2017-09-05 Regular CC Minutes381
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
TUESDAY- -SEPTEMBER 5, 2017- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Spencer convened the meeting at 9:43 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese,
Oddie and Mayor Spencer – 5.
Absent: None.
(17-495) Mayor Spencer discussed changes to the Consent Calendar.
The City Attorney stated if the Councilmember is voting no on a Consent item, the vote
can be recorded without pulling the item.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether the Anti-Semitism referral [paragraph no. 17-523]
could be heard before the referendum item [paragraph no. 17-515].
Mayor Spencer stated that she does not support moving up referrals.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether the referendum item could be heard first on in the
Regular Agenda since it needs to be voted on tonight.
Mayor Spencer stated she is not in favor of the request.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese and Oddie concurred with the request.
(17-496) Proclamation Declaring September 16, 2017 as Coastal Cleanup Day.
Mayor Spencer read the proclamation and presented it to the Public Works Program
Specialist, who showed a photograph of the beach.
(17-497) Gaby Dolphin, Alameda, submitted information; read a statement and
suggested renaming Calhoun Street after Heather Hyer who was killed in
Charlottesville, South Carolina.
(17-498) Angela Hockabout, Alameda, urged doing more to develop housing.
(17-499) Jennifer Geema, Alameda, discussed her rental situation.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Mayor Spencer stated that she would vote no on final passage of the ordinance
[paragraph no. *17-514].
Councilmember Oddie stated that he would vote no on the 5 Bars resolution [paragraph
no. *17-511].
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Vice Mayor Vella seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5, with
the two exceptions noted above. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
(*17-500) Minutes of the Special City Council Meetings Held on June 20, 2017 and July
5, 2017, and the Regular City Council Meeting Held on July 5, 2017. Approved.
(*17-501) Ratified bills in the amount of $14,213,204.80.
(*17-502) Recommendation to Award a Five-Year Contract for an Amount not to Exceed
a Total Five-Year Expenditure of $250,000, Subject to Budget Approvals, to Hinderliter
de Llamas (HdL) for Review and Analysis of Sales and Use Tax Revenues. Accepted.
(*17-503) Recommendation to Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the Period
Ending June 30, 2017 Collected During the Period January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017.
(*17-504) Recommendation to Accept Report on the Appointment of Bryan Schwartz as
a Member of the Open Government Commission. Accepted.
(*17-505) Recommendation to Award a One-Year Contract, with the Option of Four
One-Year Extensions, for an Amount not to Exceed $93,319.86, for a Total Five Year
Expenditure not to Exceed $485,640.33, to Clean Lakes, Inc. for Vegetation
Management, Debris Management, and Water Quality Monitoring for the South Shore
Lagoons. Accepted.
(*17-506) Recommendation to Award a One-Year Contract, with the Option of Four
One-Year Extensions, for an Amount not to Exceed $20,698.92, for a Total Five-Year
Expenditure not to Exceed $107,718.02, Subject to Budget Approval, to Dream Ride
Elevator for Full Service Elevator Maintenance and Repairs in City Buildings (Various
Locations). Accepted.
(*17-507) Recommendation to Award a One-Year Contract, with the Option of Four
One-Year Extensions, for an Amount not to Exceed $105,600, for a Total Five-Year
Expenditure not to Exceed $549,546.65, Subject to Budget Approval, to Prime
Mechanical for Annual Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning System Maintenance
at City Facilities. Accepted.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
(*17-508) Recommendation to Accept the Work of Rosas Brothers Construction for the
Repair of Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter, Driveway, and Minor Street Patching, Fiscal
Year (FY) 2016-17, Phase 17, No. P.W. 05-16-18. Accepted.
(*17-509) Recommendation to Amend the Contract with Ranger Pipeline Inc. to
Increase the Contract Amount by $4,048,544.03, which Includes a 10% Contingency,
for Cyclic Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Phase 14, No. P.W. 05-17-27, for a Total
Authorized Amount of $17,375,030, for Cyclic Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Phases 11,
12, 13 and 14. Accepted.
(*17-510) Recommendation to Enter into an Agreement Between the City of Alameda
and Waste Management of Alameda County Inc. for Solid Waste Transfer and Disposal
Services for a Ten-Year Period (Ending June 30, 2027); and Adoption of Resolution
Setting Per Ton Rates for Solid Waste Transfer and Disposal Services with Waste
Management of Alameda County, Inc. Accepted.
(*17-511) Resolution No. 15301, “Authorizing the City Manager to: (1) Execute a
Professional Services Agreement and a License Agreement (the “Agreements”) With
XG Communities, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company DBA 5 BARS
Communities (“5 BARS”) Each for a Term of Five Years with Four Five-Year Extensions
for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Consulting, Marketing and Management and
Services for City Assets in Exchange for a Thirty-Five Percent (35%) Share of
Generated Revenue” and (2) Execute Auxiliary Documents and to Perform Any and All
Acts Necessary or Desirable to Permit 5 BARS to Perform the Services.” Adopted.
[Note: Councilmember Oddie voted no, so the motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Vella and Mayor Spencer – 4. Noes:
Councilmember Oddie – 1.]
(*17-512) Resolution No. 15302, “Approving the City of Alameda’s Continued
Participation in the Alameda County HOME Consortium, Authorizing the City Manager
to Execute the Revised HOME Consortium Cooperative Agreement with Alameda
County and Rescinding Resolution No. 15287.” Adopted.
(*17-513) Resolution No. 15303, “Authorizing the City Treasurer, the City Finance
Director and the City Finance Services Manager to Order the Deposit or Withdrawal of
Monies in the State Local Agency Investment Fund on Behalf of the City and Repealing
Resolution No. 14776.” Adopted.
(*17-514) Ordinance No. 3188, “Approving Master Plan Amendment to Include a
Maritime Commercial and Residential Variant for Approximately 39 Acres of Land with
the Bayport/Alameda Landing City of Master Plan. [A Final Supplemental Environmental
Impact Report for the Alameda Landing Mixed Use Development Project was Certified
in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (State
Clearinghouse #2006012091) in 2006. An Environmental Assessment for the Proposed
Actions has been Prepared.] Finally passed.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
[Note: Mayor Spencer voted no, so the motion carried by the following vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie and Vella – 4. Noes: Mayor Spencer
– 1.]
(17-515) Recommendation to Accept the Certificate of Sufficiency for Referendum
Petition Against Ordinance No. 3180; and Select One of the Following Options: 1)
Introduction of Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 3180 in Its Entirety. Introduced; or
2) Adoption of Resolution Calling an Election in the City of Alameda for the Purpose of
Submitting to the Electors Ordinance No. 3180 Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Amending Various Sections of Article XV of Chapter VI Concerning (a) Review of
Rent Increases Applicable to All Rental Units and Rent Stabilization Applicable to
Certain Rental Units and (b) Limitations on Evictions and the Payment of Relocat ion
Fees Applicable to all Rental Units (Eliminating “No Cause” Ground for Eviction and
Requiring Landlords to Pay Relocation Fees at the Expiration of Certain Fixed Term
Leases). Not adopted.
Stated the ordinance should be rescinded to work on a better ordinance: Eric
Strimmling, Alameda Renters Coalition.
Stated the rent ordinance needs to be amended; urged Council to push through the
petition against Ordinance 3180: Lester Cabral, Alameda.
The City Attorney gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether the City Attorney could review the implications of
what happens if Council rescinds versus putting the matter on the ballot.
The City Attorney responded the Council can place the ordinance on the ballot in April,
June or November of 2018 at different costs; Ordinance 3180 would be not in effect;
Ordinance 3148 continues to be in effect; the voters would decide if Ordinance 3180
would go into effect; if the Council decides to rescind the ordinance , there would be a
first reading tonight; the referendum prohibits the Council from doing an action
substantially similar to the provisions in Ordinance 3180 for one year; if Council puts the
matter on the ballot and the people decide to rescind Ordinance 3180, then, the year
period starts.
Mayor Spencer inquired if Ordinance 3180 is rescinded, is Ordinance 3148 still in effect,
to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated Ordinance 3148 is
unaffected by Ordinance 3180.
Councilmember Oddie inquired what defines substantially similar.
The City Attorney responded the Elections Code prohibits Council from doing anything
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
substantially similar; any provisions in Ordinance 3180 cannot be amended for one full
Councilmember Oddie requested staff to provide Council case law so that Council does
not come up with changes that are not allowed.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired if there are any impacts to the fee.
The City Attorney responded that the fee is not included in the ordinance, so the fee is
Vice Mayor Vella inquired whether the provision to pass on part of the fee to renters is
now withdrawn, to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the landlords can withdraw the ballot
measure if an agreement with the renters is reached.
The City Attorney responded the signatures for the referendum have been certified and
cannot be modified.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of accepting the Certificate of Sufficiency for
Referendum Petition against Ordinance No. 3180.
Mayor Spencer seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether there is a motion for the second part of the item.
Vice Mayor Vella and Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated they would like to ha ve
more discussion.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would still like to make changes to
Ordinance 3148; not allowing no cause evictions protects residents; Alameda needs
more housing and the City needs to help the people who are in their home s now; she
will not support the rescission.
Councilmember Oddie stated an eviction in the Bay Area today is the equivalent of
being homeless; he stands by Ordinance 3180.
Vice Mayor Vella stated that she would like landlords and tenants to sit down and have
a conversation on possible solutions for everyone involved; she is saddened that
families are being displaced.
Mayor Spencer stated that she supports having more conversations with the landlords
and tenants.
Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance rescinding Ordinance
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Mayor Spencer seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Oddie inquired if the two groups come to an
agreement to put something on the ballot would be permissible.
The City Attorney responded she will have to get back to Council on the answer.
The City Clerk stated Elections Code Section 9241 states: “the ordinance shall not
again be enacted by the legislative body for a period of one year,” which might allow the
Council could put the matter on the ballot.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether there is anything the City could do to assist the
tenants at 470 Central Avenue.
The City Attorney responded no cause eviction entitles tenants to relocation benefits,
which is the case in some instances at 470 Central Avenue; there have been some for
cause eviction notices at 470 Central Avenue where the landlord claims breach of the
lease; it is not within the purview of the City to determine the accuracy of those claims ;
the Housing Authority does monitor that the landlord is conducting business properly
according to Ordinance 3148.
(17-516) Mayor Spencer stated a motion is needed to consider remaining items.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of hearing the two encroachment
ordinances [paragraph no. 17-519].
Vice Mayor Vella seconded the motion which FAILED by the following vote: Ayes:
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft, Councilmember Oddie and Vice Mayor Vella – 3. Noes:
Councilmember Matarrese and Mayor Spencer.
Mayor Spencer moved approval of hearing the balance of the agenda, minus the WiFi
referral [paragraph no. 17-522].
Councilmember Matarrese stated he will second the motion only if it is amended to not
hear both referrals.
Mayor Spencer accepted the f riendly amendment to the motion.
On the call for the question, the motion FAILED by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmember Matarrese and Mayor Spencer – 2. Noes: Councilmember Ezzy
Ashcraft, Councilmember Oddie and Vice Mayor Vella – 3.
Mayor Spencer moved approval of hearing the resolutions of appointment and the two
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
encroachment ordinances.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which FAILED by the following voice
vote: Ayes: Councilmember Matarrese and Mayor Spencer – 2. Noes: Councilmember
Ezzy Ashcraft, Councilmember Oddie and Vice Mayor Vella – 3.
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she hopes the landlords and tenants get
together to come to a solution.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired what is the City’s involvement because the matter is a
referendum of a City ordinance.
The City Manager responded cost.
Vice Mayor Vella inquired what the cost is to the City.
The City Manager responded that is dependent on which election the Council decides to
put on the item; the June election would be more expensive than placing the item on the
general election in November.
Mayor Spencer inquired what the specific cost would be.
The City Clerk responded it would depend on how many other items are on the June
ballot; worse case would be around $700,000; if the item is added to the November
ballot, the cost would be approximately $25,000 for printing and typesetting costs.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:
Councilmembers Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Spencer – 4. Noes:
Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft – 1.
(17-517) Adoption of Resolution Appointing Patricia Lamborn as a Member of the
Planning Board; and
(17-517A) Adoption of Resolution Appointing Alan Teague as a Member of the Planning
Board. Not heard.
(17-518) Recommendation to Appoint Gene Kahane and Cathy Dana as Alameda’s
Poet Laureates. Not heard.
(17-519) SUMMARY: Introduce Two Ordinances that Resolve Two Encroachment
Issues on City Property in Order to Facilitate the Start of Construction of the Cross
Alameda Trail Project along Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway, Between Main and
Webster Streets.
Introduction of Ordinance Approving an Amended and Restated Lease and Authorizing
the City Manager to Execute Documents Necessary to Implement the Terms of an
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
Amended and Restated Lease Agreement with Mr. Hi Chi Chen and Mrs. Lena Muy
Chiv, a Married Couple, dba Hometown Donuts for 1930 Main Street; and
(17-519A) Introduction of Ordinance Approving a Grant of Non -Exclusive Easement and
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Documents Necessary to Implement the
Terms of Grant of Non-Exclusive Easement to Alameda Boys & Girls Club (ABGC) and
Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) for Access and Maintenance. Not heard.
(17-520) Update on Tracking of Council Referrals. Not heard.
(17-521) The City Manager stated one Firefighter and one Police Officer from the City of
Alameda have gone to assist with Hurricane Harvey; the City did not apply for the
Justice Assistance Grant for funds for Police Department equipment due to the
application having requirements to give information about immigrant citizens to the
federal government; items that are going on at the federal level which might impact the
City: the Executive Order that prohibited military equipment to be sold to local Police
Departments has been rescinded; the federal regulations to manage flood control have
been revoked; a bill has been designed to drastically cut illegal immigration and revise
the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to allow immigrant children to have
citizen status in the future.
(17-522) Consider Directing Staff to Explore Offering Free Public WiFi Throughout the
City. Not heard. (Mayor Spencer)
(17-523) Consider: 1) Adoption of Resolution Condemning the Increased Incidents of
Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination, Violence and Anti-Semitism; and 2) Direct Staff to
Provide a Status Update on Hate Crime Training and Possible Training of Community
Members; and Direct the City Manager to Provide Periodic Reports to Council on Hate
Crimes. Not heard. (Vice Mayor Vella and Councilmember Oddie)
(17-524) Consideration of Mayor’s Nominations to the Historical Advisory Board (HAB)
and Public Art Commission (PAC).
Mayor Spencer nominated Lynn Jones and Norman Sanchez to the Historical Advisory
Board and Mark Farrell to the Public Art Commission.
(17-525) Mayor Spencer stated that she signed a letter against bias, discrimination and
anti-Semitism with the U.S. Mayor’s Conference; the Temple has an open house on
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
September 5, 2017
September 17th, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; the Alameda Running Festival is also on
September 17th.
(17-526) Report Out from Stop Waste on the Fix It Clinic. (Councilmember Oddie)
Councilmember Oddie encouraged having a Fix It Clinic in Alameda.
Mayor Spencer inquired whether the Alameda Library will have an event like the Fix It
Jane Chisaki, Library Director, responded the Alameda Library does not do fix it clinics
due to possible damage to carpeting; Mastic Center has expressed an interest in
holding a fix it clinic.
(17-527) Vice Mayor Vella stated that she that received emails regarding trying to
diversify the Economic Development Strategic Plan Board; she also received emails
questioning why cannabis is not included in the plan.
The City Manager responded that she understood the direction for the Economic
Development Strategic Plan is to be grassroots; additional citizens have been invited to
participate to make the group more diverse.
(17-528) Councilmember Matarrese stated that he and Mayor Spencer represented the
City at the East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD) liaison committee; EBRPD is
putting a lot of money into Alameda.
(17-529) Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she attended the lead poisoning
prevention commission meeting; noted that she is grateful that Alameda did not cede
local control over cell phone towers to the telecommunications industry.
(17-530) Mayor Spencer announced the Alameda Theater is showing the film Fallen,
sponsored by the Police Officers Association, on Monday, September 11th.
There being no further business, Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting at 10:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.