2020-11-04 Regular CC MinutesRegular Meeting
Alameda City Council
November 4, 2020 1
WEDNESDAY- - NOVEMBER 4, 2020- -7:00 P.M.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Councilmember Oddie led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Knox White, Oddie, Vella,
and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft – 5. [Note: The meeting
was conducted via Zoom]
Absent: None.
(20-686) Proclamation Declaring November 1, 2020 as Extra Mile Day.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft read the proclamation.
Adam Elsesser, Cindy Houts, James Assia, Sean Whiskeman, and Alisa Rasera -
Holden made brief comments.
(20-687) Rob Schmidt, Alameda, discussed termination of Common, an internet
provider, Bay Farm Island service; stated internet service is essential.
(20-688) Joseph Cohen and David Vasquez, Climate Action Citizens for Alameda,
discussed potential solutions for the City’s climate challenges; stated the former
Google/Makani headquarters in Alameda Point could be space for the Climate Action
Resiliency Plan (CARP); graphics and details have been developed for the space.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Vella seconded the motion, which carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk
preceding the paragraph number.]
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(*20-689) Minutes of the Special City Council, Joint City Council and Successor Agency
to the Community Improvement Commission and the Regular City Council Meetings
Held on October 6, 2020. Approved.
(*20-690) Ratified bills in the amount of $4,787,880.46.
(*20-691) Recommendation to Accept the Work of McGuire & Hester for the Cross
Alameda Trail/Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway Improvements, No. P.W. 03 -18-11.
(*20-692) Resolution No. 15721, “Ratifying the Proclamation of the Director of
Emergency Services and Continuing the Declaration of the Existence of a Local
Emergency in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Consistent with Government
Code Section 8630(c).” Adopted.
(20-693) Presentation on Tsunami Awareness.
The Fire Captain gave a Power Point presentation.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft outlined a recent major earthquake near Turkey and Greece;
stated it is important to not spectate tsunamis.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether the City is conducting [tsunami] drills.
The Fire Captain responded staff has been working with the Alameda Unified School
District (AUSD); stated conducting drills is part of being tsunami -ready; AUSD has been
working on safe locations for students and providing information to parents; the Fire
Department is working on zone havens for evacuations.
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether outreach to Home Owner Associations (HOAs)
has been conducted for Bay Farm Island and Harbor Bay; stated HOAs are able to
effectively communicate to home-owners; inquired whether there is an evacuation plan
for Cardinal Point.
The Fire Captain responded staff has not reached out to Cardinal Point directly; stated
the first outreach was to the boating community; many residents live on boats and any
effects are most probable within the boating community; due to the low probability of
impacts, outreach is conducted with the most effected community first; information has
been publicized; however, COVID-19 has slowed the process; staff is moving forward
with planning and zone haven information; outlined the need for cooperation from the
City of Oakland should Alameda need to evacuate; stated staff has been in contact with
the City of Oakland in an effort to coordinate evacuations.
Councilmember Vella stated that she is aware of the amount of work and funding
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Alameda City Council
November 4, 2020 3
needed for the boating communities and marina areas; inquired whether staff has been
working with local marina operators; stated coordination is needed for the boating
The Fire Captain responded in the affirmative; stated staff has been to each marina; the
Hazard Mitigation Plan opens up monies to marinas for [tsunami] mitigation measures.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether staff will be assisting in coordination for the
mitigation opportunities.
The Fire Captain responded in the affirmative; stated as the City becomes tsunami-
ready, the Hazard Mitigation Plan allows marinas to apply for funding.
Councilmember Vella expressed concern for many senior and rehabilitation facilities
needing to receive information in a timely manner; stated providing updates will be
helpful; although there is a low possibility for tsunamis, timely and safe evacuation plans
are most effective for those with different needs; the more time given to people for
planning, the better.
The Fire Captain stated staff has been working with Alameda County on transportation
planning; efforts have been made at a County level.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether the City is partnering with the Water Emergency
Transit Authority (WETA).
The Fire Captain responded in the affirmative; stated staff is part of a Disaster Council;
stated the Disaster Council works on partnering and planning; stakeholders , including
WETA, are part of the City’s collaborative approach to community planning.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated Cardinal Point has an emergency evacuation plan; local
transit systems have been impressive during the Santa Rosa fires and are able to assist
in evacuation situations.
