community Development Director responded currently the regulations do not allow
for co-locations; stated staff is inquiring whether or not Council would like to allow co-
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the City is risking forfeiture of the building if a cannabis
business is on City owned land.
The Community Development Director responded there is risk of forfeiture of the
building or land; stated it is unchartered territory; staff would recommend reviewing how
things evolve at the federal level.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether any cities allow cannabis businesses on city owned
The Community Development Director responded there was a plant in Coalinga, but it
was sold; stated a unique attribute of Alameda is the former Navy Base is still owned by
the federal government; cannabis is illegal at the federal level; continued the
Mayor Spencer inquired what is the definition of a youth center.
The Community Development Director responded the State definition is contained in the
ordinance; continued the presentation.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the Council could include a larger
radius to include parks as a restricted area.
The Community Development Director responded in the affirmative; stated the
ordinance contains the State minimums.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the map provided in the exhibit reflects the State
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
minimum, to which the Community Development Director responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether staff reviewed other maps, which include parks or a
distance exceeding 600 square feet.
The Community Development Director responded a map was done for a 1,000 square
foot radius.
Mayor Spencer inquired what is the difference is between the 600 and 1,000 square
foot maps.
The Community Development Director responded a there are less locations on Park
Street and Webster Street and Harbor Bay Landing.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there are any sites at Harbor Bay, to which the
Community Development Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Oddie inquired if the red outline on the 1,000 square foot map are the
sites show the changes from 600 to 1,000 square feet, to which the Community
Development Director responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired how staff determined which schools were included on the
The Community Development Director responded all of the kindergarten though twelfth
grade public, private and charter schools are included in the map; stated if staff missed
a school, it can be added.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired how is the square footage measured.
The Community Development Director responded door to door; continued the
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a map that includes the parks in Alameda.
The Community Development Director responded in the negative.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether staff considered parks.
The Community Development Director responded in the negative; stated staff took into
account the States definition of sensitive use; parks are not considered sensitive use
under State law; continued the presentation.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the square foot buffer or parks issues should return to
the Planning Board.
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Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
The Community Development Director responded the Planning Board will have to
conduct more in depth work regarding the zoning districts.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the matter would return to Council after the Planning
Board, to which the Community Development Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether inserting a Planning Board meeting will
affect the timeline and what the timeline would be.
The Community Development Director responded if direction is given to go to the
Planning Board, the Board would hear the matter in October.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a possibility to have the questions posed to
Council, to which the Community Development Director responded in the affirmative ;
continued the presentation.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired if Council were to approve only one type of
cannabis business now, could the ordinance be revised at a later date, to which the
Community Development Director responded in the affirmative, continued the
Mayor Spencer inquired how many people participated in the survey.
The City Manager responded 600 people; stated the survey is a random sample of
Mayor Spencer inquired how the voters are chosen.
The City Manager responded the random sample is selected from registered voters ;
stated a quality of life survey is done every four years and four questions were added at
the end of the existing survey.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the four questions were the only ones asked regarding
the topic, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative.
The Community Development Director continued the presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether other work would not be done because
staff is busy hurrying to get the cannabis issues resolved.
Mayor Spencer requested clarification whether Councilmember Matarrese is referring to
other City work Councilmember Matarrese responded in the affirmative .
The City Manager responded in the affirmative to Councilmember Matarrese’s inquiry.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the Planning Department, City Manager and staff will
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Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
be rushing to a specific date; the rush to get something in place will cause other items to
be delayed.
Expressed support for establishing marijuana businesses: Debra Mendoza, Alameda.
Urged Council not to overregulate or over tax the industry; stated cannabis is not toxic:
Mike Rafton, Alameda.
Discussed how the revenue can help other programs in Alameda, such as Meals on
Wheels: Sharon Golden, Alameda Island Cannabis Community (AICC).
Discussed workers, including local hires, health, safety, benefits, and unions: Augustus
Rodriguez, International Longshore and Warehouse Union.
