Hom 700Ploazte type r print in lek 1. Office, Agency, or Court Agency Name (De net um,: ,i‘cteryrrr,3r) !„-)partmeot. r 1r t applicante STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS COVER PAGE A C DOCUM - T Your Position oir II titiorj tor inaltipte PoOdns, I t beity,k, or on an 6W3;1±1f7";&J. (L)0 001 tt3e d ronyrrW Agency: 2. Jurisdiction of Office (Check at least one box) Multi-CcJrity 1City di Type of 81 (Check ;It least one box) Annual: The period ki‘,,ered is at -t' 1, 2019, thrpogh Deceinher 31. 2019. -or. The period covered is through December 31, 2019, Assuming Officc Nte asciurned Position: A16,49. - 1,11 tedger Relirdit Jeep, P'-ro Ti M Judge, Or Coyrt CrtmmissiOnef (Slatewide Jurnwf in) Couniy or 1,_,J Other 1.1! Leaving Office: Cate Left . (Ciit)cir one cirdo.) (j) The tot od covared is January 1, 2019. through the date of Idavirig offine. Ice period coveted is' , through the date, of letTring officiz. Candidata Date of Elacitien and office riought, if difkront than Pail 1: 4. Schedule Summary (must complete) 0. Total number of pages including his cover page: Schedules attached Schedule A-1 - (vet illatS SOR:dule attact'ed L] Schedule A-2 - invetitoterti6 — sclwduie attached Schedule B Reai Property — Sche(11.1k. attached -ON [1,1 None - No reportable interests on arty Schedule ,...... 5. Verification mimi ADORESF3 SIC,!E (eut,hrin, G./ Agency Ad+hf:n.N ReCtladrIt.Tgled - OCY'W DAY rimE EririoNL' NihACH iii L_I Schedule C /orO if 0 OdeS & Silo/gess Positimes st;tiodule. attached n Schedule D schedule attached 17:1 Schedule F income - Travel Pas/aunts schodute attached crohit. SOritdPss ZIP CODE I h,ave. klo.1 all reaeriatile diligent.R. in preparing this statement. i have revieweit tOt staterridnt and In ihr hest of rny er owie go no nformaiion contairted herein act in any attached schedules is true, and complete. i acknowledge this is a pubtic deconsepl. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the tempi ig,ts true and correct. Date Signed (month. day, year) , Signature l'olell?,:"/ 14'; 0 c,16,3;0/ Fppr. Form 709 .C*.twr t2019/2620, ;4(1,,ico@fpf,.c.C4 Kov Z(65-275-302 www.fppc,ca,R,u,■ S SCHEDULE E Income — Gifts Travel Payments, Advances, and Reimbursements • ark either the gift or income box. • Mark the "501(c)(3)" box for a travel payment received from a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization or the "Speech" box if you made a speech or participated in a panel. Per Government Code Section 89506, these payments may not be subject to the gift limit. However, they may result in a disqualifying conflict of interest. • For gifts of travel, provide the travel destination. roologgeopessisoteeltestogai NAME C.F. SOURCE lJot an Acronym) ADOKLSS (Husrness Ancirmss Accep!a01).°) CITY AND StAtIE El 501 (c)(3) or DESCRIBE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE P. NAME OF SOURC,E (Nol an Acronym; AlIQRLSS (OffisinEffi.f. Addces., 4cc.apt.3.bitr,) C!IY AND s 501 (c)(3) or DESCRIBE BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF SOURCE LA I tftfiiIi-„ff '" HS). If git?) (if ,li.rtr) MI.P:;.7 CHECK` ONE: +Or. c j Mff.ffi ONE: Gift ( r Iticifi A fipciefiiiit,',..icticipatfift in 3 rf.m-1,:it a If.fpafiffif:i0,'-afficipfiiIed in a Nan& Oth01 PrOVide De,;;;CYlptiOn 0 :AlVt P;'fivitie iiff If Grit PRAAle EArsCro.P.ior, CAft, Proviriv, Der5fAL.3fiAn I. NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) l• NAME OF SOURCE (Not an Acronym) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) CITY AND STATE CITY AND STATE Ir.. 7\1: H' ANY. cq- {,A0) or I: ura.yroGrr; Gh„„iy,,INAr ThAT'A 4in, ANA'. L-,r 5CHIPc.r, 1,,A-E EU:4 "I. r ,-liff) fro- MififIFT iffilECK CiNff. Giq -or- I (f) .F:3!.-v<v,..t411,r)rliciprIled in a II"Iariffi C:f Other - PfriNFIlffi GUT PrAvAkr TrrwAi r'..,ArrorAion Comments- i..11Vrf ): rpft) MO S] CrIII CK ONE: LI; l3111 [11 III an 0 1,19(L «I ::',,.K,,oc.lr'Proic4vita-,N1 in A PLoo („) rffvide -s a' to. 1/ Gil:, PrAvickr Tmvol Po.A1PAAkan FPPC Form 700 - Schedule E (2019/2020) advIce@fppc,ca.gov • 866-275-3772 • www.fppc.ca.gov Page - 17