The Fire Captain stated staff works with Alameda County to discuss transpo rtation
options; tsunami and transportation efforts are on the radar for improvement; noted not
every community will be affected by a tsunami and those not affected will be able to
provide aid to those affected; having access for community members to take action
when needed is important; tsunamis are a very low probability ; however, studies show
there is a possibility; staff is modeling for success; the City is making great progress to
being a tsunami-ready city.
(20-694) The City Manager made an announcement regarding the Alameda Community
Service Awards provided by the Social Services Human Relations Board (SSHRB) and
a soft-opening for the free COVID-19 testing site at Alameda Point; stated appointments
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Alameda City Council
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can be made at: www.nextgenlabs.com/alamedatesting; made an announcement
regarding the new Public Work’s Director; stated staff is working on three separate
presentations from the Alameda Police Department (APD) to the po licing review
subcommittees; stated the presentations will be open to the public.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the information will be made available on the
City’s website, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative.
(20-695) Consider Directing Staff to Support the Alternative Regional Housing Needs
Allocation (RHNA) Proposed by the Tri-Valley Cities and Oppose the Association of Bay
Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board Action regarding the RHBA Proposed
Methodology, including Submitting Public Comment and Testimony at the November
12, 2020 ABAG Meeting and Reporting Back to Council. (Councilmember Daysog)
The Planning, Building and Transportation Director made a brief comments.
Councilmember Daysog requested clarification about the ABAG committee meetings;
inquired whether the decision about adopting ABAG methodology and housing
allocations would be adopted at the meetings.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft responded public comment closes on November 12th; stated public
comments will be considered at the December 10th meeting; noted ABAG consists of
representatives from the nine Bay Area counties; stated the Regional Planning
Committee will make a recommendation, which will be provided to the Executive Board;
the final decision on the methodology will be made at a meeting in January 2021.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated the proposal looks at reallocating numbers across the
region, not just Alameda; requested clarification about how Council direction should be
Councilmember Daysog stated there is concern about the current ABAG formula
maximizing certain assets and ignoring certain liabilities particularly to Alameda; a
different housing allocation would occur should the liabilities be accounted for; it is an
appropriate time for Alameda to join other cities that are concerned about the
methodology and the need for a different methodology; stated the factor relates to
natural disaster issues, such as liquefaction and earthquake effects; expressed support
for Council submitting comments for the November 12th meeting should there be desire
to emphasize the liabilities not be weighed in the methodology.
Vice Mayor Knox White requested clarification about issuance of the letter.
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Councilmember Daysog stated Council can join the letter and append the methodology
as an amendment; Alameda’s liability issues can now be raised as other East Bay cities
are contesting the current methodology; a lower allocation for Alameda would result
should the letter be taken seriously.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated comments submitted acknowledge the requested
allocation is less equitable for the region; inquired whether Councilmember Daysog is
requesting Council to sign a letter which has a less equitable lens in order to append an
unrelated issue; stated that he is struggling to understand the reason for the letter being
the vehicle for Council recommendation.
Councilmember Daysog responded that he thinks the letter is ok ay to submit; stated in
addition to the equity lens, Alameda needs to have natural disaster components
factored in to the methodology; Council can use the letter as a starting point and modify
it during discussion; noted more housing could be allocated elsewhere ; less housing
should be required in Alameda should natural disaster liabilities be included in the
Councilmember Oddie inquired whether there is a natural disaster that Alameda is more
susceptible to; stated Alameda is not as prone to fires as surrounding cities an d the
possibility of liquefaction runs up and down the East Bay; noted Alameda would not be
the only city affected by tsunamis based on the previous presentation.
Councilmember Daysog responded that he represents the City of Alameda; stated
Alameda is at risk for liquefaction in ways that other cities are not; the areas of Otis
Drive and west of Main Street are comprised of landfill; there are projects being
contemplated for Otis Drive, Alameda Point and estuary areas , which are areas that are
potentially subject to natural hazards; natural hazards are enough reason for ABAG to
consider; tsunamis are a low probability; however, should still be considered.
