Resolution 03647M CHRATIM AYD ESTAKLISH171 THE FMITICT C -F "SUPERMIM PUYLIC H&,`L'711 17M CITY CY MATADAP PHASCRTIT"G T77 P771ES AFD FINM ME SALAFY TTIRECT. 7,'J 214 MICIL 00 77H C17Y ON AlAYMA as follows- SECTI07 1. The position of "Sularvising Public Malth "�rse" T's WMT created and ectablished -',Ln,, Hlea--Lth Department of the M, of Alameda. SEVVIC7 2. The duties of the position of yuprvising 14b4c KealM,. 7urse and of the persor holding sychposition shall bo as follows: Under Enneral direction of the wealth, Micer, to direct the work of a Sroup of Public Eeaith 7broes and other -nersornel assiSnod to Aor; to assign, cases ana case loads; to review case records cf Public Hnalth Kursos to insure qnallty of vork; to tral-n personnol and to be responsible for adhererce to rolicies and practices V jrblic bealth vNrsirg, and to yerCoin islated datlef, as required or directed. SECTIM 3. Mo salary of thn pogitior cc SunnrvisinS sphlic 7sait"i Tursp bo, and is nereby, fixed at 0260. per month. i. the undersigned, hereby cert-Ify, ta�,`,-, Lhn forogcIng Resolution was dull and regularly introduced and adoptod by Wo Counnil of the City V Alameda in. rnEula.fro neo0na acsorblod an t�c 13th day of Ncvnmhnr, 1947, b; the Pollovins VK02 to wit: AYES: Councilnen Ardersor, jones, Morn, Sweerey and President Tvanschc,M9 (5). YCES: None. ABSENT: None. !. WITNESS 0744079 1 havc hernunto sot rW Mcd ard nVixnd the off! --- Val seal nf saTO UK- this 29th day of 7ovember, 1047. j. 2. CIAM-," ---- City Clerk of the City nr Alamod.,.L i hereby ceitify that to foregoInS is a full, true and correct copy of' "Resolution Do. 36471 CREATIM AND ESTAMTSHING TEE POSITM CA ISYPERVISM 2171M MEALT7 NUAT7 I in 14A 7EALT'i OF TKE CITY ON ALAVEDA, MSCVSM1, 'TIP! &)MAS A,P1105 777 SALAIT 071=01" introduced and adopted by the lc—oll on ths Wth My of 74-vember, M47. vo' 01 7-7, 7-77- 111, � '!7,' City Clay?/ of the City Of' Alameda Q00