Resolution 03713M WSOLVED BY THN MUNCIL C7 THE MY OF AIAMADA that the sum of Y715,00 Us, and the same is hereby, transferred from the Capital OuWays Fund of the City of Alameda to We Special Fire Alarm Sysbem Pund. Tha Anditor and the Treasurer are heroby authorized and directed to make said Wansfer on their respective books. & the undersi3ned, RES00TION 70. certify 371," TRAMSFERRIM Resolution was 1715.00 FRCM WE i CAPITAL CVLAWS FEWD 0? THE CITY OF ALAYEDA TO THE SPECIAL <! i47, adopted day FIRE ALAAF SYSTEN NUM WSOLVED BY THN MUNCIL C7 THE MY OF AIAMADA that the sum of Y715,00 Us, and the same is hereby, transferred from the Capital OuWays Fund of the City of Alameda to We Special Fire Alarm Sysbem Pund. Tha Anditor and the Treasurer are heroby authorized and directed to make said Wansfer on their respective books. & the undersi3ned, hereby certify that the fora3c!nC Resolution was 0). !X ATTIMS i ',-ave heirunto set my hand and arfixed tin offi- 3713j� {J u..!.<uand reSularly introduccd <! i47, adopted day by tho Council of the City of Alamed,.l in inSWar mnoting assembled on the 18th To. day of Nay, 1048, by Go followino vote, 4715.00 MY OP ATAFEDA to Wit. TO TIE SPECIAT FIREWARK SNSTEM.VUWD," ATES: Counnilmen Anderson, Osborn, Sweeney and President Dranscheld, (4). NOES: Fono. hereby ceitify ABSENT: Councilman jones, forngQnZ is 0). !X ATTIMS i ',-ave heirunto set my hand and arfixed tin offi- 3713j� of City this 10h day W Kay, 1918. cial seal said MIMS FUND - CF Ta,-,"' j. F. CLARY (S7kL) City Wnrk of We City of Alameda Pity of the Cl,tv o'C Aliamnada i hereby ceitify that the forngQnZ is a full, true and correct copy W' "Resolution 3713j� PROW M WITAL MIMS FUND - CF Ta,-,"' To. 4715.00 MY OP ATAFEDA TO TIE SPECIAT FIREWARK SNSTEM.VUWD," introduced'and adopted Q,7 - the Council on the 18th day of Fay, 1948. Pity of the Cl,tv o'C Aliamnada