Councilmember Oddie stated the [proposed RHNA] option is described as having an
emphasis on equity and fair housing; the Council Referral is urgent and important;
inquired whether it is urgent and important to tell ABAG not to focus on equity and fair
Councilmember Daysog responded the focus is not solely on equity, but to take into
account the negative factors that natural hazards pose to Alameda.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether other cities and locations are allowed to argue
that they should receive reduced housing numbers; stated there are significant portions
of San Francisco that have been built and rebuilt on marshland or landfill.
Councilmember Daysog responded a representative of San Francisco can make the
argument; stated that he can only made the recommendation expressing concerns for
Alameda residents.
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Councilmember Vella inquired the impacts to evacuations should the units be put -off to
neighboring Oakland and the impact to the relationship with Oakland in coordinating
evacuation efforts.
Councilmember Daysog responded there is hope for neighboring cities to set aside any
differences for built environments while working to address national emergencies as
they arise; stated that he imagines neighboring cities Councilmembers would want to
work with Alameda Councilmembers in a time of national emergency; the core of the
recommendation to Council is a zero sum aspect; should Alameda lower the allocation,
the difference will be shifted to neighboring locations.
Councilmember Vella inquired whether th e matter is up for consideration at ABAG
regardless of Council signing onto the letter.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the Housing Methodology Committee (HMC) recommended
proposal AA; the proposal discussed legal housing requirements and criteria for housing
elements; equity is a requirement; the vote from the H MC had 75% approval; noted the
matter has been opened for public comment and will return to the Regional Planning
Committee for consideration on the December agenda.
Stated many communities have had a national emergency related to housing; discussed
Alameda’s history with land use policies; stated the methodology emphasizes equity;
the City did not have a compliant Housing Element from 1990 to 2012; the climate crisis
disproportionately impacts low-income people with social vulnerability; discussed the
City of Pleasanton’s housing policy; urged Council to consider equity and not join the
region in attempting to change the formula or methodology; stated concerns about the
process should be considered at a process level; Alameda is an Island, but is not
isolated from the region and should contribute: Rasheed Shabazz, Alameda.
Urged Council to respect the work of the HMC; stated the Committee met for over one
year to develop its recommendation; expressed support for the methodology; stated the
alternative proposal has been rejected by all bodies; Proposal AA balances jobs and
housing, while providing access to communities of high opportunity; the proposal
ensures segregated communities are assigned a fair share of the regions housing
needs and does not promote sprawled development; Alameda must do its fair share in
meeting housing and equity needs of the community; urged Council to reject the
proposal on the table and affirm the proposal put forward by the HMC : Grover Wehman-
Brown, Alameda, East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO).
Stated the voters have responded; many residents are concerned about the recent
development; discussed social media forums and overdevelopment concerns; stated
Alameda has a limited number of bridges and tunnels to escape if needed; traffic delays
will be caused with more development; expressed concern about safety and low-income
housing subsidies: Janet Lee, Alameda.
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Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated communicating facts is a constant challenge; some election
messaging has not been factual and has resulted in misinforma tion; outlined the
proposal put forth by the Tri-Valley cities; stated residents should consider commuting
Alameda residents encountering neighboring cities commuters; the HMC proposal
shows a need to distribute and help elevate different populations to gi ve access;
outlined discussions related to unique characteristics from cities attempting to lower
housing requirements; stated the housing crisis will never get better until all
communities are required to help by adding housing; many considerations must be
made for housing policies; the methodology has made many considerations; noted that
a speaker from ABAG could give a housing presentation at a future Council meeting.
Councilmember Oddie stated that he finds the matter of Council being asked on an
urgent and important basis to reject an emphasis on equity and fair housing an insult to
his values and to the City’s motto “Everyone Belongs Here;” the matter is about not
building housing and has been an endless battle.
Councilmember Oddie moved approval of denying the Council Referral and to oppose
changing to the proposed alternative methodology; outlined locations for excess
Alameda housing units and subsequent traffic consequences.
