2020-05-19 Special Meeting MinutesSpecial Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
TUESDAY- -MAY 19, 2020- -7:01 P.M.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:12 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmember Daysog, Knox White, Oddie, Vella
and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft – 5. [Note: The meeting was
conducted via Zoom]
Absent: None.
(20-337) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a
$310,000 Agreement with Creative Build, Inc. to Operate a Day Center and Safe
Parking Program for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness Funded through the
Homeless Emergency Aid Program.
The Community Development Analyst gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor Knox White moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Daysog stated that he is not convinced the parking
program is a good use of funds.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated Council is modeling what will be done after the successful
models of other cities; safe parking will have a registration p rocess, be supervised, and
have resources available.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Abstain; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 4; Abstentions: 1.
(20-338) Recommendation to Create an Alameda Strong Community Relief Fund to
Provide Grants or Other Types of Relief to Small Businesses, Non -profits and
Residential Renters that have been Negatively Financially Impacted by the COVID -19
The Economic Development Manager gave a presentation.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the 13% fee listed in the staff report is a typo, to
which the Economic Development Manager responded in the negative.
The Economic Development Manager concluded the presentation.
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Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the applicant will be the tenant for the rent
portion of the item; whether there is no other obligation for the tenant to pay rent for the
particular dollar amount.
The Economic Development Manager responded in the affirmative; stated tenants may
currently be two months in arrears; the grant will only pay up to one month.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether a tenant will still owe $500 should they receive
$2,500 but the cost of rent is $3,000, to which the Economic Development Manager
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether a discussion was had related to publicly traded
companies being excluded from the Strong Community Relief Grant.
The Economic Development Manager responded the current item clarifies points made
from Council, Downtown Alameda Business Association (DABA) and West Alameda
Business Association (WABA) regarding amounts; stated staff will exclude publicly
traded companies.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether someone would be eligible for multiple grants,
to which the Economic Development Manager responded in the negative.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired the reason franchisee holders would be excluded from the
Councilmember Vella inquired whether a sole proprietor would be eligible for the same
amount as a business with 25 to 50 employees, to which the Economic Development
Manager responded in the affirmative.
In response to Councilmember Vella’s inquiry, the Economic Development Manager
stated instances of families with children assisting the business will take a draw versus
paying each member individually.
Councilmember Vella inquired the basis for the $2,500 amount for residential tenants.
The Economic Development Manager responded the amount is based on average rent
in Alameda.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether or not the amount is based on the number of
tenants living on a given property.
The Economic Development Manager responded the amount is up to $2,500.
In response to Councilmember Vella’s inquiry, the Economic Development Manager
stated if rent is $1,300, the award will only be $1,300.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Councilmember Vella inquired whether landlords will be able to apply for the small
business grant as well as being paid via rent relief.
The Economic Development Manager responded landlords will not be paid through rent
relief unless a tenant within their building is qualified; noted the relief is only for
residential rent; stated landlords are not listed as a qualifier even though they have a
business license.
Vice Mayor Knox White inquired the process for including sole proprietors working out
of their home with a 50% income loss.
The Economic Development Manager responded sole proprietors working out of their
home typically are not able to continue working with no source of income; stated there is
little difference between sole proprietors and those working out of their home, which
causes no reason for exclusion; noted Council requested staff to return with a higher
amount and many people have requested 50% loss.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated a home based business does not have the overhead of a
commercial business; there are federal programs which may be applied for related to
mortgage assistance; inquired whether the Community Relief Fund will be used for
mortgage assistance.
The Economic Development Manager responded the fund includes operating costs and
is for their business.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired how the City will leverage its resources.
The Economic Development Manager responded staff is spending a lot of time and not
using consultants to help with program development.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether Working Solutions is the only available choice to
administer the fund.
The Economic Development Manager responded that she has tried to find other similar
firms; stated the report timeline had a quick turnaround.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired how non-profits are represented.
The Economic Development Manager responded non -profits were not included.
Councilmember Daysog inquired whether entire household income data will be used for
payments, or will the data be provided solely from the leaseholder; inquired how the City
can account for household income.
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The Community Development Director responded an upcoming staff report will discuss
how Community Development Block Grant Programs (CDBG) funds will be
incorporated; stated staff will contract with Building Futures to run the program; Building
Futures ran a similar program before; staff will return with the response t o properly
defining a household.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the CDBG funds will be subject to the 13 to
15% administrative charge.
The Community Development Director responded Council has independently approved
the small business/COVID-19 grant relief program; stated staff will be bringing a rent
relief program; the two programs in combination add up to a $1.2 million funding
commitment by the City; the community can then help match or exceed the funding.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether a landlord, who is also a property management
firm, would be eligible for funding.
The Economic Development Manager responded a property management firm would be
eligible for funding.
Expressed support for creation of funds to assist the community to ra ise needed money
for residents and businesses, and splitting the funds to allow potential donors to donate
to a residential fund and a separate business/non-profit fund; stated confidential
information should not be made public: Ron Mooney, Alameda.
Stated his business as a massage therapist has been affected by COVID-19; inquired
whether he can return to work in a chiropractor office: Felix Diaz, Alameda.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft noted the website for the Alameda County Public Health
Department (acphd.org) has updated information about which businesses are open.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he appreciates that the staff report includes
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.
Vice Mayor Knox White inquired how quickly the community fund can be setup.
The Economic Development Manager responded staff hopes to have the program setup
by the end of the week.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated that he would like more information related to separate
funds; separate funds should be the result of conversations with the business
community; expressed concern about sole proprietors receiving funding; stated that he
would like to ensure the proposal is providing a solution and continuing the viability and
strength of community business districts; expressed concer n about the shift towards
making loss of money a threshold; stated some businesses will receive the $7,500 and
never return due to loss of too much money; some businesses have struggled and only
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
lost 20%; the funding opportunity could be a lifeline that al lows the business to continue;
a lot of work has gone into the program; the 13 to 15% administrative cost is not
unheard of and is standard for managing funds; expressed support for implementing the
program and begin to receive donations from the community.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated there is a fiscal duty to explore more than one option for
administering funds; 13 to 15% for administrative costs might be standard; questioned
how much administration the project requires.
Councilmember Oddie stated the administrative fee is large; noted the rates could be
lowered to help all businesses, tenants and non -profits; stated landlords are business
people; another $300,000 should be added to the grant program; the fund is about
investing and can be the difference between going out of business and surviving; the
businesses generate sales tax and pay workers; many home based businesses have
recurring expenses not related to their mortgage; people working out of their home are
unable to perform their job; expressed su pport for including assistance for sole
proprietorships, and awarding more grants out of the original $600,000; noted many
proprietors have been left out of programs.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether an Alameda business could apply to administer
the project; stated the process should not cause an unnecessary delay; expressed
support for increasing the residential portion; expressed concern about families paying
more in rent; stated that she would consider increasing the amount of residential
funding up to $3,000 or $3,500 based off of a single month’s rent; some people have
substantially lower rent; expressed support for helping businesses get back to work;
stated child care businesses will need to completely change operations, which may
impact their ability to operate without assistance; expressed support for lowering the
award amount for sole proprietors; stated the intent of the grant is to help as many
people as possible; expressed concern about giving a lot of money to one individual;
stated an individuals’ overhead is substantially less than a business which employs a
number of people; noted proprietors are also included in the pandemic unemployment
assistance and can recoup funds; expressed support for capping the number of
proprietors able to receive funding, sole proprietors receiving up to half of the grant
award, and only so many awards being given to sole proprietors for the first wave of
funding; inquired whether there is a difference in cost for administering one fund or two
separate funds; noted GoFundMe campaigns have received push back from business
associations; expressed concern about separating funds; stated it is easier to have one
fund be administered.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the model of other cities keeping the funds separate sho uld
be followed; separate funds respects the donor; expressed support for negotiating the
administrative fee, and allowing donors to have a say where money is placed; stated
that she has difficulty with the in-home sole proprietor; there is a difference between
being home-based sole proprietor and a sole proprietor that is not home -based; Council
is trying to help the business districts, including non-profits, and should give thought to
how many applications will be received; expressed support for increasin g the rent award
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amount, which helps both the tenant and landlord, and shifting the percentage of the
fund amounts; expressed support for 50% going towards small businesses, 25%
towards renters and 25% towards non-profits; stated many non-profits serve the
community in many ways; expressed concern about transferring applicants from the
grant program into the Alameda Strong program; stated the impression of giving a head
start may be inferred; inquired whether Council should consider a minimum time that a
business has been established.
The Community Development Director stated staff has provided recommendations for
percentage breakdowns with input from the business community; the percentages will
not be needed should the funding be separated.
(20-339) Councilmember Vella moved approval of adding 2 minutes speaking time for
all Councilmembers.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion, which carried by the following roll call
vote: Councilmembers Daysog: Abstain; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
The Economic Development Manager stated staff has not recommended applications
be transferred to the new fund; staff has recommended a GoFundMe be setup ahead of
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed concern abo ut losing donors without the option to
delegate; stated a solution needs to be found.
Councilmember Vella expressed support for two funds; inquired whether non -profits will
be included in the fund with residential or small businesses.
The Community Development Director responded non-profits will have their own fund at
Councilmember Vella stated there will be three funds.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated small businesses have huge needs; it is possible donors
might provide funding generally and not specify a fund.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether a general $100 donation would be distributed
based off the percentage breakdown, to which the Economic Development Manager
responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether a non-general donation could be delegated to a
different percentage breakdown, to which the Economic Development Manager
responded in the affirmative.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Councilmember Vella inquired whether it is possible to move the money in the instance
one fund is substantially over-funded while another fund is under-funded.