Gave a Power Point presentation; discussed the benefits of cannabis: Rich Mozkowitz,
Alameda for Safe Cannabis Access Group.
Urged adopting local preference regulations: Linda Ashbury, West Alameda Business
Outlined his proposed business plan; urged Council to reconsider the proposed ban on
onsite consumption: Mark Humburg, Alameda.
Expressed opposition to the regulations; suggested gathering input : Don Sherat,
Expressed support for the ordinance; stated cannabis use for palliative reasons is on
the rise: Gretchen Lipow, Alameda.
Expressed support for three local dispensaries; suggested uses for revenue from
cannabis businesses: Dorothy Freeman, Alameda.
Stated that he does not support the regulations; expressed concern over the businesses
being cash based: Scott Stockton, Alameda.
Discussed her medical marijuana use; expressed support for local preference and
onsite consumption: Mallory Penny, Alameda.
Expressed support for cannabis businesses in Alameda: Sasha Stallworth, Alameda.
Stated her sole concern is location; urged a 1,000 foot restrictions from schools and
parks; suggested edible and advertising regulations and using some revenue for
educations at schools: Jennifer Williams, Alameda.
Expressed concern over locating near schools; urged a thoughtful, slow rollout:
Poasseu Obot, Alameda.
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Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Stated the Chamber does not support or oppose the regulations and is focused on the
business aspect; urged education: Michael McDonough, Chamber of Commerce.
Expressed support for the regulation; discussed a recent tattoo parlor case: Debbie
George, Alameda.
Expressed his support for Michael Nolan: Brian Holmes, Alameda.
Outlined programs that he has done for children: Michael Nolan, Alameda.
Outlined the importance of education; discussed medical uses; urged the City to go
slowly with medicinal uses: Rosemary McNally, Alameda.
Discussed insurance needs of cannabis businesses and jobs: James Nelson, New
Growth Insurance.
Expressed concern for general health and welfare; discussed cultivation: Ken Peterson,
Stated the City has an opportunity to apply controls at the front en d; expressed support
for taking a public health approach to cannabis: Serena Chen, Alameda.
Outlined her and her family’s medical marijuana use: Linda Weinstock, Alameda.
Expressed support for cannabis businesses not being hidden: Andy Huntoon, Alameda.
Councilmember Oddie stated vaping in the smoking ordinance need to be reviewed and
flavored tobacco should be banned; the City should regulate delivery and incentivize
local ownership licensing and permitting and local hire, and find a way for cannabis to
be legal now to benefit those that have been impacted in a negative way from the war
on drugs; the community will benefit from the tax structure; incubator space should be
incentivized; there should be a labor peace agreement and education of children the
1,000 foot ban is a good idea; onsite consumption should be considered; the City
should determine if the market is more beneficial for recreational or medical use; he is
fine with the three dispensary cap and not allowing cannabis businesses on City-owned
Vice Mayor Vella stated that she would like to take things slow; she would like to phase
in controversial items, such as safety and tax revenue; she is concerned about being
able deal with a major incident; she would like retail sales to enter at a later phase and
would like to see a more detailed map ; 1,000 feet from schools should be considered;
she would like to know what types of spaces are available and wants a more robust
zoning conversation; initially, she would like the cap to be small to not inundate staff;
there should be a labor peace agreement; retail should be limited to one type per
district; flavored tobacco should be banned and the smoking ordinance should be
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
reviewed; there is value in reviewing onsite consumption to keep smoking out of parks;
she would like a town hall meeting to keep community members informed before the
final issuing of a permit to an applicant.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he believes the City needs to start small in a
phased in approach; he is concerned with the locations; the Planning Board should help
with the land use issue; the requirement should be 1,000 feet buffer due to federal
issues; he would like parks entered into the equation; onsite use still needs to be
debated; the City should ensure the Police Department is paid and expanded to handle
the issues that cannabis brings to a city; questioned how the City could mitigate the
liability of having a heist at one of the locations; how to ensure workers are paying into
Social Security or being paid overtime if paid in cash; stated that he agrees with no City
or federal property; he would like to start with a pilot to see what the issues are first.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to go slow; she would like to
bring in stakeholders like the School District and Parks and Recreation Commission;
she would like the 1,000 foot buffer, and to ensure well paid jobs are created with
benefits in a cash economy; she does not want too many cannabis businesses in one
area; she would favor starting slow with laboratory testing or manufacturing; she would
like the buffer to include parks; she would rather have an operator with experience and
a track record; she would like another town hall meeting; under the ordinance , someone
cannot be denied a permit for a previous conviction under California Health and Safety
Sections 11350 or 11357; inquired whether the Sections includes recreational use.
