Resolution 03642RESOLUTTM W. 3642 C12ATMA AND ESTARMSHTM TEE EXEPPT PUIPUN "PUEa-TWE WLTH MUM" M ME ZEME MOUT- TEW OF THE CITY C? AIAMEDAI PRESC]RIBING THE' DMIES WD T Ell T Ill 1]177M',E�("— OF AMEDA as follows - THE CCUT&TI, OF THE CITE SECTIOT 1. The position of "Fu ll-timn Walth Micer" is heroby created and established in the Maith Deparkment of the City of Alameda. SECTION 2. The duties of the position of Wall -time Realth Wicer and of t,1, n 'person holding such position shall be as follows: To supervise runicipal activities in the genein] public tealth program; to evaluate the effectiveness of administrative, diaEnostic and provertive pro- cedores beinZ used; to carry on researcb program; to supervise and work with pub-, lie health nurses, sanitarians, bactoriclogists and other professional workors In public health proZium; to devolop ZenerQ and special poblic health pro7rans, and to do related work as required or directed. SEOTT07 3. Yhe salary for M posiWon of Full-time Health Officer be, and is hereby, fixed at 0600. per month. A the undersigned, hernby cortify that thn fornIcIn3 Vnsolutiop was duly and roZulorly irtroduced and adopted by t4o Counnil of the Gity of Alanada in ragular nookirZ assemblod on the Wth day of 7ovembnr, 1047, by the followin,., vWal to wit: KIES: Councilmen Anderson, Aonns, Osborn, Sneency and 2resident Plorsonnid, (5). 7GES: Eono. ABSENT: Norn. 17 517YESS ,T,' have hereunto set mg hand and affixed tho uffi- 31al snal of sold City this M'_ "t day of Mvembor, 1947. J. ?. CTAFT"_ tAAW City Clark of the City of Maneda i hereY byl cert!fy that tin foreEnInZ Is a full, true ard correct copy of "Nesolution To. 36421 GREATI71 r WARITSH10 TEA EMPT POSIPIC; OFas PRESCA19140 TRE 0" T71 MY UV AIAMEDAI introduced and adopted by the Council or, AMR! TM SATAK TiTAMCF5 the 18th day of Tovember, 1947. of thn' City of Alnmeda IM