2020-06-16 Special Meeting MinutesSpecial Meeting Alameda City Council June 16, 2020 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY- -JUNE 16, 2020- -6:59 P.M. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:09 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmember Daysog, Knox White, Oddie, Vella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft – 5. [Note: The meeting was conducted via Zoom] Absent: None. AGENDA ITEMS (20-394) Consider Amending Sunshine Ordinance Section 2-91.4 (f) Pertaining to Special Meetings. (Counclimember Vella) Councilmember Vella questioned how notice of special meetings can be provided to make people aware; noted Council is aware of special meetings, but not everyone else; expressed support for the Open Government Commission (OGC) weigh ing-in on the matter and providing suggestions; stated that an option would be to have the special meeting agendized and noted on the regular agendas or announced 12 days in advance to give people sufficient time. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the OGC will review for Council consideration. Councilmember Vella responded that since the OGC is meeting soon, there will likely be input; stated since the Commission is already looking into the Sunshine Ordinance, now is a good time to review special meetings and have the matter return to Council. Vice Mayor Knox White expressed support for sending focused direction to the OGC on special meeting noticing and to consider how to deal with urgent [emergency] meetings; stated the OGC can provide recommendations in an expeditious manner. Councilmember Oddie expressed support for input from the OGC and fo r consideration of Mr. Foreman’s suggestions. Vice Mayor Knox White stated that he would like recommendations on legal noticing requirements; expressed support for input from the OGC on notification guidelines, such as channels, which must be used for all meetings. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like the OGC to consider the reasons for calling special meetings; the reasons for special meetings can vary; noted a special meeting is being held June 17; stated enough time to allow input from the p ublic and deliberation from Council is needed without items being tacked onto a regular meeting which might already go late; noticing and uniformity is important; not all special meetings are necessarily equal; transparency and access to meetings also mean s not having meetings run late. Special Meeting Alameda City Council June 16, 2020 2 Councilmember Daysog expressed support for having further conversations related to the way special meetings are processed and conducted and for receiving input from the OGC. Councilmember Vella expressed support for notif ying as many people across platforms with as much notice possible regarding special meetings; stated media noticing is defined specifically; due to COVID, meetings have been noticed in a different way. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether there will be di fferent noticing standards for special and regular Council meetings. Councilmember Vella responded in the negative; stated both regular and special meeting noticing could be the same. Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated this is the new normal; Council must ensure the rules which govern Council are kept up to date with changing times. Councilmember Vella moved approval of incorporating Council comments and for staff to bring the matter to the OGC for input, keeping in mind Council comments and direction. Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion. Under discussion, Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether the item includes Charter language or whether the item is being presented in a broader form. Councilmember Vella responded the matter is being presented in a broader form, while incorporating Council comments; noted that the matter should return to Council for discussion and action. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Od die: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.