2019-01-02 Special CC-SACIC Minutes1
WEDNESDAY- -JANUARY 2, 2019- -6:59 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Councilmember/Commissioner Vella led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/Commissioners Daysog, Knox
White, Oddie, Vella and Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft –
Absent: None.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft stated the purchase and sale agreeme nt [paragraph no. 19-
003 CC/19-03 SACIC] would return at a later meeting with the appraisal report.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White requested the reimbursement agreement
[paragraph no. 19-004CC/19-05SACIC] be pulled from the Consent Calendar for
Councilmember/Commissioner Oddie moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember/Commissioner Vella seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk pr eceding the
paragraph number.]
(*19-001CC/19-01SACIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Successor
Agency to the Community Improvement Commission Meeting Held on September 18,
2018 and December 18, 2018. Approved.
(*19-002CC/19-02SACIC) Recommendation to Accept the First Quarter Financial
Report for the Period Ending September 30, 2018. Accepted.
(19-03 SACIC) Recommendation to Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute a
Purchase and Sale Agreement for a Net Sales Price of $261,000 with an Additional
$409,525 Infrastructure Investment for the Vacant Parcel at 2350 Fifth Street; and
(19-003 CC) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by
Amending Section 30 to Rezone Property at 2350 Fifth Street to Administrative
Professional Zoning District. Not heard.
(*19-04 SACIC) Recommendation to Authorize the Interim City Manager to Submit the
Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule (ROPS) and Administrative Budget for the
Period from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 to the Coun tywide Oversight Board.
(19-004 CC/19-05 SACIC) Recommendation to Authorize the Interim City Manager to
Execute a Reimbursement Agreement for Estuary Park Access between the Successor
Agency to the Community Improvement Commission, City of Alam eda and Catellus
Alameda Development, LLC.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Director gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White stated that he does not desire to hold up the
item; the connections to the park for biking and wal king are below standard
recommendations; wider than necessary roadways are being built for access; that he
would appreciate support for a motion to approve the agreement, but also give direction
that ensures priority mode standards be met as street design continues.
The City Engineer stated this is a driveway, a temporary access road to the backside of
Estuary Park and the expanded parking lot; at over 800 feet, the driveway is essentially
a road; outlined the first steps in considering lane width by def inition being a defendable
legal definition; stated the goal is to keep 10 foot lanes and allow enough room for the
curb and gutter, effectively creating 22 feet face curb to face curb; the basis for the
pathway design is based off the 2011 City of Alameda Pedestrian Design Guidelines
referencing a Caltrans minimum standard of a 10 foot wide road; should the roadway
ever connect to Midway Street, there will be an opportunity to enhance the pedestrian
and bicycle connections at that time.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft inquired the timeframe for moving forward.
The City Engineer responded Catellus is prepared to move forward shortly after
Council’s authorization.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft inquired if there would be any detriment to the agreement if
the decision is put off for a couple of weeks, to which the City Engineer responded in
the negative.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White moved approval of the agreement, but asking
that a design that provides the preferred 12 foot mixed -use pathway and a 20 foot Fire
Code rated driveway be met; stated the cost differential should be positive for the City; if
not, the issue may be brought back to Council on consent and be approved.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White stated that he considers the road to be a
driveway that should have nine foot wide lanes; outlined Caltrans being amenable to the
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) guidelines; stated the City
should be building desirable streets to allow access to parks.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft requested input from the Interim City Attorney related to
Council providing sufficient direction to staff.
The Interim City Attorney stated the motion provided by Vice Mayor Knox White will
improve the reimbursement agreement and give direction to staff in terms of what is
The Interim City Manager inquired if the 22 foot wide road be used as a fire lane;
outlined that fire access roads must be at least 22 feet wide.
The City Engineer stated fire access roads must be 20 feet wide; the i ssue comes down
to the definition of what a lane is relative to the vertical curb; ultimately decisions are
based on legal standards; the recommendation to designate it as a roadway versus a
driveway falls on the distance of the road being more than three city blocks long, even
though the road will not be high-use.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft inquired how Council will know of a modified design, if any,
is achieved.
The City Engineer requested to meet with Vice Mayor /Commissioner Knox White to
discuss and bring back an amendable decision.
Councilmember/Commissioner Oddie stated there is ten feet of pedestrian bike path
and 23 feet of roadway; inquired whether Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White would
like a staff presentation when the item returns.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White responded that he would propose reducing the
22 foot width to 20 feet, with a 12 foot multi-use path.
Councilmember/Commissioner Oddie inquired the process for updating the attachment
to the contract; expressed support for the change.
The Interim City Attorney responded the exhibit of the agreement shows a particular
design and the proposed modification to that design is within the gambit of the agenda
report and title; stated it is appropriate for Council to take act ion; if there are re-design
concerns, the item can come back at a later date for consideration.
Councilmember/Commissioner Vella stated that she would appreciate an alternative
plan be put forward for the Council to consider on an agenda.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would prefer the City Engineer meet with
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White offline and bring the matter back to Council as
soon as possible.
The City Engineer stated given the turnaround time for staff reports and agendas, the
item will likely return in one month.
Councilmember/Commissioner Daysog stated for all intents and purposes this is a road;
outlined safety and legal issues as important; expressed support for the
recommendation put forth by staff.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White moved approval of continuing the item to the first
meeting in February.
Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft suggested amending the motion to have the date be left
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White agreed to amend the motion
Councilmember/Commissioner Oddie suggested the motion be amended to add
incorporating the comments from the dais.
Vice Mayor/Commissioner Knox White agreed to amend the motion.
Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor Knox W hite stated that he has met with the City Engineer
and commends his diligence and care.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote – 5.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at
7:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk and Secretary, SACIC
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.