Catellus 496 - 515102253911 From: Henry Levy 2017-11-15 23:36:14 (GMT) To: City Clerk of Alameda 496 Independent Expenditure R;port NAME OF FILER Cate]. lus Alameda Devel opment AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (510)267-3424 STREET ADDRESS Amountsmaytreroundedtowholedollars. 49ENDEPENDENT EXPENDITURREPORT I.D. NUMBER (Ifapplicable) CITY STATE ZIP CODE Oakland CA 94607 1. List Only One Candidate or E3allot Iftwure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach *ditional information on appropt'ately labeled continuation sheets. DATE 11/01/2017 Sf.gns Cumulative to dat total 819955,31 Date of This Filing 11/15/2017 Report No. la 063-7iiPi Amendment toReporthlo, "0 i744 (explain below) No. of Pages 2 am NOV 1 5 2017 CITY OF ALAMEDA C;TY CLERK'S OFFIC ' ALIFORNIA 496 ORM ForO icial UseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Alteration of Raze and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax f or Alameda Community Facilities District 13-1. BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION A City of Alameda, CA 11/01/2017 Printing and shippng for signs Cumulative Lc) daU total $199!'.S.21 11/01/2017 Design of signs/wak niece Cunollative to dal2 5199SS.31 11/0S/2017 Food for commnnitvmeeting Cumulative to da1.2 hotal $19b!, DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE Addition of costs Sr design c:E dciorhangers, printincr and shippzng for signs and walk piece, and ;:hancTe. Reason for Amendment co descripLion of zanies cf warA piece iUm. www.netfile.com SUPPORT X AMOUNT OPPOSE 00. 00 116.10 37S.00 1,2H3.16 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 15102253911 From: Henry Levy 2017-11-15 23:36:14 (GMT) . To: City Clerk of Alameda 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER L'ateflus Alameda Devel o.pment, LT: AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (S1.0):I67-3424 STREET ADDRESS Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. I.D. NUMBER ppplicablel CITY STATE ZIP CODE Oakland CA 94607 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Date of This Filing 11/1S/2017 Report No. Et Amendment to Report No. " usl 744 (explain below) No. of Pages 2 49ENDEPENDENT EXPENDITUREEPORT DateStamp 496 CALIFORNIA FORM ForOfficial UseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Alteration of Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for Alameda Community Facilities District 13-1. OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETTER A 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropr'ately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 11/95/2017 Ccpies ot walk piece Cumulative to date total $19955,31 11/05/2017 Printing and shipping for walk piece Clumilativc to date total 519955.31 JURISDICTION City of Alameda, CA Addition of costs for design of dor-a-hangers, printing and shipping for signs and walk piece, and cha re Reason for Amendment Lo deseripLion of hooles ef wulk piece _Lem. www.netfile.com SUPPORT X AMOUNT OPPOSE 81.94 7.40.21 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advicegfppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov