Resolution 03633RESOLUTION 143 'RE 34"33 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING ONE (1) NEW • 1947 or 1948 1 0 -TON OR. 3,2 -TON PANEL DELIVERIITRUCK TO TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA (FOR DEPISHEMENT OF 1 METER. WEEITTENANCE), CALLING. FOR ENDS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO E ADVERTIsTEE 914114 _LE RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CERN OF ALAMEDA that the SpecIficatiens and. Provislons for furnishing one (1) new, 1047 or 1948 model, 1/2 -ton or 3/4 -ton panel. delivery truck to tho City 00 .115200 da (for the department of parkin:: meter mai.nten- anpe No. MS 10-47-22, filhd in the office of the City Clerk on. October 22, 1947, be, and. the same are hereby, approved. and adopted. RESOLVED, FURTHER, thdt the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids ue to the hour of 8:05 o'clock P. MI on Tnpsday, the 4.441h ddy of NoveMber 1947, for the furnishAng to the City of one (1) new, 1947 or 1948 model, 1/2-14n or o 4 -ton. panel delivery truck, in accordance with said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk. In the City Hall, Alameda, Californ4a under sealea. cover and plainly marked on. the outside,"Proposal for Panel Truck, or similar de n. Contract, if awarded, will. be awarded, subject to the previslona of the Charter. of said City, to Ole responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best '510. Theriaht is reserved. to reject any or all bids. The. City. Clerk is hereby directed. to advertise, in the Alameda Times -Star a notice calling for sealed bids, in accordance with the orevisicass of this resolu- tien and of said. Specific:al:Ions and Provisions. * * * * * * * * * * the undersigned, hereby- certify that the foreEeing Resolution. was duly and regularly Introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda adjourned. regular meeting assembled on the 22nd day of October, 1947, imyethe follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Counciimpn Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (4). EEES: None. ABSENT: Counpilman Anderson, (1). IN WITNESS WEIFIRECIP, 7' have he set my hand and affixed the officia2 seal of said. City thls 23rd. day of October, 1947. (527,AL) Cita Clerk of the csov of Alameda , • * * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the forego. n is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 3633, ADOPTING SPECI14 41A7IONs FOR FURNISHING ONE (1) NEW 1947 OB. • 1948 1/2-T1N OR. 3/4-TO1 PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK TO TEE CITY. OF ALANENAAFOR DEPART- MENT OP PARKING METER. MAINTENANCE), CALL:LNG EOR BIDS AND DIEEDSTINGTUE CITICL.ERK TO ADVERTISE THE :ELME," introduoed and adopted. by the Council on. the. 22nd.day. of.. October, 1947.