Vice Mayor Knox White seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor Knox White stated that he will not sign the letter; there is
a push for inequitable outcomes; the letter has not been thought through and is a
vehicle to request no additional housing; it is possible that natural disasters were not
considered and should be a part of the discussion with ABAG. requested a friendly
amendment to the motion to call a special Meeting for a workshop; expressed support
for outright opposition to the letter; stated the special meeting should showcase the
process used to reach the ABAG recommendation and include the expected impact on
travel-time, climate equity and affordability and the impacts of shifting units; direction
should be provided to staff to return to Council before December 9 th and provide the
steps needed from Council to ensure the City Charter is compliant with zoning and the
General Plan; stated voters have spoken and shown a desired zoning change and do
not support Council wanting to follow State Law; Council should have a discussion on
the impacts and outcomes of not following State Law; expressed support for standing
behind the voters and identifying the communications needed for a policy which is out of
compliance with the State.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the discussion is extending beyond the scope of
the matter.
The City Attorney responded that Council should stay on the RHNA matter; stated
should Council wish to provide additional direction, staff should receive it in a future
Council Referral.
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Vice Mayor Knox White stated that he can bring the matter to the November 17th
meeting as a Council Referral.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated the presentation from ABAG should be reconsidered as a
regular agenda item at a regular Council meeting; special meetings can be
burdensome; the matter can be accommodated at a regular Council meeting in
Councilmember Vella stated there has been a lot of misinformation on Measure Z;
Council is not coming up with housing numbers; a regional body is meeting mandates of
the State and allocating numbers; the numbers are going to be in the thousands no
matter what methodology is used and a place will need to be found for those units; the
process has not been conducted secretly and has been conducted publicly for years;
the housing obligations have been known; ther e is ignorance around isolationism; a
larger problem is being created and not meeting the obligation will be argued , which is
irresponsible; outlined the direct impacts of moving housing allocations to Oakland;
stated Alameda is not unique; the cities that would take on the additional housing units
are along the shoreline and will be impacted in the same way as Alameda; to take an
isolationist approach is ignorant of the fact that the City would create a larger problem
for itself; the City would have less control over transit, climate and affordable housing;
expressed support for providing education on funding for affordable housing; expressed
concern about misconception of affordable housing funding; expressed support for a
follow-up work session on RHNA numbers after the [ABAG] presentation on
methodology; stated there are many problems with the proposed letter; discussed the
Town of Danville; stated Council must be part of the solution and must participate in
good faith in the process with surrounding communities, which face the same issues as
Alameda; a lot of progress has been made with ABAG over the years to address RHNA
needs; stated that she will not be supporting the letter; a presentation from ABAG would
be helpful.
(20-696) Vice Mayor Knox White moved approval of suspending Council speaking time
Councilmember Oddie seconded the motion, which carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5.
Councilmember Daysog stated Council should direct the City Manager, or designated
staff, to express at the November 12th ABAG Planning Committee meeting that due to
Alameda’s unique exposure to natural hazards, the methodology of allocation of units
should not only rest on the question of equity, but also take into account concerns about
natural hazards; should the consideration be made, Alameda’s housing numbers could
be reduced, yet still provide a lot of housing.
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Vice Mayor Knox White inquired whether Councilmember Oddie accepts his friendly
amendment to the motion.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft requested the friendly amendment be restated.
Vice Mayor Knox White stated the amendment is to send direction in opposition to the
letter based on the letter being aga inst equity and to have the item return to a larger
workshop for discussion with questions outlined related to the letter.
Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the workshop could be on a regular Council
meeting, to which Vice Mayor Knox White responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Oddie accepted the friendly amendment; stated that he will defer to the
Mayor regarding agenda placement.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following roll call vote:
Councilmembers Daysog: No; Knox White: Aye; Oddie: Aye; Vella: Aye; and Mayor
Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 4. Noes: 1.
(20-697) Councilmember Oddie announced the next Stopwaste topic brief will be a
resource guide.
(20-698) Councilmember Vella announced National Ch ildhood Lead Poisoning
Awareness week; outlined the importance of child blood lead testing; stated the
pandemic has delayed needed testing; urged parents not to skip blood lead tests; noted
the longer testing is delayed, the more negative i mpacts on childhood development;
stated testing is not mandatory but heavily advised.
(20-699) Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft announced parks are open with mask mandates; urged
hand-washing and social distancing; announced that she was appointed as Chair of the
League of California Cities State-wide Policy Committee on Housing Community and
Economic Development.
There being no further business, Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft adjourned the meeting at 9:20
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.