The Police Chief responded Section 11357(b) is the one the Police Department uses for
infraction citation for less than 1 ounce of marijuana ; Section 11350 pertains to sales.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the City cannot deny a permit for someone with a
previous conviction based on said statutes; the City needs to ensure the applicant has a
current business license; questioned how long before a license would be revoked if
someone does not pay the business license fees, and who pays for the hearing officer
in the event of a hearing; stated certain shopping centers are family friendly, which are
not good places for retail cannabis sales; questioned how deliveries are kept out of the
hands of a minor; stated that she does not feel Alameda Point is a good location due to
the families in the area and the infrastructure; she is not in favor of cultivation anywhere
in the City at the current time; she would like to be proactive , but conservative.
Mayor Spencer requested the Police Chief to provide records on disproportionate
citations for cannabis related offenses related to the skin color of the people cited, or if
there is a particular area of town that received more citations; stated that she does not
believe the issue is being rushed; she supports a preference for local ownership and
employees; she would like a 600 foot buffer to be the requirement; a lot of medical
conditions have relief from medical cannabis; she would like to work with the School
District; she supports having a medical dispensary on each side of the Island and one
on Bay Farm; she supports onsite consumption; she would prefer having regulations on
deliveries from Alameda; the business permit should go through the Economic
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Development Department; she does not feel the Police Chief should be in charge of the
issue because it is not illegal; oversight should be through Police and Fire; she supports
local ownership, a commercial benefit fund to support local causes , and community
education; she would oppose advertising; she supports manufacturing; she is unsure
about adding vaping to the smoking ordinance ; the community should weigh in on said
issue; she supports commercial cultivation; she would defer to the State regarding labor
peace; she does not support people going off Island to go to dispensaries and is less
comfortable with having deliveries from locations off the Island; she supports onsite
Councilmember Oddie stated that he would like to depoliticize the selection process; he
does not want the matter to linger; he would like to have the Economic Development
Department handle the issue because it is a health issue, not a legal issue; he is
cognizant of the park issue, but he does not want to make it impossible for businesses
to be permitted.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stressed the importance of having background checks
Mayor Spencer stated background checks will be done; that she would like Council
provide direction to staff.
The City Manager stated staff has been taking notes.
Mayor Spencer stated that she would like to give direction and review the list to ensure
the public is aware of the issues.
The Community Development Director stated that she understood a majority of
Councilmembers would like to go slow and start with manufacturing and testing.
Councilmember Oddie stated his comment to go slow did not mean phasing; he means
drafting an ordinance that is not rushed; other cities already have ordinances in place.
Mayor Spencer inquired what go slow means to staff.
The Community Development Director responded she understood there is a desire to
hear feedback from the community and other stakeholders; inquired whether Council
wants to have community outreach before an ordinance is drafted.
Mayor Spencer responded there has been time for input; stated more meetings will
occur when staff returns with the ordinance ; a School Board Member has attended the
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the current Council meeting is the first public
meeting that the City has held; the City is drafting the ordinance; the School Board
Member who attended the meetings emphasized that she is not speaking in her
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Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
capacity as a School Board Member; she would like to hear from the community and
Vice Mayor Vella stated that she does not want to go slow; she would like to do things in
a considerate and thoughtful manner and take action with purpose; inquired if Council
could bifurcate the conversation to look at manufacturing first.
