Resolution 03687202 IM i-l�"'E",")("",I,,T,l-.l"[t"I---, 31577 CHEATINC A URCIAL FUM TO M TKOX AS NEW UAYnl DOM BISIVESS AS „tai ,,...31,x.11 UUMMM, TnX PUKA LAI) D"MUTTj 0210"K (MMAIN PUNAS RECEIVED MR'11;,* 7ERT CANH5 DMa =1 WS AS 12STAK MITME. WnS busizess as �asber AuKders, in indeMod to t Cann, tho City of Alameda in t4o sum of !,M.00 for unald poiTonal propopty taxes an(-,,, accrjeU penalties for the year 1047-1910; and VMIKAS, Wils Council, at its renular t,',:.1. `1 of january 20, 1219, on M000n, aut_Ci ized tho City htLorney of the Mg of Alameda -,a o nogotinte with. the assignees and reprosontativos cf Bort Cann, doinj basinnsn aL Taster Midars, fma­ tho payment and callocklon of said City personal prqn-FAQ tWXn_Qs,- and WATTAS3 tin attorneys end relvesentatives of Bert Cann, doing business as Mster BuIldors, 4ave acknowlednIed the above indebtedness ani iropose to pay the same by monthly installments; Mo Auditor and Treasurer are heroby antYcrized and direnod to create said fund and to nahe the recossary entries on thpir respective books, and to re- tain sold special Pund "nt!) the ontiro unpaid balance of personal Dvoerty taxes and accrued penalties have boon paid. !, t4o 'N(A'J" ITJI lifli,�_ !"Mol M M MSOLVID TOY 'ETD? COUNCIL 01' TIE CITY C7 AIALRDII that a sDeclai fund to he known "Rosolution as Mert Cann, WME 3usiness as iv Puildors, DC1011-14 and regularly and a6upted WID1 t;D of MMS UK- .> in rogular Tax Pond" is hereby creatod. of Porah, 124P, hj L�n fnl1nw1q,,, DM9 BEST MS AS OnSTAR MULMS, introducod end adoptoc', WSOINED MR9114119 that upon receipt of certain funds fron Bert Cann, dolnS thn 2rj ang of business as 7aster RuAl del. s, or his assignans cr reprecertativas, thnt said funds bo deposited in Bart Cann, Doinq 5usinoss as Castor nulidois, shall said Tax Fund. Mo Auditor and Treasurer are heroby antYcrized and direnod to create said fund and to nahe the recossary entries on thpir respective books, and to re- tain sold special Pund "nt!) the ontiro unpaid balance of personal Dvoerty taxes and accrued penalties have boon paid. AYES: Courcilmon Arderson, jonna, Morn, Money and President, Wanschold, (5). ACES: Mne. ARRETT: Nono. U 17TTIMASS, WHITINIM"I T have hereunto sot Ey hand and affixed the nfPi- Mal soal of sutd City this 3rd MY W Tarch, 1018. - j. 2.CLAKIK_ (SBAW City Clerk of tho City of Alameda !, t4o underMnyea, heroby ceitify that 'in faragnin2 Posol"Won cert!Q va,,.,, My intinduced "Rosolution by tbn Council Me City of Alameda, DC1011-14 and regularly and a6upted WID1 t;D of MMS UK- WSKIM AS in rogular moctinq assembled on thr 2nd My of Porah, 124P, hj L�n fnl1nw1q,,, DM9 BEST MS AS OnSTAR MULMS, introducod end adoptoc', M011AT, �001 712n votes to wit: by the Council on thn 2rj ang of Larch, 1043. AYES: Courcilmon Arderson, jonna, Morn, Money and President, Wanschold, (5). ACES: Mne. ARRETT: Nono. U 17TTIMASS, WHITINIM"I T have hereunto sot Ey hand and affixed the nfPi- Mal soal of sutd City this 3rd MY W Tarch, 1018. - j. 2.CLAKIK_ (SBAW City Clerk of tho City of Alameda d t.ci Q of ne City t,.+-,1AlawnKi. herobj that !Ao Mro-olng is a full, UPuo anJ caiwoU 1 a0py 0" 1 cert!Q "Rosolution No. 3GO71 CAMM A SPACTAKWID TO YE NAM W ISM =11 DC1011-14 TaX WID1 t;D DEPOSTU"�,""O MMS UK- WSKIM AS CAZTT DM9 BEST MS AS OnSTAR MULMS, introducod end adoptoc', M011AT, �001 712n by the Council on thn 2rj ang of Larch, 1043. d t.ci Q of ne City t,.+-,1AlawnKi.