The City Attorney responded there is flexibility with how Council provides direction to set
up funds; stated staff will execute Council’s wishes with the maximum flexibility
The Community Development Director stated once the option is provided and selected
by a donor, switching the funds is not ideal.
The City Attorney stated should Council wish to provide the flexibility, the option must
be advertised early-on.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the shifted funds could come from donors
providing general funding, to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor Knox White expressed support for separate funds; stated that he was
surprised by one fund being used for three diffe rent designations; people are more likely
to contribute to things that are clear; funding a mix of different things is a less successful
pitch; there can be a designation on the submittal form to indicate donors may provide
funding to all three funds; a number of non-profits were successful in getting Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP) funds.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether there is a criteria for non-profits which have
applied for PPP funds.
Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the negative; stated there is a criteria that non-
profits had to have applied for the funding in the previous round.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the criteria should be considered when looking at
income and losses.
The Economic Development Manager responded staff had not considered the criteria
for the last round, but it can be considered this round.
Councilmember Oddie expressed concern about one fund receiving nothing; stated rent
payments will go toward property owners; tenant funds will be used to pay rent;
expressed concern about a complicated process for splitting funds and the complicated
process becoming costly; stated that he is unsure.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the item should progress forward and is not terribly
complicated; other charity organizations perform these types of actions on a regular
basis; people are generous; restaurants are providing assistance even at a loss; people
want to donate to the fund.
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Councilmember Oddie inquired whether there is support to awarding more grant money.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft questioned whether Council could wait until the budget hearing to
decide and whether the decision is needed to move the Alameda Strong item forward.
Councilmember Oddie noted the item is not on the agenda for the budget; stated the
awardees will be announced by the end of the week; expressed concern about a delay
in getting money into the hands of businesses.
The City Manager stated staff has provided options: 1) the item can be continued to
follow the budget meeting scheduled for tomorrow; 2) staff can return on June 2 to
discuss adding money to the Alameda Strong fund.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether it is possible to continue the discussion of
augmenting the grant fund to the May 20th budget meeting, while moving forward with
the Alameda Strong Community Relief Fund.
The City Attorney responded Council may continue the agenda item; stated Council
may provide direction at this meeting, but still continue the entire item to the May 20 th
budget meeting.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to find a way to move forward on the
Alameda Strong Community Relief Fund.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated Council may provide direction tonight to move forward
with the community fund and delay the action on funding relief until the May 20 th budget
meeting; the formal vote would occur May 20th.
The City Attorney stated staff recommends not bifurcating the item into smaller pieces
to continue the item; Council may take votes on the item at this meeting, but allow the
option to reverse at the May 20th budget meeting.
Councilmember Vella expressed support for taking up the conversation about potentially
putting more money into the grant program with the budget discussion, and launching
the project; stated the City can give money later, but wo uld focus on getting others to
contribute now, which might reduce the need for more funds from the General Fund;
expressed concern about a complex administration process; stated that she will defer to
staff about the number of funds; noted the option of on e fund being earmarked by
donors is a way to create less administrative complications; questioned whether
different non-profits will only give to related entities; stated there is value to non -profits
having their own fund; expressed support for an Alameda Business with experience in
administering any public funds being considered to provide assistance.
The Community Development Director stated staff is able to continue moving the project
forward and incorporate any decision regarding funding provided at t he May 20th budget
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed support for moving the item forward at the current
Councilmember Oddie expressed support for moving the item forward; stated that he
would like the option to consider additional funding at the May 20th budget meeting;
inquired whether it is possible to continue the discussion.
The City Attorney stated the recommendation is to make a substantive motion at this
meeting, followed by a motion to continue the item along with the special mee ting until
the conclusion of the May 20th budget meeting at a time certain; the special meeting will
be called after the budget meeting.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether Council is permitted to approve portions of the
item or bifurcate; stated Council may approve the Alameda Strong portion and defer the
discussion about additional funding to the May 20th budget meeting.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated Council has been given the direction to vote on how to
move forward with Alameda Strong and continue the item for future discussion at the
May 20th budget meeting.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of providing direction to vote on how to move
forward with Alameda Strong, and continue the item for future discussion at the May
20th budget meeting with a recommendation for multiple funds.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion, with the following amendment: include
restricting grantees which have previously received Paycheck Protection Program
(PPP) funds to ensure the City is funding those that were p reviously unsuccessful with
grant applications.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether Council is providing staff the leeway to decide.
Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the negative; stated the direction is being
provided to restrict.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of providing direction to vote on how to move
forward with Alameda Strong and continue the item for future discussion at the May 20 th
budget meeting with a recommendation for multiple funds.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion, wit h the following amendment: include
restricting grantees which have previously received Paycheck Protection Program
(PPP) funds to ensure the City is funding those that were previously unsuccessful with
grant applications.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether Council is providing staff the leeway to decide.
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Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the negative; stated the direction is being
provided to restrict.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the restriction is directed toward businesses
that previously received $7,500, to which the Vice Mayor responded in the negative and
stated PPP funds.
Councilmember Oddie accepted the amendment to the motion; inquired whether staff is
administering the program.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft responded staff would administ er the program once the payments
are made, but the list of applicants and recipients will be administered by a firm; noted
PPP starts as a loan that needs to be repaid unless 100% of workforce is retained for a
certain period of time; inquired whether rece ipt of PPP funds would be a negative
Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the negative; stated applicants that have received
PPP will not qualify for funds; expressed support for expanding the number of
businesses and non-profits in Alameda that receive support versus allowing some
businesses to receive double support and others zero support; requested clarification of
Councilmember Oddie’s intention of the topic related to sole-proprietors and in-home
provider issue.
Councilmember Oddie expressed support for keeping sole-proprietors and in-home
providers as staff recommends.
Councilmember Vella requested a friendly amendment to the motion to limit sole -
proprietors to 50% of the grant amount.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the amendment includes the distinction between
sole-proprietors and in-home providers.
Councilmember Vella responded that she would like clarification on the distinction;
stated the limitation will allow more awards to be provided; expressed support for
providing direction to staff to limit the number of awards provided.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the request is reasonable for staff; accepted
the friendly amendment to the motion.
The Community Development Director responded staff is able to execute the re quest;
stated Council previously provided direction not to be the first resort for funding; policy
direction is helpful for staff; the restrictions for sole proprietors at a reduced formula is
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Councilmember Vella requested a friendly amendment to the motion to include
increasing the residential rent relief to $3,500 at the one month cap; inquired whether
the PPP is limited to larger non-profits.
Councilmember Oddie accepted the friendly amendment to the motion; inquired
whether Vice Mayor Knox White accepts the amendment.
Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether enough information has been provided for the
residential portion.
The Community Development Director responded staff will state: “one month’s rent, not
to exceed $3,500.”
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of continuing the discussion on whether or not
to accept staff’s recommendation to not provide additional funding for the grant program
until after the budget meeting.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion with the following amendment: to continue
the item to the May 20th budget meeting.
The City Clerk stated a time-specific is needed.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated 7:00 p.m.
Councilmember Oddie accepted the amendment to the motion.
On the call for the question, the motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
(20-340) Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Offer Commercial Tenants
in City-Owned Properties a Loan Conversion and Forgiveness Assistance Program in
Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Assistant Community Development Director gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated a program will be setup with benchmarks and criteria;
inquired the timeline for the 50% loan.
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The Assistant Community Development Director responded staff is looking for Council
to provide benchmarks; stated staff would like to begin the program as soon as
possible; noted the deferral program ends in June; stated staff will be gin negotiations,
and provide budget updates in the first quarter of the new fiscal year.
In response to Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft’s inquiry, the Assistant Community Development
Director stated cross defaulted means should a tenant default on a promissory note , it is
also a default on the lease.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether a tenant defaulting on the promissory note must
repay the loan, to which the Assistant Community Development Director responded the
City has the option to evict.
Questioned whether sole proprietor businesses will be included in the fund: Jonathan
Belkalifa’s wife, Alameda.
Public comment read into the record:
Expressed support for a loan forgiveness program; urged Council to discuss the
program further: Jim Strehlow, Alameda.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated flexibility is important; expressed support for individualized
assistance; stated each business has different needs.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he received correspondence from the owner of
Rock Wall Winery; expressed support for using job retention and catalyst businesses as
benchmarks; stated that he does not support subletting; noted many subleases are for
container cargos.
Councilmember Oddie inquired when the item will return to Council.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft responded Vice Mayor Knox White inquired about the timeline;
stated staff must work quickly due to deferrals ending in June.
The Assistant Community Development Director stated the goal is not to bring the item
back; staff would like to implement the program and provide a report back to Council in
the fall.
Councilmember Oddie expressed support for converting deferred rent into a promissory
note; expressed concern about not having a cap; stated a tenant could request a
deferral for up to 18 months; staff could d etermine whether the deferral could be
converted into 50% forgiveness and 50% into a grant or 100% forgiveness; expressed
concern about providing a blank check; stated that he likes the concept of a promissory
note with an extended due date.
