Resolution 03691M WSOIXTIM NO. 36H U? TV2 CITT WASM TMELS3 tin City Wanager, Don C. !Wlian, with the pornissinn of t4r, City Council, will be absent .ti. .L *.:_ i thn City of Alameda for a period of soveral days; MR) THEITITIS, 01 1T 1ASCLVED BY WE MUSTI UP M CT51 07 A1,AM11W, that Carl Wroerer be, and he is hereby, appointed Lcting City Waqor of Lhe C1Q,7 of Alamnda jurina the absonoo or tho City manager. is the undezalgred, horeby coMify that the foreZoinq insolution wa_', duly and roquiaxay introduced and adoated by the Council of the bity of hiamedn in re7uiar meeting assombled follow on the 14th day of larch, IC4n, by the VOW, to wit: (4). ANES: Counciinon Arderson, Hborn, Sucency and PrPsAdont Kranscheld, 1 00: Ano. AUSENT: coulmilymn 00noss (W. V: WMASIN QMIUMP3 1 have kereunto set my V.. ill and aMixod tho offi- cial sea! of sold CIL, this l7th day of Wrch, 1043. i - . — V. CTAIT -,-7— — 1 harehy ceitify that 14c LSC rogoina is a full, true and corroct copy Wl' Toesolution No. Wil AMITTITC AN AUTIAD MY LAMM! WMITIV 112E ATUMCE (00 TE CTTY AMCRM inkuOucnd and adopted by thn Council on the 1M dal of Waych, CAtTyticiQ of W At; of Alameda IM