Catellus 496 - 615102253911 From: Henry Levy 2017-12-05 22:53:18 (GMT) To: City of Alameda City Clerk 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER Ca tel 1 us Al emeda Tavel onment , 7,T,C AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (1;10)267-3424 STREET ADDRESS CITY Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. I.D. NUMBER (iflpplicable) STATE ZIP CODE • Date of ' This Filing .12/0S/2017 Report No, A2110F17111-1 Amendment 4;11 ,3!;1 to Report No. (explain below) 496NDEPENDENT EXPEND TURBEPORT 4:'.•AzIFORNIA 4U6 FORM DEC 0 5 2017 CITY OF ALAMEDA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Oakland CA 94507 No. of Pages 2 e „ 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO, SUPPORT OPPOSE orOfficialUseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Alteration of Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax for Alameda Community Facilities District 13-1 BALLOT NO./LETTER JURISDICTION SUPPORT X A 2. IndependentExpenditures Made Anachadditionalinformationonappropriatelylabeledcontinuationsheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 11/01/2017 Signs Cumulative to date total $27717.51 11/01/201/ Printing and slappinc for signs Cmlulalive o tite Loal 827717.41 11/01/2017 Desion nf signs/walk piece Camulative to date total S27717.01 City cf Alameda, CA AMOUNT OPPOSE :00.00 11/06/2017 Consulting 7,S00.05* Cumulative to date total $21717.H1 Reason for Amendment: Addition of COSC.F. for consulting End welasi7.e updates. www.netfile.com FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.ippc.ca.gov 15102253911 From: Henry Levy 2017-12-05 22:53:18 (GMT) 496 Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER t.e.1 1 u Ada Devel orrnent. , T.T,C AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (51.0)2:4I7-3424 STREET ADDRESS CITY Amountsmaybe roundedtowholedollars. I.D. NUMBER (ibpplicable) STATE ZIP CODE Ook-A and CA 94607 1. List Only One Candidate or.Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE 496NDEPENDENT EXPENDITUREEPORT DateS mp Date of This Filing 12/CW2 an ReporIHNo. A2110611flA Amendment to Report No, 42110 70, (explain below) No. of Pages 2 Ma* ,CALIFORNIA 496 FORM For() !dal UseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED AlL,r.Liou of RaLe and XeLhod of ApporLionmenL of Sp:x.:161 Tax fox Pdatx.eda Commun:Ly PacIliticB District 13-1 BALLOT NO./LETTER A 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriatelylabeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 11 /05/2017 Food for community mooting Cumulative to date total $27717.51 11/05/2017 Copies of wolk piece Cumulative to date total 52/717.81 11/05/2017 Printing and shipping for walk piece Cumulative Lo date total 527717.81 0 a) .11/05/2017 Website updates Cumulative Lo date total 527717.81 To: City of Alameda City Clerk Reason for Amendment: Addition of ::osts fnr consulting and websi7.e updatPts. www.netfile.com JURISDICTION City of Alameda, CA SUPPORT X OPPOSE AMOUNT 1,283 , 16 83.94 240.21 262.50 FPPC Form 496 (Jan12016) FPPC Advice: advice@Ippc.ca.gov (8661275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov 15102253911 From: Henry Levy 2017-12-05 22:53:18 (GMT) co as To: City of Alameda City Clerk 496 Independent Expenditure Report Amountsmayberoundedtowholedollars. 4981DEPENDENT EXPENDITUREEPORT ' Dat4etam' p Date of 12/US/2017 Ca tel lu..... Al arneda Devel opment, T,T,C This Filing 11.D. NUMBER (iDpp)itable) NAME OF FILER AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER (510) STREET ADDRESS 56 7ranklin s•. #2.no STATE ZIP CODE Report No. #1129-1:10 11] Amendment to Report No. (explain below) CITY Calcl and CA 9.4607 No. of Pages 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE 1 CALIFORNIA ACka FORM Fo OfficialUseOnly NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Alteration of Rate and nithod of 7`.pporionment of Special Tax for Paamoda community Facilities District 13-1 BALLOT NO./LETTER A 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately fa beled continuation sheets. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE DATE 11./29/2(117 Reason for Amendment- www.netfile.com Ccnsulting Cumulative co date total $02702.91 JURISDICTION City of Alameda, CA . ... SUPPORT X OPPOSE AMOUNT 10, 1:00.00 FPPC Form 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/215-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov