Resolution 03651M M RMIXTUr NO. 35M AFEWUR 3UDGET Laboratory Equipront Gj 7' FBI 1011151f A""J') _`-J�" 500. 0 luilding EqulpEert 19000. d. Aunomobiles (2) 392= AID WTICT GF TM CITY Q MAMA FUA TER P75CAL f. YEA;',� ANDITG KNE 30f 10485 AND APPROPQaTINA CERTAIN TCTTY,`,, 110,300. Exnense Accourt To. 42 a. Salaries 149180. I'M "7711 70PANDMIRS PRUTDID WIRT7. AoturDblle 7�10e'� 1050. 111 " by Rosointion To, 3605, passed SeptnMer 2, 1947, nrMt7nd, "app rovi nZ an d AW7 U 1 nZ a Rudge t f or t he ',,?! ; cal Year 1947-48; ApyroD7' a V 1 ng Cc rt a Q, nreys for the Eaperditures Provided in said KdSet for said Msea] Year, and Thati- QWS Certain Expenditares Verntofore Vade, certaair proviMoym wern made for the Wnaltb reparMort nnd the Wirst Aid Station of the City nf Alanpda; arc', 17TIMAL hhe 1947 legislature of the Mate of 007orr!n has mnde certaUn MRs available for public health purposas (California Administrative Code, 91the 17, Chapter 3, Sub -chapter 1, Article 4, Section 1327); and MUMMAS$ in order to take advantaZe of sold fnn6s it is necessaiT that the bod3pt of the Health Department and said Mrst Aid Station should be averded; 111112MAJ 97 TT RES01TED 91 THI CQUIL 03 THR C71 0? ALA17DA thal the MKCHt of Fealth Department adopted by saidesolution No. 3505, nassed Septen- her 2. 10471 be, and the sare is hereby repealed, rescirded and arnriled, arO that in Mor thernof the folloulnS budget for the 1404h, Department of the Cjtj of We- reda be, and the samo is hereby approved and adopted Q the budgot of tAe Toalth 'Capark"nnt of the My of Ware -11o, tI-io f7iscal lour 1947-1048, and W"t the ox- 2endikurps W thn varicus srns of norey provided s rubstituted budEet to W-, event Cor each sDec pprpose, and the severe! purposec tnerein oet forth f0lP which such experdltur3s are provided to be madedvrlrS the ba_a ance of oald fiEcal.- year be, ars the sane arm �rreby approvea and aut"orized. That the Suhstituted hudget of said Health Departrent of tho City of Alaneda K as KIM= FHAITA DEPAPURNT Canital Account %. 142 a. Laboratory Equipront 100. b. Mice Equipuent 500. 0 luilding EqulpEert 19000. d. Aunomobiles (2) 392= 0. Constructing Driveway ArcuW BulidinZ 22500. f. Extension of SaraCe Wacilities ard Aninal 7ouse AY000. 110,300. Exnense Accourt To. 42 a. Salaries 149180. b. laboratory Qheep 480. C. AoturDblle 7�10e'� 1050. 6. PrIntirl and Wndlr..,, e. �Iscellarnoux Expenses 600. Clinical Sunoilos 600. g. hodert Mteininatiar 25M. h. Toalth Center FKIME Upkeqp 1120C. j51 9 330. 210= 70TAL 31 y 930. BE 1T FURT"�'T,7­?, that the budget of the Wirst Aid WaUon adoptud by said Resolotior To. 3605, passed September 2, 1247, be, and the sume is herob'' ropealed, rescirded aid annulled a -d that jr !Qo thereof "ho fullow1r; budSot for the Wirst Aid Station of the Wtj of Alameda be, and the same is herehl approved and adopted as the budGot of in 713st Aid Station of the CVQ of Alameda for the f1scal year 1047-1948; and that the oxnerUtui'teas of the various sums of nonsy pro- vidnd in said substituted bud3et to be spend for ouch snecc purpose, and the several purVoses therein set forth for thich such expenditures are provided to be nade Uring the balance of 2ald fiscal year be, andUbe yarn are heroby approved and authorized. That the substituted bud3ot of said Virct Aid Station U the City of Alareda is es, follows: Cayltal Account He. 143 a. AwMance b. Pirst Aid to 4A -WIRS7 AID STATIX,' 61700. 100. " 0 9 800. Wonse Account No. a Salarl es "131018. Is 5tation Upkeep (Bandales, Sheets, etc. 600. c. Ambulance Opkeep 150. jl3j763. GRAND TOTAL !20, MS. A the undersl3ned, hereby cert,,,Ify -1-11iat the foroEoing Resolution was dily and roSularly introduced and adopted by the Council of thn City of Alameda in regular nootina asserblod on the Mth day of November, 1947, by the followlnC; vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Andorsor, Moos, Mom Sweeney and President, Wanschaid, (5). TUTS: None. a5SEXT: None. !N OITNESS WHENROF3 i have terounto set hand and affixed the cffl- eta! seal of said City this 35th day of Movemhor, 1947. j. P. WAR", (SELL) City Clerk M thR City of Ainmedo, 1 hereby ceitify thah W o fcre,ing is a full, true and carroat copy of "Resolution Vo. 36513 AhANDING BUDGET UP THE HEALTH MARTEENT A,T''ID iF-I-ItST ATI) STATICK CT MI- CIFP',' '�IAPTDA T FOTHE PISCA R MaN MUTYGAU75 301 AMORMIZZING VMS ?UK W WYANI)MVITS &]-�Ce 1introduced and adopted by the City Council on the 15th day of Tbvembor,, 1947. , Wyy qXerY of the 'City of Manedc, M