Resolution 15332CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 15332 AMENDING MASTER FEE RESOLUTION NO. 12191 TO ADD NEW AND REVISE EXISTING RECREATION AND PARK FEES WHEREAS, the Alameda Municipal Code and the California Government Code provide that the City Council shall set fees reasonable to recover the cost of providing various services by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council, at the August 27, 1991, Special City Council meeting directed City staff to amend the Alameda Municipal Code to reflect that City fees shall be set by City Council Resolution; and WHEREAS, State law authorizes local governments to charge fees for services based on the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged; and WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to increase fees annually by the consumer and/or construction price indices; and WHEREAS, the Alameda Recreation and Park Department strives to offer high quality recreation programming and facilities while also creating more effective cost recovery that provides balanced community benefit; and WHEREAS, the Recreation and Park Commission reviewed the 2018 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule on October 12, 2017 and recommends its adoption with the exception of the 3% one-time increase on most rental and program activities to recover registration system transaction fees, which was proposed after Commission recommendation; and WHEREAS, the 2018 Recreation and Park Department User Fee Schedule is shown on Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Alameda that Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 as to fees for services provided by the City's Recreation and Park Department are adjusted as set forth in Exhibit A and are to be reflected in the Master Fee Schedule. RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2018 User Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees EXHIBIT A Proposed 2018 Fees Athletic Fields 525:` nour 525 ;` = 0- .- :-.tor. ?5'r Re;ircnti - Hourly 13 ?IQ, -r Yo.- _ c;tori e.-.- --2r 75U Pe: der:,-Hos.rkt s30 1 ho:_ $30 t -o_. P- ,a a Resde-. 5�0,' hour 10+1:`` hv_r ! aoo Pr y;:e L 60 hou- 560 `os R,t_=-U;e Svrthe cF=e"d 'r'ou^. 0-.-Zl .;tior E751e Re :ce .tj 35; hair $351 0 *.f -..-We Syrtre: c i e'.6 Yo4.' 0- 2aor• Re' -cert 550 'poi.. $50;'t -o_ t_ta Uae SyrtFeac Fed -Pes'-dents 560;`'10z.r S60 I.a_r '.t_: -U:e Sirtre-ic F=e "o - ":arRe ide^t 5>0, ^OLr d. ( a . F e'a L Est size }g5 f ! Oar p ng;j-_, fee S2 1` ' i G: O r `f fee F enc P-ep - L r `r; fat Nor -Pro' jPJj f' g;rre plus 0Jr"v fee '.:ki s'` pT-e L: Oc 1`f 'ee F':e?d Prep - Lr'r; fo- Pri,.;:e 5'S;° S;me plu; ho:irs fee 575 t ;;ane 4ee Tot -r; -cert Fee 5250 i can p'- : Fowr<y °ee >250T day pias *cuK-f fee Alameda Point Gym G}nToJ-n:men:Securra Deoos:--Re`cr,d;ble SSW $500 To_rrii -ert Set-up Fee 5250 p!u; fee. 5250 51_; f,ojry fee O.eri roe C"-;r;e 259 ,-'hat- .. S250111 no,�r -. Voker,r:er: U.e _�.