Mayor Spencer inquired how many Councilmembers support phasing.
Vice Mayor Vella responded that she would be open to having a date certain to return.
Mayor Spencer stated the phasing, which should be sooner rather than later, would be
lab testing, manufacturing, distribution, deliveries, which is not brick and mortar
dispensaries, and cultivation.
The City Manager inquired whether staff could start with manufacturing and testing first.
Mayor Spencer requested clarification from Vice Mayor Vella on her request.
Vice Mayor Vella stated what she heard from her colleagues is to deal with lab testing
and manufacturing.
Mayor Spencer requested staff to call out the different categories and have Council
The Community Development Director stated lab testing is one item to address.
Councilmember Matarrese stated people want a location to purchase cannabis in
Alameda, which is the main issue; the easiest site to control , without a lot of cash
around, is a lab; the Police Chief should not be responsible for administrating a land use
and permit process; he is hoping staff can synthesize direction and provide a timeframe.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether Councilmember Matarrese is requesting staff to return
only with labs and brick and mortar dispensaries.
Councilmember Matarrese responded said direction is what he is hearing from
constituents and colleagues; stated a phased in approach can include several options.
Vice Mayor Vella stated she would like staff to clarify the priorities moving forward.
The Community Development Director stated that she heard a majority consensus on a
desire to update the smoking ordinance and review vaping and flavored tobacco; a
phased in approach with manufacturing and testing in the beginning; she heard at least
three votes to support a 1,000 foot buffer; there should be more community outreach;
the land use decisions should be taken to the Planning Board; there is a desire to
seriously review onsite consumption and to not have the Police Department head up the
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Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
operator permit or the land use permit and have permits administered by Community
Development; she heard a majority in support of said items; she took a lot of notes;
suggested Council consider a ban.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether Council has four votes for medicinal dispensaries, to
which Councilmember Matarrese, Councilmember Oddie and Vice Mayor Vella
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like more information on the public
safety regarding onsite consumption; she believes Council is sending staff out in a lot of
different directions.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a majority vote to include distribution.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired what has happened in other jurisdictions with the
business being all cash and what type of risks exists; stated piles of cash put people at
risk and he would like to discuss the issue.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether employees pay into Social Security.
Mr. Hall responded one owner’s solution was to hire a temporary firm that is in charge of
allocating money for Social Security; there are a variety of solutions.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated temporary agency do not give benefits; she is
concerned about allowing dispensaries without knowing how to handle the cash;
laboratory and manufacturing have less cash; she cannot support something that has
employees brought in from a temporary agency.
The City Manager stated staff can return with options for the Council to consider; staff
has noted the Council direction.
Mayor Spencer stated that she does not believe there should be a lot of work for staff;
staff has an expert and examples from other cities; inquired whether there are three
Councilmembers in support of manufacturing, testing and medicinal dispensaries.
Vice Mayor Vella stressed the importance of bifurcating manufacturing and testing from
medicinal dispensaries due to the outstanding questions related to dispensaries.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the issues can be on parallel tracks.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired how many other pending items will not be dealt with due to
staff allocating time to cannabis.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether distribution can be included and if there are three
votes for distribution.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft requested the City Manager to respond to Vice Mayor
Vella’s question.
The City Manager responded there are a number of matters that staff, legal and the City
Manager’s Office are involved in, such as rent stabilization, inclusionary housing and
development projects.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the Council has already prioritized the cannabis issue
and the matter is lower than inclusionary housing and homelessness.
Mayor Spencer stated the priority was determined prior to her bringing another referral.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of directing staff to synthesize the list of
commonalities with the majority votes and notes from the community and return with the
next step, in a time that meets the Council priorities.
Vice Mayor Vella seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mayor Spencer requested clarification on the timeframe.
The Community Development Director responded the matter will return at the first
Council meeting in November, but will not be the final product; stated since many
meetings will need to be held, an ordinance will cannot be adopted prior to January 2nd;
Council might want to give direction to have a ban with a sunset.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether there can be a stand-alone meeting to
be able to knock out the first draft of the ordinance.
