Resolution 037082 6 M ,710,1,1' 111�0. 3708 REqUES TIIG C.",'-,`,CELIATI0V OF COUNTY TAXES ON PROPERTY k0QUIRED BY THIE, CI�IIY C)l,' ALANEDA FOR AUNHIPA.Li PURPOSES. GH056AN the parcels of real property situated in the C! Q of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: LOTS 11 and 34 in Block 14, as said lots and block are shown an thB "Th p of Alameda surveyed and drawn by j. T. Stratton, 1853", filed in Book 6 of Maps, pag 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; 1f'ffk,r iltalk with that portion of Clay Street now abandoned, ad- joininE said of 14 on the northeast, and lying southwesterly of ?.=ho center line of said Clay Street, as said street is shown on said map. PARCEL 2: LOTS 95 10 and 12, in Block 14, as said lots and block are so delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled, "Yap of Alameda, surveyed and drawn by j. T. Stratton, 1853", filed -in Book 6 of Maps, at yage 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda Countl; EXCEPTTNG THEYEFROY that portion of said Lot 9 2ying within the lines of iDrive, How exists. PARCEL 3: Tat 13 in Block 14, as said lot and block are sn on the o "Map f Alamedsu a, rveyed and drawn by j . TStrat . thow on", filed, lujy 241 072, in Book 6 of Maps, paCe 1, in the office of,the County Recorder of Alameda County. PARCEL Q LC2 3 in Block 14, as said lot and block are shown on the map entitled, "Map of Alameda, surveyed ani drawn by j. T. Stratton, 1853", filed in Man Book 6, at page 1, in the office of the Count,.,, Recorder of Alameda County; EXCEPTING therefrom that portion thereof lying within the lines of Ctis Drive, as said Drive now exists. PARCEL 5: LOTS 19 2) 3P 45 5 6 and 7. in Block 14, as said lots and block are shown on the Map of Alameda, surveyed and drawn by j. 7. Stratton, IWO, filed in Book 6 of Eaps, at page 1, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County; SAVITG AND EXCEPTING from said Lot 1, that portion of it ly- ing withir the lires of Otis Drive, as said Drive now exists; vil,th that portion of .'L"raft Street, now abandoned, ad- JoInInS said lots 6 and 7 on the northeast and lying southwesterly of the center 1re of said Clay Street, as said street is shown on,, said map, have been assessed heretofore for county purposes fora the fiscal year 2947-1946 and taxes levied theason are unco2lected and unpaid; and, WHEREAS, after the time said assessment and taxes became a lien on said p1rco2s of real property, to wit: on April 6, 1918, the said parcels of real, property wore acquired for municipal purposes by the Citg cf Alameda, a municipal corporation, by 2inal judgment Co-ndemr.ation in a certain action in the Superior Court of tho State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, entitled, City of Alameda, a municipal corporaticn, Plaintiff, vs. R. B. "ernard, et 0, Defend- ants, action 7o. 196673; that said ?inal judgment in Condemnation was filed and entered an kpril 6, 1948, in judZment Book Yo. 326, at page 327 thereof, in the office of the County Clerk of the Countj of Alameda, State of Califoinia; ana s er since thn said 6th day of April, 1943, the said ps,rcels 114 11 �7E 'PE �" 5 ve of real property have been and now are owned by said Citj of Alaneda and have been and now are belrZ used for public purposes and bocause of such public ownershID are not subject to sale for delinquent taser, ;and tne parcel of rea2 property situated in the City of Alameda, Courty of Alameda, Stas: of California, and particularly described as follows: DWiNIKV at the point of intersection of the southeastern lire of Fountain Street, with the northeastern line of Otis Drive, as said stroets now exist; and running thpr3e along the southeastern, line of Fountain Street northeasterly north 51. 071 58" east 223.64 feet; thence continuing al cng said line of Fountain Street north 41* 091 44" east 229.29 feet to its intersection with the a outhivjes tern line of Calhoun Street; thence alonS the last named line south 48* 501 04" east 135 feet; thence leaving said line of Calhoun Street aouth 41-N, 091 44" west 229.99 feet; thence south 41* 031 05" west 224.59 feet to the northeastern line of Otis Drive; thence alonZ the last named line north 48* 261 05" west 135 feet to the point of beginning. C07TAINTNG an area of 61,302 square feet of d, a lannd being a portion of Mocks 13 and 21, also including the aban- doned part of Clay Street between Blacks 13 and 21 as the said blocks and streets are shown on that certain map entitled "Nap of the Town of Alameda and AdJacent Lands" etc., filed Septem- ber 12, 18671 in Book 5 of Yaps, at page 16, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, has been assessed heretofore for courty purposes for the fiscal year 1047-1943 and the taxes levied thereon are uncollected and unpaid; and v , REAS after the time said assessment and taxes became a lien on said parcel of real prcperty, to wit: on October 16, 1947, the said parcel of real property was acquired for municipal purposes by the City of Alare da, a nunicipal. corporation, by Deed recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on October 16, 1947, under Recorderls Series AB 88940; an(II WIEREAS, ever since the said 16th day of October, 19?7, tho said parcel, Of real property has been and now is owned by said City & Alameda and has been, V ownership and now is, bein; used for public purposes and because of such public I -a not subject to sale for delirquent taxes; NOW THE,'_iC HE IT RESOLVED BY 7BE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATATEDA that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda be, and it is hereby, re- quested to make its order, and to take sucb further proceedings as may be neces- sary, to cause all urcellected taxes, assessments, nenalties or costs charSed or levied for county purposes upon the aforesaid parcels of real propertp, to be cancel2ed; and that a record of soch. cancellation be made by the officer or offi- cers havino custody of the records thereof, in accordance with the i'r'e sIons of Section 4206 of the Powenue and Taxation Code of the State cf California. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the City Clork forward a certified copy of this resolution forthwith to the Board of Supervisors of said Alameda County. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that thB foregoinS Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda 5n YaEular meotirg asser-Jol.ed on tlae 4th day of May, 1948, by the following votc, to crit AYES: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President nrunsn I M. NCES: Knne . ABSE70 None. !N WITTESS WHEREWY I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial sea! of said City this 5th day of Tay, 1948. j. P. CLARK (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of Alameda i hereby certify that the for,oinS is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Yo. 3708, HEqUESTING GANCEMATTON OF OCUNTY TAXES ON PRUERTY AQUIEED BY VIE CITY OF AIAMEW', C! PAL PL&POSES." introducod and adopted by the Ccuncil on the 4th day of May, 1048. C i t rk of the City of Alameda IM