� `^O,.s $25 r° Pali• Schools Pe- Cc --t U.e - 2 coctt n -, r r 530;' ho;:r i c0j S30 a` "oa-,f cour E-ti-eF;< ty :115;`ho-`- $115 r.'`10a;r Er tine Fac tj' - Le;�Je �s;r*it .^d TOS-" 7^SePL Pray ^'8 - S125 �'O`Jr _ Resident Based Yon -Profit PG: Cal Use 2 CO 2 is ^.t "T.L rf S Q; OLr;` co. 5301 F 04-a' co: rt ErtireF:c zp :YYS;'o: $115; *ou- E -tire F;ctv - Le3Eve P.a'f;r� To:.rcarrent SIS.' ^'! :i23,t<OUr Resident Pe- Co ---t Use - e co: -t rss ^ rc.r, 45 Hour ; co., -t S45 i Eo_ r } cour: E-6-eF:c ty 170 icy r170i'^o-.0 - Nan -Resident Mon -Profits Per COL -t U:e - 2 co::si S45 i Lour; co. t $S5 i t o :* co;-Ir- Ert,re F c: —ty 51 ff 1 roc- Sz70,: our Eton -Resident Per Co, -t U:--- 2 co.q rr;: ^..i mt<"i-;. L55 i' hog r i cou.— ..... 155 f F-otr I cour. ....... . E .=: a F;c" 'ty 5200 ` ho_. $2001 dour. Bocce Sall Courts • 3 -Hour Minimum, Except Weekdays Pe; cent SIO hour 5,10,%f -oar tion-Re;:dent ,30 ,f hOLr 530 t h0, - Tennis Courts Per Court Rental Re. cent SYOr ^aur Siils`hou Sc-ool, t,o^.Proms::: 5&fo? ur To;;--.a-cert F ee "x200 i c;y� o .., 1-ou-€p =ce 5200I ai av fee `;on -P -oft Ch;r To,sr^;rer_: Fee 550 d;y p` 5501 ely ;ius h0,1�y Tee Con rcc;? Use t-str "mo- Fee >YO '',a.r 520,'Fos, City Tenni: Tournament Fee De:err red S;sec on Reco�e-ir_ Cors Fee Deterrrunec Ila;ed on Recover' Co,-_ Pool Rental - 3 -Hour Minimum Gv.e-r:mer t U:e 525:` nour 525 ;` = 0- Re-, cent >75: homer,' Poo $''S;{ r.0- /DOOf 'io-.,-Res den: 5105;" our; aoo` 5105 r` `sour ,' poo Corr r.e-c=al'J:e - A=srreci a B re,:: S100 1 ca_ ,' aoo 10+1:`` hv_r ! aoo Corr ^re -c a? Use - Non-_W;Mees 3 ; re.; S 125 i t o» t 0,00s 5125,' hou-f aoa: Re- ce ,t :ou:n Teams (75`a :.;:Teca Ra-�'aa^ sj Emmz 3laoc YS,` hour POO' 15 ¢ r1 Doo! Res cent lieu:: Terns , ra's :';rnec; rn;-: c'p;rts; Em -r; Hood $its ; hon r;' Pao, $16 ? F0o / Poo` Re: cent `fo;:-- Teams (75-i-iVreda P;-t"C"carts) Erc"*.21 525; `our;' poo' $25 Fou - f pool PC-. cent Adu Team.-,,`; a 1;;neca Par't'c part-.> Er_c ^; 535.1* lour i Poo '' 5351 hou- f Pmol City Swim championships Fee Det erm"red $;;ec o- Reco,e-ir�rCosts 9ce Dete-mined 5axd on Reco•.er-g Co.:: RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2018 Luer Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees Proposed 2018 Fees Park Rei-tn, Sti,aFotogn;R-nyPhoto Shoot __,5;'c» __t- _ _ era' �55fdaypdus±sG_ :c _- li•:e F'' T+ Soot ylr, Add t;on to Otr er Use Fee:-Ec_sat>ora U,, t FJ.r.S*oot(Ir,Ad&t;ontoOt"crUse Fee: 1 Corr, -nerca SfX3t`c:-_rrG_', .c rarca= :7-5 irt?atanelLMpe- UseFee 525 _ r _7De- 7Per C.};. �_ Pari: Opel Space Use Fee l:r Par: vt000rstase .. n;`a Large Group {150+}! Event Cleaning Fee _ ?ton -Prof* S15CZ c:, _.