Resolution 03696AUTACRIZIES THE ACQUINi. Wn 61 GEWnlh ]ALI AUKATY NCR 177du XUR PORICIPAT POWSKS. QUQUAS, public intorest and nocessity require that We real pro,ort ,,,- Wr0naftrr dascol-bod bo acquired by the City of "lamods. for public street and highway wic, purposes; nod �APQEASI Edgar A. jonos, a widower, is Wo owner of the inal pamporty hnr0nafter descrihed nrd is uIlling to snil thn szrn to the 0!ty oP Alameda Por the sum of �905.00; 10175 Twowns, 12 ly 1convaD 2S fallows- Section 1. Thot the City nj Alaninda purchase from t"`",`3 #`" L. Zones, a 11down1y for the sam of 0905.009 that certain real properby situated in Lhe G1Q,,,, of ninmeday GounQ W hiarmda, State of California, more p.rt icuinrly describnd as fo3lows: CCUUCINn at the intorsection of the casLorlo line of �bywslje Wievard and the southerly Uno of Liberty Aa c"`.? assaLd Douinvart! ard Avenue arc dool,ated t-1-1,alL cortcaln rap orditied "Tract 722, Alameda, Alanoda CaunQ, CalUurpja," filod Septembor 19, 1046 in Book 12 of Waps, paqes 42 and 40, in the office of the County Rccordnr of tha County of Alameda, State of California; runninj thenco South 41* lost along sold line cC Pornoldo loulevard 115 Pno�, moin or losop to n point; th.art nse South 40* 051 East 101.PP foot to a poLut W intersec- tior wltM the Idne U Crdinary i_ 'i1 as designatnd u Wat map entitled "Map Va. 2 of Salt hursh and TAdelands Situate in County of Alameda, State of CQUornin," filed in Lho office cf the Surveyor General of the State of,California, said point of intersection baing the true po7nh of baglnaln�-� of the lx. rcel heroin deccribed; thence continuing South 4&,:- 051 Each 00.27 foot to a point; thenco along a line boarin,,,-, Scutt 43* 301 WU (said lino being 115 feet southexqy from and parallel to the southarly line of Tib(rty Avenue as desig- nated on the aforerentioned map entitlod 'tract 782, Liameda, Alnmodn County, California"), 416.44 Pnek to a point cn W oustarij line of tho proposod extarstoq of Varfleld Avenue; !,-'--ie,nc,e So��`Lh 41* ,0st 275.55 fect,ninhi said easterly line Of the proposed extension of aarflold x\,2Eto a point 02 inter- coction with �ho west line U Sec h!Dr 179 T. 2 S.A. 3 W.; thonze Korth niona said vent itne cf Secticn 17 of T. 2 S., A. 3 W. 364.34 CeeL Lo a pai-nt: thmn2o North 430, 301 lest 153 NnL to a point in. the Line of Ordinary AIM as de natod upon thn aforoyantlaied map nrtlKled Map Tc, 2 uf Salt marsh and 71df; lands"; thenne QrLh d4* AaU 2.67 feel alan,-, said fine of Grdinary Righ TYde to W trun point of bc;g1nn1nS,, said propnrt, dencribod above, boina a portion of UL 17.an Section 10 c tot26 In Sqction 17 of the aforementlaied - ounship 0 S., A. 31., iTan the folloving terms and condUions, to wit: (a) That quod, merchartable ULla in fee s>Tie Q said real p"o;nrQr [:t'convoyad to ..vitt`'CIQ of Alameda, free and clear of all objecUons, liens, on- carTraines, clouds and claims of titloi but subject to second installment of taxes und assessments for tho fiscal your 1047-1243, ard taxns and assessments fur We fiscal year 1743-13AP; (b) That tho UP]o to saij real property be evidenced by policy of QUe insurance issued by tin Alamodu County-EaU Pay Y141c Tnsurwnce Company, jns,if jn,r title in Lhe U15y of Alameda, as providad W the proceding subUvislor (a); (c) That upcn 1olt with said title insurance company, for to Wo City of Aiamnda, of a qood and sufViclont dead of nrunt conveying snid real pieraroy to the City oP h1amada, and conditicnnd upon the issuance of a title in- surance pulloy, as aforas"Id, W be ap�povua by We City ALLorray, a warrant of the C151 of n,,. x,, be dimpa for 005.00, payable to the ordor of said Alameda courty.Eazt vay ?!tin insuinneu ConTany, a corporaticn, and doliverod to Utle insurance company as escrow holder for Wo purocse of cffectin3 We corsum- maUca of said purchase. Section 0, q4c sQm x'„01,019,0C is harabS ap:xop-lated froo the Capital Lutlajc Pond of tno x_ of Alameda to pay the parrhase nrice cf-sald real rumogrty and cost cf t7lie insurance policy. it -7,77'Ic -C_rLty NEW 1, the wndeps!Snad, heinhy certify that Lim MuFainq was c. 3226, ALUAWnTOW YKA AOQWISITTW. U 005.1 , U"T, MON Y A—, WKIC XMIT AD VI"TOY11.1) �asolutior duly and re7ulaply introduced Q Lho by Lho Council We Why of Alamod"'-A and adanKcd of in ra7ular rmetinn held on tho J13th dajW hainh, 1945, by the "ollowl"I vuEo, to Vit: AYES: Councilmen Lydepsors 7sborni Swene; and !resident RpansMeld., UAS: We. i=W: Councilman Owns, (I). 17 OMA}S MMAN, i have hereunto sot wj haca aW afTUN tAe offi- cial sea! of s My 5his 17th day or WPM, 1041. -7,77'Ic -C_rLty NEW City, 0 of thn G! Q oV Alaneda 1 hereby cer"!Vy Obat tne Wo7oing is a full, truc amd correct cnay W' Nosolutlpr c. 3226, ALUAWnTOW YKA AOQWISITTW. U 005.1 , U"T, MON Y A—, WKIC XMIT AD VI"TOY11.1) i..' 03 VNIMOAL &W;Tusqsp" intrajacod and adwINI, Q Lho Cowcil w Qo Wth day of Mob, WIC. City, 0 of thn G! Q oV Alaneda