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Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like a reasonable period of time for
Councilmember Vella expressed support for allowing promissory notes; stated that she
would like to further understand financials before COVID-19; expressed concern about
a business stating they will be effectively shut down without rent forgiveness; stated that
she would like to know the status of the businesses; full-time employee retention must
be considered; expressed support for information related to full -time employees
receiving benefits, capping the time at three months, the item returning to Council for
discussion about any extended time needs, and understanding which businesses
continued to operate in some form during the shelter -in-place; stated the program is a
last resort, not a bail-out; the City has a limited budget and Council should be cognizant
of fiscal decisions; that she would like to have “catalyst business” defined; expressed
support for understanding the potential sales tax to be brought in by businesses and
whether the business model will change under the new continued restrictions; stated the
promissory note option helps protect the City.
The City Manager inquired whether Councilmember Vella intends the three month cap
to be an additional three months from the original deferral, for a total of six months, to
which Councilmember Vella responded in the affirmative.
The City Manager stated the item was brought to Council May 19th, in part, to allow for
the item to be brought back June 2nd in the event more discussion was needed.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she does not want to rush items that are not well
thought out; inquired whether Council can provide detailed direction to staff.
The Assistant Community Development Director stated tenants are requ ired to provide
an extensive list of expense information in order to qualify for the program; tenants will
also need to provide a resiliency plan; staff recommends tenants with more than 30
employees and a demonstrated 30% loss be eligible for the program.
The Community Development Director stated Council may consider authorizing an
amount of loan conversion for staff to negotiate, as well as authorizing a set number of
tenants for a set number of months; then, staff can apply the criteria contained in the
staff report combined with direction provided.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she is unsure how Council will consider the particular
amount of assistance.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated employees are experiencing loss of wages and jobs;
businesses are seeing significant reductions; everyone is struggling and taking cuts
during this time; Council can show leadership; the City receives about $1 million in rent
each month; expressed support for using the threshold of those that cannot legally use
their buildings due to the health order. the length of time for the loan program to be
based on how long the business was impacted by the public health order, plus one
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May 19, 2020 14
month, and 50% rent conversion to grants for businesses showing they retained 75% of
jobs over a one-year period; stated that he is struggling with the idea that the goal is to
charge people for land and buildings which are unable to be used or occupied; not
every business will be able to qualify for the program; Council can provide direction and
information related to the deferral program; some businesses will open in the next 2 to 6
weeks; Council should not be involved with every program decision; expressed concern
about the criteria reflecting Council selecting businesses which are important or
generating the most money; business communities are made of different sizes and all
are important; Council should help solve the problem and provide support.
Councilmember Oddie expressed support for Vice Mayor Knox White’s comments;
stated the City should be more lenient with businesses which have been shut down; the
cap should be three months; the payments can be extended out; the cap should be
$300,000; the program should be fair to all.
Councilmember Daysog expressed support for extending the cap beyond three months;
stated recovery may not happen until the end of 2021; stated should shelter in place
orders be lifted soon, demand will still be tepid; the timeline can be between 3 to 18
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the original cap of three months could be
considered and revisited if needed; stated recovery might happen sooner than
anticipated; Council does not currently know the magnitude and duration of the issue,
but can come up with a reasonable solution which can be revisited if neede d.
Councilmember Daysog expressed support for Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft’s comments.
Councilmember Vella stated that she would like clarification or a suggestion of an
overall cap; expressed support for the item returning if the cap is met; noted portions of
businesses could be shut down, while other portions function; expressed support for
looking at each businesses’ resiliency plan; inquired how the total number of qualifying
employees was calculated.
The Assistant Community Development Director responded staff looked at other
landlord programs; stated a few tenants have multiple locations; some tenants have
multiple buildings.
Councilmember Vella stated that she would lower the employee cap to 25 or more.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether a cap on the amount of rent has been decided.
Councilmember Oddie expressed concern about the amount being abated versus
deferred; expressed support for the cap to be $300,000; then, a report should be
brought to Council; stated more can be done if needed in three m onths; inquired
whether any tenants with under 25 employees which may qualify for the program.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
The Assistant Community Development Director responded there are smaller
businesses outside of Alameda Point; stated 25 employees is a reach for many tenants.
Councilmember Oddie stated the 25 employee threshold could be just for rent
forgiveness or conversion; expressed support for assisting as many tenants as possible.
The Assistant Community Development Director stated not many landlords are offering
rent abatement; the City is setting the pace by providing abatement; requested
clarification on the threshold for allowing rent abatement.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the City should not do something just because it can;
Council should be prudent in helping people through difficult times and should be
judicious with the criteria of who qualifies for rent abatement; expressed support for long
deferral programs and allowing payments to be paid at the back -end of the lease; stated
the criteria needs to be applied in a way that keeps areas viable; expressed support for
a program which relies heavily on deferral; stated the time can be lengthened;
abatement should only be allowed under specialized circumstances.
Vice Mayor Knox White expressed support for rent abatem ent; stated Council needs to
show leadership and encourage others to do so; inquired whether the 90 -day deferral
and the 90-day loan conversion becomes a six month loan conversion program;
whether tenants still have to pay the 90-day deferral.
