Catellus 496 - 4ID VGGJJ.71 1 r l vin. richly LCVy GV 11-1 1 -1J GJ.JV. 11/4.3IVI 1) 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Catellus Alameda Development, 7,LC AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (S10)26'7-3424 STREET ADDRESS CITY Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. I.D. NUMBER (Ilapplicable) STATE ZIP CODE Oakland CA 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO, 94507 SUPPORT OPPOSE Date of This Filing 11/1.5/201/ Report No. b I itiA El Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 3 49(NDEPENDENT EXPENDITURREPORT DateStamp NOV 1 5 2017 CITY OF ALAMEDA •-• CALIFORNIA 496 • FORM . ‘,. , ;,..,,n, O ''• 1,f ,.. OfticiaI UseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED AlLereLlun of R4LC and MeLhod of ApporLiuomem of Special Tex for Alamede CultoNoiL4 Facilities District 13-1. BALLOT NOILETTER JURISDICTION A City of Alamed'a, CA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 13/09/2017 Banner Printing Cumulative to date Lc:Lai 805000.41 11/09/2017 Layout and Design for eanners Ca[rulative to date tetal 11/09/2017 Laminate posters CnmulaLive to date Leta]. 865000.41 11/10/2017 Reason for Amendment: www.netfile.com Design for Doorhangera Camulative to date total S000.41 SUPPORT OPPOSE X AMOUNT 045.00 71.25 25.00' L75.00 FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov I I U Z I 1 rrom: henry Levy G a:,Du IL'IVI 1) 10: L.-1[y l..IerK or rliameaa rage z or o 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Catellus Alameda Development, 7,T,C AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (510)267-3424 STREET ADDRESS CRY STATE ZIP CODE Oakland CA 94607 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. Date of This Filing I.D. NUMBER (ibpplicable) OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE Report No. ilisirtA LI Amendment to Report No. (expla)n below) No. of Pages 498\1 DEPENDENT EXPENDITUREEPORT DateStamp CALIFORNIA 496 FORM ForOfficial UseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED AlLezaLicm of male awl Mealud of AppuzLiolimem. uf Op i1 Tax fur Alameda CumutilLy Facilities District 13-1. BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION A City of Alameda, CA 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional Information on appropr'atelylabeled continuation sheets. DATE 11/10/2017 Printing and shapping for doornangers Cumulative to date total $05000.41 11/14/2017 Overnight delivery Cumulative to date total ST,S000:41 11/14/2017 Stationery design for mailer Cumulative Lo date total 665000.11 SUPPORT X DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT 11/14/2017 Printing and sluppinn of letterhead for mallei Cumulative Lo date total 660000.41 Reason for Amendment: www.neifile.com OPPOSE 309.7.4 75.50 1SC.00 032.86 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@Ippc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov I 3 IUGGOJ II morn. rierlry Levy GUI / -1 VVIVI IJ 1 U. L16y %-.11t4. UI f41Q11l1 UCI 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Catellus Alameda Development, TT,C AREACODEPHONENUMBER (510)267-3424 STREET ADDRESS Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. LD. NUMBER ppplicable) CITY STATE ZIP CODE Oakland CA 94607 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE 49ENDEPENDENT EXPENDITURREPORT Date of Date Stamp This Filing 11/15/2011 Report No. I1151 /A 0 Amendment to Report No. (explain below) No. of Pages 3 CALIFORNIA 496 FORM For° icialUseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED AlLetaLion of Ft,tLe and Method of ApporL‘unmenL of Opecial Tex fur Alemede CummuJAILy Facilitics D'Istrict 13-1. BALLOT NO/LETTER JURISDICTION A City of Alameda, CA 2. Independent Expenditures Made AttaChadditionalinformationonappropriatelylabeledcontinuationsheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE '11/14/2017 Posta,3cl to mailer Cumulative to date total $65000,41 11/15/2017 Payment for city's election -related expenses (Estamates of total costs) Cumulative to date zctal 000 .41 Reason for Amendment: www.netfile.com SUPPORT OPPOSE X AMOUNT 61.2.5 42,500.00 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov