2006-12-05 5-A Power PointAppeal of ajor Design Review DRO6-002 3292 Washington Street Power Point Presentation At the 12 -5 -06 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #5 -A Project Proposal • Second Story Addition and Remodel • 1,350 Square Feet • R -1 Zoning District • Complies with all Zoning Standards and Requirements • Requires Design Review Existing Condition BA 2 tap jEl BEDROOM *1 (E) BEDROOM *2 E BREAKFAST -1 / .1 rE:- ri IL) BEDROOM *3 II 21 GARAGE fEl DINING ARE*, 117.1.,376 jEl LIVING ROOM ® EXISTING/DEMO FLOOR PLAN 1 11.0AC,S SWA.111 co SITE PLAN it■ PROJECT DATA CATER AMU WOK ,,R0lEC7ACCRE. 9,92 rt115.0.10fa MEE, awavok 5t1.9.AC1(5: FRO, AM REAR z.TZET SCE 30 Wk. WASHINGTON 6.5 LOT SUE .3% 3349 SQ. Fr COVEIASEALLIXAlIt 24% 1542 SQ. mtra...:no.oser, U3 0Z4 fl r.ARE R7CMCE: IMO SQ. , Ata°146 016., ,oaa so,rte (CCM. :44:27,7: W 14 DESIGN A • - Elevations Existing W H DESIGN I `,1 IL,T. SIX I, 1.111, 0 0 .LAIF AS xOn 8 • Floor Plans* Proposed 6.10.11%.14e.A. +•• • MMMMM ONIMIP;..w I N .EMm M1.M1.M 1 y"11-1* ' e .MMM•MMM 111111. tffiMINIIM17::.:71•1•111•M0 11111•1IN :; imumm7a 11 i 1 Min 41 IMMO= OW= 01111= II =IP -Alikumn. mink= 1 1 PROPOSED FIRST r_OOR LF w 0 Elevations: Proposed ® PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS PI. IMMO, W14 DESIGN 1.110, ‘11111, 010+ .1. w U) w • .0■10 C:s1t1,1, Proposed Elevation: Neighbor's Side -P,17 M MOM .omMOIMmMMalm- M M ..m1 MM.= MOMMIMMMoma.. MI MO MO MOM MOM OM MOM- MOM OM MI MI= MINIM OMMMOM OM MI MEM =MUM! M11■■li .a• NIM RIO MIN ===1•111= MMI n. •IM MIA••• •=110M ■IIMM INN MI ■MINIIIM ■■• - IMIIMIMIMMINNIMANIMINI MN ■IM1 IMNIMI M.. G PG' SIG 2,L =MEM MIMI= NI MI OM MIMMIMMMIMMMIIMIM -.a "■=min MINIM M MM. ME MMIIIIMM M MIIIMI --MUM M M MO MI OM MI MI IMM M IM MO IMO IM MN MOM IMI I■1 NM =O l■ ■ NM ■ IMMIIMANN ■ 1■11■1 MEM /NM= NE Ma NM MI NM= =MOM •■■■ il M 1.•••== MO ■ ==.1a=1= MOM = I ■•••■■■•■•”1111.1=IMINNIIIMI..AMIMMIIMIIIM■IMINNM■1■=11•1•1■■■•••1=1■111.1 ....M.N.= MII MI MN =NIMENI■ MEM Mi MI MN ME _MEN MN =I MII___IME ON MUMI1 -A= MI ■ =UM ME ■ ■I MN M. ■ =I •••■■••■•■■■M■■=1CM MINN= M•MNIM.■ MI Wm ■■•■•• . mo mo m m mom am mm nom m m mm mo m am m m =mom m om m ma am m m m mom m m moo nom m mm -MMOMMM MIMI= M MINIM MMIMMIIIMImmmomoMM MIIIIIMM MMIIMIIIMMIMMEMMEM MI r , • • , • 1 • • ; •-•:.•"•• -• • , • • . , 111 NNE Fp. il II • :111 IIJI EJ• IUUU MOM= MIMI= %.4.11 MOM MIMIM rMITatitlgrAZITM" 0MTA OrlirM—n MOMMIOMMOMMMMMMIMIMMOMMOIMM IMIM M MM MIMM MEM MEMO MOM MM MOM MMMMMM PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION 0 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Application History January 2006: Application Submitted. March 2006: Design Review Approved. May 2006: Planning Board Review — Application Continued: - Direction to work with neighbors - Direction to further modify design to reduce shade impacts September 2006: Planning Board Review — Application Continued: - Direction to make further specific, minor modifications to reduce shadow. October 9, 2006: Planning Board Approved Application. October Appeal Filed Basi The Project is NOT: • Compatible with its site, adjacent neighboring buildings and its surroundings. • Will be detrimental to existing property values or the growth of the property values in the vicinity of the project • Consistent with the principles and standards of the City of Alameda Design Review Guidelines. Neighborhood Character Design Compatibility a . .....ititteX4W Afilliikilhib lora -11..iiassarw 1111111111111111111111""ii"ffilb lthi lailatil '■■•..--, . . 1 1111.11 an 1111 MIER .11414 454 atsfsigutfoRriti ELEMAMI PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS '07e" tit" Detriment: Neighbor's Side Elevation 141111111111` rolr iiarairraizi•ti•iiR•rr•i mezzarz suriteirtAtimiii a1fIj1rI�1yIi irr°"r�za :rr+ w•' S"' lmimdL'$ *'Si"'L""1•.La'.Ll"'.i:Iiwi•L•. ..00...u._ arGwcirtierR'" a r1°+ ileri°"irruram Crlr •ir"`r'"'L'�wlL•''''iro'mz "�"rlll�� ra t gerizarcavezzazzeozza ym 611 7 M WZWi. Z° • TIT# a r, • g• r • • • a t m Isw— •#•• i -r�ui:•IraIA • I I TAR= • MAO tr-- �1IirIl ai� %•'"r•rlr1'101{1"•113•w' I•roalIll% Nli 11a11•t. rtlH•1•t111aa11111rtartlMlMlMIMIlM 11111i1#11111miM114 1 Nom mum 1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS are iu _ r -Q • SEPT. 30, 10:00 AM Dec. 5, 11:30 AM, ResidentiaL Design Guidelines Second Story - should: • Be well integrated • Not "loom" over street or neighbors Located to minimize loss of privacy • Minimize verticality • Form and Mass should relate to neighborhood Page 17 and 18 (Guidelines for Non - historic Buildings) That the City Council uphold the Planning Board's Approval of the Design Review Application finding that the project is: • Is compatible with its site, adjacent neighboring buildings and its surroundings. • Will not be detrimental to existing property values or the growth of the property values in the vicinity of the project • Is consistent with the principles and standards of the City of Alameda Design Review Guidelines.