The Assistant Community Development Director responded everything is mixed in
together; stated after six months, the tenant has proven that they have overcome and
met some of the set benchmarks; staff will offer a 50% abatement and the tenant will be
subject to the original deferral program.
The City Manager stated the original three months will be combined with an additional
three months; should a tenant not abate for three months, another month could be
added at some point; noted all six months could be wrapped into a loan.
The Assistant Community Development Director expressed support for the length of the
program being based on the length of time the building was unusable, plus one month;
for having either three months or $300,000 being the cap, allowing Council to designate
whichever is greater or lower; stated the options allow guidelines for administering the
Vice Mayor Knox White expressed concern about the $300,000 cap; stated the cap will
be reached at 2 to 3 companies; expressed concern about approving the first seven
businesses that apply, hitting the cap and needing to request more funding.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether or not staff will be contemplating tenants on a
first come first served basis; expressed support for an application pe riod and process
with scoring criteria.
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May 19, 2020 16
The Assistant Community Development Director responded the cap was considered at
$300,000 per tenant; stated a few tenants pay $50,000 per month; the program is not
based on a first come first served basis; each agreement will need to be negotiated; the
criteria is strict and the City can offer deferrals, not abatement, in the event a tenant
does not fully qualify; the applications will be looked at closely.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the leases have high monthly rents.
Councilmember Oddie expressed concern about offering a blank check to every tenant
with a cap of $300,000; outlined monthly lease rents for various tenants.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether a capped amount for a certain category could be
applied for small, medium and large businesses; whether Council can provide direction
on the parameters.
Councilmember Oddie stated rent should be abated for those locked out and shut down
for the first three months; the second three months should be as genero us as possible
with deferrals and loan conversion; expressed support for staff returning to Council
when the $300,000 cap in proposed abatements is reached.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the proposed abatements are per tenant.
Councilmember Oddie responded in total.
The City Manager stated the $300,000 cap is for all abatements; staff will take Council
comments and return with 2 to 3 choices in June to allow a good program to move
Councilmember Vella stated that she would like to und erstand the implications to
planned Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) at Alameda Point and other properties;
there is a cost associated; there are few businesses which have been truly locked out;
expressed support for using the budget analysis to determin e which items are delayed;
there have been complaints related to infrastructure; investment should be in certain
Councilmember Daysog stated one way to not provide a “blank check” to tenants would
be to provide benchmarks; creating a threshold will help; expressed support for catalyst
businesses being included, which calculates businesses generating foot traffic or
positive collateral effects.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether comments should be submitted to allow staff to
return in June.
Councilmember Oddie responded that he can wait until June.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed support for ensuring the City is helping those in need
and not delaying the process.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of giving staff the authority to provid e [tenants] a
deferral of any three months and up to an additional three months deferral per tenant
which will be converted into a promissory note; staff will return for further Council
discussion related to potential abatement without a cap.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed support for the motion.
Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether the motion includes staff returning in June with
the proposed criteria for potential conversion to 50% grant for discussion.
Councilmember Oddie responded June or July.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor Knox White stated people need certainties; expressed
support for the criteria to be provided sooner rather than later.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the item will return in June or after a few months.
Vice Mayor Knox White responded June or July.
The City Manager requested the motion be re-stated.
The City Clerk stated the motion is to give staff authority to provide any three month
deferral and up to an additional three months deferral per tenant which will be converted
into a promissory note; staff will return for further Council discussion related to potential
abatement without a cap with a discussion to return regarding potential conversion to
50% grant.
Councilmember Oddie stated that he is also supportive of 100% due to complete
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the parameters can be left open since the item will return.
The City Manager inquired whether the motion includes abatement while closed down,
plus three month with an additional three months.
Councilmember Oddie stated abatement has been deferred; the April, May and June
deferral has the option to be taken in any three months if the deferral has not been
taken in April, May or June; Council authorizes the City Manager to grant additional
deferrals on a case-by-case basis of up to an additional three months if requested,
which will be converted into a promissory note; the discussion on abatement or 50%
conversion into grants will be discussed in June or July.
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May 19, 2020 18
The Assistant Community Development Director inquired whether staff will have
flexibility in the repayment terms; noted some repayment terms might exceed lease
Councilmember Oddie responded that he is open to having flexible repayment terms.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated terms may be individualized to particular business’s needs;
staff will have the best knowledge of the needs and can negotiate; expressed support
for staff having flexibility.
Vice Mayor Knox White expressed concern about picking companies that are thought of
as good.
Councilmember Oddie stated the use of the lease term will assist the repayment terms.
On the call for the question, the motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
(20-341) Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether a motion can be made to ensure all
items will be heard.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft responded that she could support a motion that any ite m which
has public speakers will be heard; noted some items on the regular agenda need to
move forward; stated that she is unsure the entire agenda will be heard.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft recessed the special meeting at 10:02 p.m. and reconvened the
meeting 10:20 p.m.
