2019-07-16 Special CC MinutesSpecial Meeting Alameda City Council July 16, 2019 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY- -JULY 16, 2019- -5:30 P.M. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 5:43 p.m. Councilmember Daysog led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Knox White, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft – 5. Absent: None. AGENDA ITEMS (19-417) Preliminary Public Hearing on Draft Climate Action and Resiliency Plan and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Schedule Final Council Action for September 3, 2019. The Public Works Director and Deputy Public Works Director gave a Power Point presentation. Councilmember Daysog stated that he has received correspondence related to th e item and the congestion pricing and tolls through the Webster and Posey tubes; he has not seen policies, strategies or actions within the material; inquired whether there are policies, strategies or actions as part of Climate Action. The Public Works Director responded congestion pricing is not a measure required to reach the goal of a 50% cut by 2030; to reach net zero gas emissions as soon as possible, the Climate Action Resiliency Plan (CARP) would suggest congestion pricing benefits. Councilmember Oddie inquired whether Veterans Court had been funded by the previous budget approval. The Deputy Public Works Director responded the near term strategy has been approved as funded or partially funded; stated the current item includes funding approval of the storm capacity upgrades. Councilmember Oddie inquired whether two of the priority items have already been started, to which the Deputy Public Works Director responded in the affirmative. Expressed support for specific sections of the Plan: Miya Kitahara, Stopwaste. Discussed State climate programs; thanked Alameda for leading the way: Kelly Malinowski, California State Coastal Conservancy. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 16, 2019 2 Urged moving forward with programs which support biking and walking: Pat Potter, Bike Walk Alameda. Urged Council to adopt and implement the Plan; discussed ways to reduce impacts on the environment; submitted his comments: Damian Mason, Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA) and Climate Restoration Circle (CRC). Submitted her comments proposing a change to a supplemental action on Table 3 -6: Elizabeth Greene, Alameda. Stated the Sierra Club commends Alameda; expressed support for the Plan ; suggested Alameda consider managed retreat if needed: William Smith, Sierra Club. Stated a mode shift is needed; suggested every parking lot with 10 or more spots have electric vehicle parking: Mark Perlin, CRC. Outlined CASA’s formation and involvement with developing the Plan; urged adoption of the Plan: Ruth Abbe, CASA. Councilmember Oddie stated the Plan should not be delayed and should be implemented as a priority; questioned the different ways the Plan will be funded; stated there are benefits from composting; the amount of vehicles need to be reduced, not just switched to electric vehicles; outlined transportation plan alternatives to driving; stated buildings are the biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions; the City needs to think about all new construction being electric; plans focus ed on parking allow people to drive; people will find alternate ways to travel if plans are not built around parking; discussed projects; stated the entire infrastructure bond should be devoted to sea level rise; he would like to learn more about the climate fund proposal; expressed support for a wetlands mitigation bank, as a way to restore wetlands and generate revenue to pay for projects; the project is a priority and needs to be implemented. Councilmember Daysog expressed support for the sections related to sea level rise and goals related to excessive heat; expressed concern for the section related to greenhouse gas emissions related to tolls and undoin g Measure A; stated the tolls for Posey Tube are heavy-handed based on driving trends; that he does not support congestion pricing and the effort to undermine Measure A; the item cannot be used as an emergency to undo Measure A; expressed support for build ing resilience; stated there is a need for respect of the architectural history of Alameda. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft requested Councilmember Daysog to clarify undermining of Measure A. Councilmember Daysog stated Chapter 3, page 32 talks about creating high er density and the need to change zoning to allow more multi -family use; the explanation should be explicit and indicate Measure A must be undone to complete doing so. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 16, 2019 3 Vice Mayor Knox White stated unless there are significant changes to the document, there should be no reason not to approve the document versus provide comments to have the item return in September; his comments can be addressed after approval; noted that he would like to see the Climate Emergency Declaration added to the document; stated when the Declaration was approved, it was approved as a preamble to the Plan; the document should be more clear; the timeline for 36” of sea level rise matters and a date is not mentioned; expressed support for the importance of prioritizing mode shift over electrification; outlined related staffing costs toward electrifying City vehicles; stated the Transportation Choices Plan needs to be more aggressive in creating staffing to match the work needing to be done; expressed support for the groundwater study; stated the data related to drought and water use is helpful; he would like to see policy Council can send to encourage East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) to have pricing that incentivizes users to reduce water use; the maps are useful, in order to help mitigate upcoming sea level rise for not only new development, but existing housing as well; a policy is needed for adopting a General Plan Amendment related to land use and zoning; there are a number of places slated for rezoning; requested that the affected property values not be impacted without outreach and an opportunity for land owners to participate in discussions; stated devaluing will occur; engagement must happen sooner than later. Councilmember Vella stated that she would like a notation added under fleet electrification, to reduce the number of fleet where possible; noted traffic signal synchronization should be part of the Plan; stated first and last mile modes of transportation are important especially for bus and ferry riders; an appen dix should be added to the document every year following the mid-year budget cycle to include up to date expenditures related to the Plan; expressed support for the Plan. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated climate change is real; discussed unusually heavy rains; stated change must be made; that she understands apprehension with regard to Measure A; the item may have to go back to the voters; expressed support for the Plan; inquired the reason for waiting until September to fully approve the Plan. The Public Works Director responded California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) noticing is to be done between now and September 3 to enable adoption. Vice Mayor Knox White moved approval with the addition of the comments made by Council. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the motion includes the staff recommendation, to which Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Knox White, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft – 4. Noes: Councilmember Daysog – 1. Special Meeting Alameda City Council July 16, 2019 4 (19-418) Recommendation to Authorize the City Attorney to Join as Amicus Curiae on Behalf of the City in Support of Lawsuits Concerning Topics for which the Council has Already Taken an Official Policy Position. The City Attorney gave a brief presentation. Expressed concern over the proposal; urged the Council keeps its authority: Former Mayor Trish Spencer, Alameda. Councilmember Daysog stated that his understanding of the staff report is the Ci ty Attorney’s office is seeking ability to join an amicus brief regarding platforms related to short-term rentals; local governments would like to regulate platforms related to AirBNB or VRBO; Council is not granting the City Attorney’s office to authorize anything related to local control; expressed support. Councilmember Oddie stated giving authority is a great idea, when Council does not have the time to agendize something; requested a copy of the brief be presented as an informational item. Councilmember Oddie moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote – 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.