Resolution 03707RESOLUTIOV NO. 3707 CANCELLING QTY TAXES ON FRCPKATY ACOUIRED BY THE CITY 09 ALAMEDA FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. 'V'Vil REASI, tne following described real property situated in the it of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, to wit - PARCEL 1: LOTS 11 and 14 in Block 14, as said lots and block are shown on the "Map of Alameda surveyed and drawn by i. T. Stratton, 1953", filed in Book 6 of laps, page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alamn da. County; I w1th ;;:.Lat portion of Clay Street now abandoned, ad- , �' IL joining said Lot 14 on the northeast, and lying southwesterly of the center line of said Clay Street, as said street is shown an said map. PARCEL 2: LOTS 95 10 and 12, in 3lock 14, as said lots and block are so delineated and so designated an that certain nop entitleal, "Fap of Alameda, surveyed and drawn by i. T. Stratton, 1853", filed,in Book 6 of Maps, at page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; EXCEPTING therefrom that portion of said Lot 9, lying within the lines of Otis Drive, as said Drive now exists. PARCEL 3: LOT 13 in Block 14, as said lot and block are shown on the "Nap of Alameda, surveyed and drawn by j. T. Stratton", filed July 24, 1879, in Book 6 of Maps, page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Kameda County. PARCEL 4: LCT 8 in Dlock 14, as said lot and block are shown. on the map entit3od, Mp of Alameda, surveyed and drawn by j. T. Stiatton, 1853"1 filed in Yap Book 6, at page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; EXCEPTING therefrom that portion thereof lying within the lines of Ctis Drive, as said Wive now exists. PARCEL 5: LOTS ly 29 39 49 5 6 and 7, in Block 14, as said lots and block are shown on the SO? Alameda, surveyed and drawn by i. T. SWatton, 1053"y filed in Book 6 of Maps, at page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; SAVINO AND EXCEPTTKG from said Lot 1, that portion theroof lying within the lines of Ctis Drive, as said Drive now exists; TGGETHER with that portion of Clay Street, now abandoned, adjoining said lots 6 and 7 on the northeast and lying south- westerly of the center line of said Clay Street, as said stroot is shown on said map, has been assessed heretofore 'ca"' city pur- poses for tin ftscal year 1947-194e and the taxes leVed thereon in the sum of 131.09 are uncollected and unpaid; and after the time said taxes became a Ken on said real property, \�11-10EREAS, to wit: an April 6, 1048, said real property was acquired by Final judEment in Condemnation in a certain action in the SuperLor Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, entitled, City of Alameda, a municipal corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs, R. B. Bernard, et al. Defendants, action Ec. 196673; that said judSmenftu was filed and entered on April 6, 1049, in judSmant Book Eu. 326, at page 327 thereof, in the office of the County Clerk of the said County of Alameda; that ever since said date said proporLy has been, and now is, ouncd by thn 'C. t, of Alameda, and has been, and now is, being used for public purposes, and because of such public ownership is not subject to sale for delinquent taxes; and WHETEASO the following described real property situated in the City of Alarm% County of Alamo da, State of California, to w1s: BEWNYIN9 at the point of intersection of the southeastern line of Fountain Street, Whh. the northeastern line of We Drive, as said streets now exist; and running thence alonE the southeastern line of Fountain Street northeaotorly north 43­� 071 58" east 223.64 feet; thence continuing along said Kne of 5buntain Street north 41* 021 44" east 020.09 feet to its inter- section with the southunstern 11nn cf Calhoun Street; thence along the last named line south 48* 5-1 04" east 135 feet* P tb,ence leaving said line of Calhoun Street south 41* 091 44'' west 02C.99 feet; thence south M 081 05" west 224.59 feet - to the northeastern line of Ctis Drive; thence along the last namod line north 48* 261 05" wast 135 feet to the uoint of beginnin,, CONTATNING an area of 61,302 square feet of land, an,,Ji, beirg a portion of Block 33 and P!, also includirg the abandoned part of Clay Street betwaan Blocks 13 and 21 as the said blochs and streets are shoun on that certain na-,r) entitled "key of the 7own of Manoda and Adjacent lands'' etc., filed September 12, 1867, in Cook 5 of Mys, at PaSe 36, in the office of the Count, Mcorder of Alameda CountN. has been assessed heretofore for cit, rposes for the fiscal year 1947 pu-IP48 and ths taxes levied thereon in the sun of 481.10 are uncollected and unpaid; and NVEREAS, after the time said taxes became a lien on said real property, tV wit, on October 16, 1947, said real property was, by deed recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on October 16, 1947, under Recorder's Series AB 88940, acquired, and ever since has been, and now is, owned by the City of Alaneda, and has been and now is being usod for public purposes, and because of' sinh public ow-norship is rot subject to sale for delinquent taxes; NOW THEREFORE9 M TT RESCINED BY TFE COUNCIL OF TH CIYX CP ALAIEDA, with the written consent of the City Attorney attached hereto, that all uncollected taxes charged or levied for cit, purposes upon the aforesaid real property, toget- her with penalties and costs thereon, be, and the some are hereby, canceKed, and the Auditor and Tax Collector of the City of Alamada are hereby authorized and di- rected to cancel thn same on their respective books. BE TT FURTHM HEMMED, anything in this resolution to the contrary not- ulthstanding, that this resolution and order shall not be constined as cancelling, or authorizing the cannellation of, any special assessment taxes levied against said real propexty by the City of Alameda pursuant to the provisions of the " c Aquan isition d improvement Act of 1925.'' T. Staniny D. Whitney, C!Q Attorney Cthe City of Alameda, State of CaMfclujap do hereby consent to the cancellation of any and all uncollected taxes and assnssments or penalties and costs thereor, charged or levied for cit, purposos upon thn parcels of real property described in the within resolution. Dated : Nay 1, 1943. STAMEY D. WHTTNEY City Attorney of the City of Aaameda A the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vas duly and regularl; intrMuced and adopted by the Council of the My of Alameda a.in reEuiar meeting asserkled on Me 4th day of Way, 1948, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Franscheid, (Q. NOES: None. ,ABSENT: None. V &ITNESS WHEBEGF, i have hereunto set my hand and Mixed the official seal uf said City Ms 5th day of May, 1948. i . P. CIARK (SEAL) City, Me& of the City of Alameda i hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy or "Resolution No. 3707, CANCELMG GLTY TAXES OU ?00KERTY AC,.,,�IJI,Hii) BY THE CITY 01" ALAYEDA FCR MUNICIPAT FUMSES," introduend and adopted by the Council on the 4th day of 11",lay, 11,-348. City, I Clykk of thP � 1, (11 ay, ,f Alarneda ri IM 225