-c_ :: re ._ Pe:eemt: 550f'no _ __ 3c 'ton-Re:+dent. 570.t Picnic Area: Resident (3 -hour minirnuml STa .'..-ea {1'.2. tabie,i Mec'-r4-ea (3-Lt3_e:! 55ri rc_r !a -,re A -ea ;5- t3Ye:; S&O ;' hour Picnic Area: Non -Resident O -hour minimum) >'n.a : e7 1- 2 table:i 540f hoLr Mec "T, Are-. (3 -3t.3--:1 5b5 f hotr 5671 rOJ re :.-ea ;5 -tabic -1 51001 haL' 5103 f *our Facility Rentals Go':ernr ert t :e 525 ,' hour 525;' ha: Recreation Center: & Veteran's Building (3 -hour minimum( PefLnca3'e Cie;-: C rc SC.:_-tf DeoOsit 53fki _ X304 RefL^C!2b'e Oe3- z -c Sec.-tr Deposit With Aicohol?Out:ide Vendor—Tann—t—.:. 5500 5590 Alco-oi Peru": At Co.- Per 9stside lr:i�rarce Prov -der AL Cost Per ok.c dei -:L :-:ce Pro: ice. Holldz,, Fental Fee Reg -12r rate .1 15% Reeul3r rate p!u: 17?a iAa'r'rerC.3. rL-d-Pa-.':nS 5125 i FO::r 51291 "u - 'so --Prof* Nleet`-: 5=5 ;` hocr 536 i ko r %0- -Prof: No- Per cent !.tee: -S. RIa S57,' Fo 'ion-Proft E•.ent: 555 1 hoi;r c,57,; i c,:. Pes'cer.t 5_00..' hocr S93'.' n0r ''10- Re:,dert 5115'" Foti' S11s 1 ^Our. Uncoln Pars: 1Harr.sorj a -d P•Pr: Recrea.ion Ce^te ."Fe:=dent 590; hotr 512=1 "a1- t rcoln Para fHarr<•:or+, and l`ru:i Recreation Ce^ to - Nor -Re: -den- 5115 ` I - OL- x'_65 f * ox ConcC:ion Stand Use :=10-:-P-O" 15 Pe: clra 5t0 ;''<Otr X21 :`�0 `!i0"4 C. rC`. O,Club Secur;-" Oepo: --- Re -L ^,'.ab a ti- 21'4.* A coFa Pei:'r - X75€; w'tn"t a-io�iol 0e -O_- ;'Cc'-: --!-r t ,ecurit t A`cor o: Permt CS -0 aerr,'L 51.�'JQ w L^ Qico�C. p.t r r Alco :? Per -r• At Cost Per r: _-3rce Pro.;der At C-_st ?er OL t: t 3 ce Pro.;c r Go,ern^-ertU`:e 525fho_- 25. 'ro_ ►:rc_.tr We Fee 51501 event _ - 55 ; t.ert CrsoFeedClearirg=e•5250Er�°trt _ _ :'_5u t.ert _ rl"_ r• E'.ert ReltaE Re r fr::la.:-aLe a ... i5'Q ^' - :.- 0 15 _. _ -:et sp;:ab`e & chair renta fesert: ox, 150 anerdarcei $'159 t e,wer,t 5157 e.ert Alameda Unified school Di --strict !;'r Room 590:' hoLr 593 ? tov Tr de -t P-oo-r 7S.,' hoCr 53k ;' F01 - Te ice Poo -n 506: ho j' f i 5 t I' o::' 5c.taC'0n Room 56o F,,`:Ocr 562 ,� CO, - Alameda tion -Profit Groups �.%'r Poor _ _... _. _...... _. _.. ..._... _....._ 7135; Four .................... ..,._. ,.._ ..._ _ _. 5132 t "Our ..... _.. __... .. .. Trade- Poor: 51201 hour S1L ; i+. our Te 2ce Poor. 596.? -sour 599 r' t 0.� - _acro-Roorr SSUi oLr 562/Fe_r Alameda Resident i!a r Poor. Ia—O Y o.r SIa5 aO1r Tr�dentRo,T 515x' o 5155; -0,j- O,jrTerrace Te -r2ceAown120 a0c 5125 1 your SrrcadranRoom RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2018 user Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees Proposed 2018 Fees Non -Resident and Nom -Alameda tlon-r refits M; n .. RGom " -oft; r>•Qu- 5216.3?w- Tr.ce't Roar. 51Su ? Gus SiSS Te ' -ace Foon _`•15v