The City Manager suggested coming back with an ordinance that addresses
manufacturing and testing and prohibits everything else until Council reviews the issues.
The Community Development Director stated said approach allows for a first and
second reading and the ordinance would be effective in 30 days prior to January 2nd.
Councilmember Oddie stated it seems to him staff is trying to find a way to say no,
instead of trying to find a way to say yes.
The City Manager stated staff is saying yes.
Councilmember Oddie stated staff is only saying yes to a piece of the matter, which was
already rejected earlier; he is open to the hard ban but does not want to go much past
the end of the first quarter of next year.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated the City Managers proposal is reasonable; there
could be a roadmap outlining the next items to add to the ordinance.
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Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Councilmember Oddie stated staff has suggested the same proposal twice and Council
has already said no; three Councilmembers support moving forward with dispensaries
and staff has said no twice.
Vice Mayor Vella stated that she believes it is fine to start with manufacturing and
testing; she would like a more robust conversation on dispensaries; she would like to lay
out a date for staff to return; a first and second reading can still be done in December;
she would like to be realistic and have staff return with questions answered , all options
and another opportunity for the community to weigh in; inqu ired whether there is a date
certain that Councilmember Oddie would like to hear back from staff.
Councilmember Oddie inquired when staff could bring the matter back to Council.
The Community Development Director responded six months is a reasonable
timeframe; if there is a willingness, having a special meeting would expedite the
direction and discussion.
Mayor Spencer requested clarification that only direction is being given, a motion does
not need to be made.
The City Attorney responded Council is giving direction; stated with Council being all
over the map, she would suggest staff be allowed to do a little synthesizing and return
to Council for a check-in first and then return with a phased timeline.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the suggestion is to have a special meeting.
The City Attorney responded an ordinance cannot be introduced at a special meeting.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether a motion is inappropriate.
The City Attorney responded a motion can be done to give direction.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether his motion was out of line , which the City
Attorney responded in the negative.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the City Clerk could repeat the motion, to
which the City Clerk responded she had stepped out of the room and asked
Councilmember Matarrese to repeat the motion.
Councilmember Matarrese repeated his motion to have staff take the list of consensus
and input from the community, and return with a second draft of the current draft
Vice Mayor Vella stated Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft made a friendly amendment to
have a special meeting added to the calendar.
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Alameda City Council
June 6, 2017
Councilmember Matarrese accepted the friendly amendment.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is still a December 31st deadline.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the answer is unknown until staff returns to Council.
The Community Development Director responded staff would still endeavor to make the
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the motion is to move forward with the lab testing and
manufacturing only.
Councilmember Matarrese responded in the negative.
Mayor Spencer inquired what the motion includes.
The Community Development Director responded the motion includes taking
everything, synthesizing it into a new draft ordinance, presenting the new draft
ordinance at a special meeting where there will be opportunity for input and further
Mayor Spencer inquired on which items.
The Community Development Director responded on the new draft ordinance.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether every type of cannabis business would be included, to
which the Community Development Director responded in the affirmative.
In response to Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft’s inquiry, the Community Development
Director stated dispensaries, with analysis of the cash business, the cap, and medical
versus recreational would all be part of the synthesis; after the feedback at a special
meeting, there would be potential for staff to return an ordinance for a first and second
reading within 30 days; if new issues arise or staff has missed the mark, staff can be
sent back to do more work; at that point , Council may want to reevaluate direction about
the January 1st deadline.
Mayor Spencer inquired when the special meeting would take plac e.
The City Clerk responded not within the next four weeks.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of calling the question.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft requested to ask one additional
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Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Councilmember Oddie withdrew the motion to call the question.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether staff is going to review the caps on
manufacturing and testing as part of the draft ordinance , to which the Community
Development Director responded in the affirmative.
On the call for the question, the motion passed by unanimous voice vote – 5.
There being no further business, Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting at 9:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.