(20-342) Recommendation to Endorse Implementation of Temporary Street
Reconfigurations to Provide Space for Social Distancing in Response to the COVID -19
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the recusal requires members to be out of the
[Zoom] picture.
The City Attorney responded that his recommendation would be to have
Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie step “off the dais” or off camera for the entirety of
public comment.
The City Engineer gave a brief presentation on commercial and business districts.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie recused themselves and left the meeting.
The City Engineer gave a brief presentation on residential slow streets program.
Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether the goal is to place signage at every
intersection as the project moves forward.
The City Engineer responded staff had the ability to install nine signs at the beginning of
the project, and seven were installed the first day; a work order has been created for
maintenance staff to create additional “Road Closed to Through Traffic” and additional
“Pedestrian Warning” signs; 20 total installations are available and 14 are deployed;
should staff move forward to phase two, staff will be able to deploy the rest by early next
week; the intention is to place signage at primary intersections and additional
intersections could be backfilled as the program progresses.
Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether a determination has been made during the
pilot regarding safety being higher or lower with signage.
The City Engineer responded early feedback stated there was insufficient signage to
provide at intermediate cross streets; stated the project was deployed May 11 th with
additional barricades and signage to begin blocking off through traffic to certain streets;
additional signage could be added however staff is limited by the ability to create
signage and the duration of the program.
Councilmember Vella expressed concern for issues on through streets; inquired
whether there have been reports of near misses or other traffic safety issues since
The Senior Transportation Coordinator responded that some survey responses have
yielded reports of speeding and concerns; stated that she does not recall reports of near
misses or reported collisions during the program.
The City Clerk stated public comment will take Council past the 11:00 p.m. limit; noted
Council may call back recused Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie for a vote to extend
the meeting time past 11:00 p.m.; stated Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie may then
re-recuse themselves and allow public comment to be heard and read into the record;
outlined the remaining items on the agenda.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to get to the regular agenda items;
inquired whether certain items should be heard or if Council should proceed to a time -
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Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020 20
(20-343) Councilmember Oddie moved approval of hearing the remaining items on the
regular agenda without a time-limit; stated that he does not know the amount of public
comment on remaining items.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to complete the current item and move
to the regular meeting agenda including the consent calendar and regular agenda
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor Knox White expressed support for hearing the entire
regular meeting agenda.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she is not willing to go past midnight; requested a
friendly amendment to hear the balance of the agenda and finish by midnight.
Councilmember Daysog expressed support for hearing the agenda and finishing the
meeting by midnight; stated there have been previous issues about late meetings;
questioned whether the public is served by Council making decisions at 12:15 a.m.
Councilmember Oddie stated that he will do his best to speak briefly.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she will not support a motion unless the meeting ends
at midnight.
Councilmember Daysog expressed support.
Councilmember Oddie stated Council speaking time should be cut from 9 to 3 minutes.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the current item requires more than 3 minutes.
Vice Mayor Knox White expressed support for the motion amendment with the
commitment to complete the West Midway Project team selection it em [paragraph no.
20-334] on the regular agenda; stated should the time reach midnight and team
selection item is not complete, the expectation is to complete the item.
Councilmember Vella noted the Council Referral was cut off during a previous Council
Communication; stated the item is timely; expressed concern about further delaying the
item; stated the item should be short.
Councilmember Oddie made a substitute motion to approve hearing all items, speaking
quickly, finishing by midnight and any items not finished will be continued to tomorrow’s
7:00 p.m. meeting continuation.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
The City Clerk requested clarification that the meeting will end regardless of item
discussion by midnight.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Oddie stated unless there is a vote to overrule.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie recused themselves and left the meeting.
Expressed support for commercial slow streets that support social distancing; urged all
forms of alternate transportation be treated equally; stated proper treatment of AC
Transit busses are measured by three goals: safety, accessibility and operational
performance; urged Council to pay particular attention to bus stops and temporarily
install bus bulbs or boarding islands: Robert delRosario, AC Transit.
Public comment read into record:
Discussed her experience with transportation in Alameda; expressed concern about the
slow streets plan; stated implementation will be based on community response; urged
safer streets for Alameda; stated public transit is essential to reducing the carbon
footprint: Ingrid Ballmann, Alameda.
Urged Council to support slow streets; stated the pilot program is limited in a number of
ways; expressed support for implementing strategies which allow small businesses to
open without endangering the health of customers or staff: Cyndy Johnson, Alameda.
Stated Alameda could be ranked with the best European pedestrian plazas; urged
people to be prioritized; discussed visuals: Pat Potter, Bike Walk Alameda.
Expressed support for the existing slow streets; urged Council to expand the slow
streets project and re-configure street space in business districts to allow safe and
separated bike infrastructure on Park Street and Webster Street: Denyse Trepanier,
Expressed support for closing some streets to allow restaurants to use sidewalk space
or lanes for outdoor seating; noted restaurant business is episodic; urged outdoor dining
as a safer option; urged Council to find creative ways to allow restaurants and stores to
open: Olaf Faaland, Alameda.
Stated temporary street reconfigurations involve reusing traffic lanes and parking
spaces; discussed removing parking spaces on Central Avenue and Webster Street;
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Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020 22
stated Webster Street does not have a parking structure; urged the C ity to plan for a
Webster Street parking structure or solution; expressed concern about partially closing
of Versailles Avenue without advance public discussion: Jim Strehlow, Alameda.
The Senior Transportation Coordinator stated a recent report showed a child on a bike
almost hit by a speeding car at Pacific Avenue and Schiller Street; the intersection is
without a barricade; a barricade is be requested at the intersection.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated that he appreciates the network map included in th e staff
report; noted the map shows developing the program into the business portion; slower
streets are safer than what exists; noted a pedestrian was hit earlier in the day at a
properly designed intersection of Constitution Way and Buena Vista Avenue; s tated
current streets are not hospitable to those walking and bicycling; expressed support for
the program, and prioritizing signage at every intersection; stated it is not a shelter in
place program, it is a social distancing program; the program is going to be needed at
least through the end of 2020.
Councilmember Vella expressed support for more signage and barricades, especially
where near misses have occurred; stated the design should be as safe as possible;
expressed concern about limited information being provided and learning about
programs after-the-fact; signage and barricades are critical at pass-through traffic areas;
the program is related to social distancing and many people will be working and learning
from home until the end of the year; the program should be continued until at least the
end of 2020.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed support for the program; stated that she regrets the
lack of notification to residents; the program was brought by a series of unfortunate
incidents; the program should be expanded over time under the Active Transportation
Plan to allow for community input; discussed walking through town; stated residents
support slowing streets; people are still sheltering in place; Council must remain aware
of staff time; noted East Bay Regional Park (EBRPD) Board Member Ellen Corbett is
urging cities to close streets allowing people more space to spread out and properly
allow social distancing.
Vice Mayor Knox White moved approval of endorsing temporary street reconfiguration
for social distancing in response to the COVID-19 emergency, with clarification that this
is during social distancing, not just shelter in place orders, and endorsement of moving
forward in the spirit of Ms. Corbett’s request of expanding the program on a tem porary
basis working through the Active Transportation Program in order to address it on a
more permanent basis in the future.
Councilmember Vella seconded the motion, which carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Absent; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Absent; Vella: Aye; and
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 3; Absent: 2.
Councilmembers Daysog and Oddie returned.
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
May 19, 2020
Councilmember Oddie stated Council should go big on the item; noted other cities are
providing the program; residents will go somewhere else should Alameda not
participate; expressed support for closing Park Street from Buena Vista Avenue to San
Jose Avenue every Friday and Saturday night and Webster Street from Buena Vista
Avenue to Central Avenue; stated that he supports clos ing parking lots across the City
where restaurants are near, such as South Shore and Alameda Landing; stated
California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) released an updated regulation allowing
restaurants and bars to serve customers on sidewalks, parking lots, and streets;
Alameda should not miss out on the program; expressed concern about eating next to
vehicle exhaust.
Councilmember Daysog stated residents are enthusiastic about the program; expressed
support for the program; stated the program will h elp many businesses in commercial
areas; expressed support for closing side streets such as Alameda Avenue between
Park Street and Oak Street and Webb Avenue between Everett Street and Park Street.
Councilmember Vella stated there are several street fairs scheduled during the summer
on both Park Street and Webster Street; noted the events will not happen with
regulations in place; expressed support for some form of special event street closure
opportunity with closed off street sections for several days to allow for outdoor dining
and safe foot traffic; stated there are opportunities in July or August; safe and clean bike
parking and corrals will be needed; outdoor parking lots should be considered for
Webster Street to allow business use.
Vice Mayor Knox White the program should be implemented as fast as possible.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft expressed support for the program; expressed concern about
closing Park Street and Webster Street on Friday and Saturday due to bus routes;
stated those who rely on public transit need to be considered; the City can work with
transit partners to see what can be done related to rerouting; expressed support for
highlighting restaurants with an event and moving the item forward to become a
permanent feature.
Vice Mayor Knox White moved approval of endorsing the plan with direction to staff to
look for opportunities to close streets in order to support business districts.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Oddie stated that he would prop ose an evening
closure to portions of Park Street and Webster Street on Friday and Saturday;
expressed concern about having enough space to have proper social distancing;
outlined other cities providing similar programs.
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May 19, 2020 24
On the call for the question, the motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
There being no further business, Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at 11:35
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.