t` ro4 ,1,55 3 ^a<sr ka-';C-o- Room 290. ho0.r Commercial Business - 6 -hour Minimum _ - '.ta r P, DOT - .c a- $247'r -0'.;r Tr,deat Roan e2€0 3:,o;:. e7 n r Te -ace Roon S14' :>a S1E5 Sc:&c- Room 'our h0' -'r Aquatics Swim Le -.:ons Group Lessons 6 - 15 year olds, per 45 min lesson Rerdern 510.25 <° lessor. $10.56";Cs:on ho-Rcadeot S11'5;`lesson 512.621tssa- Group lessons 3 - 5 year otdz, per 30 min lesson ..... ,. .. Res cent 56,75 ;' le:iorl. S6,45# lesso-.. _. Itssoe Private Swim Tutor 3-15 year old:, 30 min lesson Re: cent " 525.50 r` Eez:or: S26 67 (s.on hon-Res€de^.: 529.50,+lessor Special Need:, 45 min lesson _ Rtr`cent 512,5031e:or Z. t ;on-Ru:den. 514 D0 3 €e—or Si .42J es: or Adult Le:son:, 16 and up, 45 min lesson Rt., ctnt 5100 ? te- 35-mn e:.ors 5103 f ten 45-rr r, %o^-F.evde^:t $11.5 r'te^: S11S tten 45-rr Ir. lessor.- Diving, 6 - 15 year old, 45 rain lesson Rt-, cent es:o's 510 'z lesson hon-Fe::den.: L9 e, - _. 5121 lesson... Tiny Tot:, 12 months - 4 years, 30 min lesson At -'cent 510? lesson S10 i lesson. ?:on-Re:�dan; til; leaon S11r'lesson Resident 10 Drop -In Swim Lesson Pass SEO S82 Drop-tn Public Swim and Lap Swim Res�cen S3I vi. _. i0itn �rO^-l�G'tdt^-:i S•z. 1Yis.� yt . .. .. Res ctnt (1,G -391 - S5, .. . +lo,-Redent 15-391 S6 36 Senor t50 Re;der; S3 53 Se'.or t56 -i Nor-Re:icen: S= ?S YOLt1 Re.<ctn' 1,D"'. n- pa:: 52f - }27 Rc cent 10Sw •r. Pass S.5 S45 'emor qe-- dent 10 Sw>r Pass S2' _27 Family Swim, up to 4 family members£ 3 hours Pes:cent _ 510 SIC No--Feadert 513 - _ 513 Water Walking Re.lct^t o S6 knort 54-i Resider: S5 S5 - knn or ;50=1 twos-Rt:'cent 56 S6 Rea'ctn- 10 50'.?- Card Sensor Res ident 10 Sw r; C:rd ,45 $45 Red Cross Certification Classes Ba:ed a, Fed C -o.. Fee: Based an Red Cro- Fee.- ee:Youth YouthSport: Sports Leagues, Camps, and Special Programs Bxed or i^^ o^ a. -alar con•-act -ee: Based of ardror cortmc; fee: Adult Sports Leagues Basketball Pe: -ct^t1-ar, _?DC teary "Ml Ftea- Non-Fede^*Teary >-750,, tear' ,773, te:T Softball Men's _ PC: cent 10 Game Sea:o^.. ,715;te2n, IS7363teann, Res cc't 12 G ome Season 5165 ,", tea:".': 57SS / 1ez n-- RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2018 Use( Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees Proposed 2018 Fees "ion-Fe::de-t 10GarneSea.or; 5765,lteam Non-Re.ide-t 12 Game Se::or, :9151 team 5539 f s:r Coed Re. -cent 10 Game Season 56501 teary 5670 ;'te: r Re.,t§ent 12 Game Season 5750 / tea -r :773,' te:M, Non-Re:iden:l0 Gyre Seam- 5?00;` tern- `-•`21 f tear Pion -Readers 12 4: -re _e::o-SOO,•` tear 62C i tt:r Rag Football Re::cvntlOG:­nesea:c,^ 5650; tea 7- 5670°te:m. Re -:cent 12 Game Sea:o- 3700 ,'` tear =721.1 tear. Pion-Re:ide-t 10 Game Sea:on =750, tea 5773 itea�r. Non-Re:;de^t 12 Game Sea.:an tear !tear. Synthetic Field Leagues Re:'cent 10 Game Sea.o- -'a ::721 f tear, Re-- cent 12 dame Se: o- ^/a 57731 star '.on-Fe:idem 10 G: -re +::on -,'a s9w r tea- Si0^•Fe <de^t 12 Gare .ea:Ore •,/a 5950,` tea r, Tennis Lessons Adult Group Lessons Drop-in 1-^ourci::. S20 hour 521fEour 5100, e:- '*n :103 :e. -=or Youth Group Lessons D. -o,:> -:r 2-' o-_rcla.: 540." e;= 1 .2--o C a.. se.- j200� :e:. ,�'y 52V'�b; Private Lesson: Fosr 1 -?-goer le:cor. ,1 4 `or: ho_-: .11x5 for d V_: Semi Private Lessons 1-r our le'+'son :tt10; ho'r,='pad-. 62 o.;-10:' FCt.:r 1 -hour lG':or: '12s0 for =hog', ,' 0a'- =' f:- •, c 0; 10 and Under Tenni. Drop-ir, 1-ho�_r cfa:s S20 / ho 521,1 S'x 14tour CEa:Z MZQ ':CJ 510t? 103: :e:.:'or Open Gym Drop in Fee 56I:e::ior. $9 .e.:'en Administrative Fees Rece'^.t P- rt'r3 55 Ea& 55 Eac- La?e T':r:rer Cz-ce at o- Fee S15'15 L: e Pa ,_.: Cr+ w =or r c - 530 e,30 4cr- - Fee fo- Pe - `:c ', Pert', --ice C:-::Ctor Pa-, Use Fee _ 5250 Years D , Li.o t: lr,:. -ance S2501rta-'r p14. L .b l' -r f-zj .res Activity Guide Advertisement Rates F; Faee I lGcce :927; G_ -de Ha i Pxe S4'5C , G, at »6= t Grde -arteroa�e -225, GL.,Ce 's332iG_de 1,':, Pa_e;E__.re:: Ca-ci t12r GL Ce .12A G:'de Community Events L'oo'n Fee 550 for :'o --?roc t ; ;125 f.o- Pro^t 55t' `or "ion -P owl; '1125 4or?ro :t Food Soot~` Fen 15% G os: Fe:en-e D-_^sc &= ert 1510 Gra:: Reeer e Du^ir: E.e-t Eve=: At mi_ an 55 -S35 per pe -:on '1S -1,35 yer ,sero- Classes Ac.; t anc'iovtf C':::e: LO;: - 10% of total Instructor Fee 415% -101. of totai 'r.t- coy Fee Ac -r - :t -:t , e Fee S3 ce- c, a.-:; s3 aer clad. Leisure Club Suavy Fees Ba:ed or 4C7 Cost Ba.ec on Activity Cost: Ata. -tick Senior Ceretec Longo Program B_-=oGarlePnce: $0.25 - 57 50?5-s7 S..aci. Ba, $0.504,6 SO 511, • S6 Classes Drop i C1;::e: Fee De-errr'red Based am Recovering Cost: ., Fee Determl neC ta:ed on Recover'ng Cv:': 1513 of oto!. 'r.tn.;ctor Fee 151,e-20`9 of O : 1-:t^uc a Fee RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT 2018 User Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees Proposed 2018 Fees Facility Rental -Social Hall -2-4 cur pn:'ct^-, ;115. i. C, %0 - -P-0�- -..:ncr We Fee - Pe: ;K _: -o: r U:e Fee - %on-Re:ide-t S771" Fou, 5500 Additional Feez- ,iendor Table Peln.tz N � n -I rof:t j6C, -5 :V;I';ez By Date' tie: by '-e nr VendorTabie P- ,; -e 135 - 154 :!ie. By Date) tee: tr., : e, r T'-- ri " Shop b `te r Trz,vl ve; blt T -P So,e6 a: E,, e r t-- F e t De- e, -r'r e c 3 z, e c o^, A eco ve - r r CO::: Fee D e te "n, -t c E ;e 0 1 Re t - - C�: - Art Pro;r;— jrze: 15'. - � _- a e 157n of:ie Corr ::_!er Lz:; prtZ - ? Page 15 'xA!i - 5.15 are Youth Program. - Tiny Tom' Prosra.r Fee; i Sc`,zae ar _n-, e ri 57,x o,.j - 57.431 h o 52 P2,rre-: =ee S15 Pvent;'CF­c G -OL:? �3,75 - S5,75 , ?hOLt $175 - '_5 '6te P a-,,56 f day or$60Dr­o,p-4n Ca -c ^o-.1 o- S60 C-olo-:r C;. -c 'or 12 t; RAP - Recreation Afterschool Program* IrLr se: sion) 5 Dar vVeeek 5617 - $659 S6 54' 709 3 Day;jWeek 407 -:,a Z 5 : 31 -:"65 2 D2,,:I'Vieek 5290 - 531_* `_•M-7 - :333 At,: ton;! D;,,f 515; d;,f 515 e2y zPa-r-ren-;ee 30 pzyrnert S30 p;�­r en t Ez- D fee S52 :155, :e: ::0- N*, et, S7 - $540 S 5 _2 5 -Z D;}; S365 - 396 T,z-; -:ora: ^de,rarte- - 5 nderrarz-e- - 3 Dz,� <­4'ee� 5730 Trz^ -'Ona f -Cer-;rte- - Z et, r WOW - W,-rId a- 'Nondtr Summa ,Camp 5 D ;191 Rj, 211 I, R 52v3R.1' t,2 14 'iP L S157 A S174 I,p %66 R,� �� IZ4 %R. 3D: '."'et" 513CA 1a N F. '13S R/ `s153 NP vic". Care S60- S135 A ; 570 - :,145NF IAZ - S139 R / 572 14 9 P Day Camp Hidden Co -.e Pe -Nee, 5165 P-,sz I*R :.75R/5193 NIR Hidden Cove -Day Wee-, R W-146 NR S140 A, S 155 N R Trz - Er d & T -z, zaztr: - Per Week SM P 5201 NP 519-1 R d 5213 NR Break Camp. pe..'Ctnz 5120 - $153! wee S124 - S166,' Week %0 p e- dent5137 - 5180 &ee, - SIZ5 j week Teen�'Tvieen Adventure Camp "t- cent 5195- 5330 SZOS - SM / week ',o --Resider: S216 e 'hee, 11229 - 5385,twetk Teen Programs C` ,5 Un.ce-;ro:jrc Trarzo.or-;-zior S2,' iore-war vip S2 ,, -youth e, one_vti ay t -'z Vo _­-eer Training 545 y45 1 :e=ion Additiannl ProSraris/Fee. dan;croo E.:erctdC;-e F'e: z Trp Soecia: E�.erz-- : Parte., Moves.T^.erne Dai.-, Etc, Sarta°, V.,— B-e:.fast v .„ S2 --z P:-;. S, Piay;rocrd SE.;oly Fees Por::b be Toilet Fee L::e P:c-Up Cra-;e. Contract Tr:n.po-tat'on PrasramTr:r;Dortatior Fee knot;r, as Non -Contract S;nzmer Sw Rental Var. Rental RECREATION A,ND PARK DEPARTMENT 2016 User Fee Schedule Adopted 2017 Fees Proposed 2018 Fees 515.'c: -P, r25"c:.-..P. _1i. c;,- 25 ,C:'.- .= £:-Lc or _c., t Co u _;.ec :. „t- ,7, c_,._ 5-535 55 -;LG ;40:: ; 41 -- - 'cre- 562-5103 1 yo _�-tc;; c..: - t+ :o.:f-;dz 50.50-55 50.54 - S5 SaS: RCS FO $113 :.`.0 � ... _'o L: :t:LOK'•OM jtef5d0 oiu: S.d^+ - =•t Slt.r,in�te;a:•: _.-:c::.e:at c c $Ii ;z`er; a c:. .per :r _ 20 o :, W.n:-.'P 0n con --:c fee 20'a to _5'. rr.:r, p o- cc-:-;r.'et 510-5 0ba:td0nloeation 20-;30ba.e-d7. __;, aoo: Feece:errni-.ec b::eco, co:i*`a-n .e* fee: red.cec oy 25U -50°e ta:ec on reec Fee: redcctd by 2S'e-S0'< b:xc c-: -eec At tort =rom vendor plu.S3,501rr e s _. 516» r car a{u: S330 1 mile plus $201 Mou€ 52fl:'Mair Sc ool year nrosnms ma+ -ked with an :::tr,6 j • i and are effectr.e :t tFe new:&,00 year in Au.::- 201E R = Alomodc Rasiclamt NA =hon-Ahrmado Rezidamt I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on this 51h day of December, 2017 by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Spencer — 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 5th day of December, 2017. Lara Weisiger, Cit" Jerk City of Alameda Approved as to Form: Janet CV2meda rn, City Attorney City of