Resolution 03752BE RE60LUT10h NO. 3752 ESTABE18HING CERTAIN POSITIONS OF EhIPLOYMENT IN THE 011Y OF i�LAL,1-10A 10D FIXING THE SAL!RIES AIND RATES OF CUMPENSATION FOR SUCH POSITIONS AND FOR ALL CHARTER OFFICES AND POSITIONS UNDER THE JURISDICTION 02' SAID CIa REVIVED BY THE COUNCIL 02 THE CITY 02 ALAMEDA as follows: The offices and positions of employment hereinafter named are hereby established in tAe several departments of the City of Alameda, in addition to the offices and positions heretofore created by the Charter, Ordinances or Resolutions of said City, and salaries and rates of campensation for all suet offices and posi- tions, whether hereby or heretofore by Charter, Ordinance or Resolution established, are hereby fixed in the amounts set opposite each designated office or position. 'Unless otherwise indicated, all salaries and rates of compensation are on a calen- dar month basis. Such offices and positions of employment and such salaries and rates of compensation are as follows: AUDITOR AED ASSESSOR Title of office Yumber Salary Over 40 hr. o *position Positions Per b4onth Per ','1k. Rate Auditor and Assessor 500.00 - Deputy Assessor, Class A 1 349.00 - DeDuty Assessor, Class 1 371-50 - Deputy 2ield Assessor 268.50 - Deputy Auditor 1 371-50 - Senior Stenographer -Clerk 1 During 1st year of service 200.00 During 2nd year of service 215-00 During Ad and subsequent years of service 230-00 CITY CLARK City Clerk 1 08.50 Seniotenographe 1 230-00 Deputy City Clerk 15-00 Extra Clerks - At rate of $8.50 per day LEGAL DEPARTEENT City Attorney (Part time, otAer empioyment perinitteci) 458.50 Legal Secretary -Law Clerk 1 During tat year of service 230.00 During 2nd year of service 240.00 During Ad and subsequent years of service 250.00 Deputy City ittorney (Part time) 1 57-50 3w01`412,,�L DEPj�RfL,1"EXT Executive 6ecretary Civil Service Board 1 408-50 Senior Stenographer -Clerk During tat year of service 200.00 During 2nd year of service 215-00 During 3rd and subsequent year of service 230.00 Pe3:'sonn6l Assistants - At rate of 0 Q1.25 per hour That, except as otherwise provided, the normal working week for employees in toe aepartments above set forth shali be thirty-eigit (38) hours per week. Title of office K wnb e r Salary Over 40 hr. or Position Positions Per Month Per Wk. Rate GEN!;IU,L �0i,11NISTR,ATIVE DEPi�RITI,,'E'NT toy ,Jana .a r a Of f j. c e City lana gar" 1 V Secretary-Stenographer 1 During 1st year of service 235-00 - DurinS 2nd year of service 245-00 - Durim Ad and subsequent years of service 255-00 - Administrative Aisistant 1 DurinS 1st year of service 333-00 - During 2nd year of service 344-00 - DurinE Ad and subsequent years of service 355.00 - Junior Sty enoSrapher-Cllr k 2 During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Junior Account Clerk-Typist 1 During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Assistant PurchasinZ Agent 1 371-50 - .Wtomotive Utility elechanic 1 MOO 2.478 The normal working week for persons holding the position of Automotive Utility Lechanic shall be fory (40) hours per week. txl T Ila 11 Janitor During 1st year of service 222.00 1.92 D=03 2nd year of service 232.00 2.007 Durini Ad and subsequent years of service 242.00 2.094- janitress 3 192.00 1.66 Traffic Painter 1 264.00 2.284 Skii1ed Laborer 2 242.00 2.094 Telephone Operator 1 During 1st year of service 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 210.00 - During 3rd year of service and subsequent 220.00 - Radio Technician 1 333.00 - Excepting the TelePhone Operator, a normal working week for employees in the City hall Department shall be forty (40) hours per week. E Title of office Nwaber Salary Over 40 hr. or Position Positions Per Eonth Per Wk. Rate KNERAL ADMINISILIR,,4TIVE DEPj�RIL,IE1112 ajja.gy, r s 0 f f i c e City Manager 1 Secretary-Stenographer 1 During 1st year of service 235.00 - During 2nd year of service 245-00 - DurinS Ad and subsequent years of service 255-00 - Administrative Assistant 1 DurinS 1st year of service 333.00 - During 2nd year of service 344.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 355.00 - Junior StenoSrapher-Clerk 2 During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Junior Account Clerk-Typist 1 During ist year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Assistant Par c:nava sino h3ent 1 371-50 - Automotive Utility lechanic 1 286.50 2.478 The normal working week for persons holding the position of Autonotive Utility bac hanic shall be fory (40) hours per week. 211X_Hall Janitor 1 During let year of service 222.00 1.92 DurinS 2nd year of service 232.00 2.007 Durins Ad and subsequent years of service 242.00 2.094 Janitress 3 192.00 1.66 Traffic Painter 1 264.00 2.284 Skii1ed Laborer 2 242.00 2.094 Telephone Operator 1 DurLng 1st year of sezvice 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 210.00 - During Ad year of service and subsequent 220.00 - Radio Technician 1 333-00 - Excepting the Telephone Operator, a normal working week for eQployees in the City haii Department shall be forty (40) hours per week. M During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Janitor 223-00 - Laboratory Assistant (Part Time) 1 .75 per hr. The normal working week for persons holding the position of Janitor shall be forty (40) hours per week. M W Title of Office Number Salary Over 40 hr. or Position Positions Per 1.1onth Per Rate Health officer 1 637.00 Director of Public Health Nursing 1 aS 1st year of service 333-00 - DurinS 2nd year of service 344.00 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 355.50 - Director of SaRitation 1, DurinZ 1st year of service 33500 - DurK4 2nd and subsequent years of service 345.00 - Sanitary Inspector 2 During lot year of service 265-00 - During 2nd year of service 275.00 - During Ad ana subsequent years of service 285-00 - Junior Sanitarian 1 228.00 - Rodent Exterminator 1 arin3 ist year of service 222.00 - During 2nd year of service 232.00 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 242.00 - Bacteriological Laboratory TecAnician 1 During 1st year of service 270-00 - During 2nd year of service 280.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 290.00 - Public HealtA Nurse 1 During 1st year of service 260.00 - During sad year of service 275-00 - During 3rd and subsequent years Of 3ervi0.+e 290.UO Public health hurse 2 No compensation Public Health Analyst -Clerk 1 241-00 - Registered Nurse 2 During 1st year of service 230.00 - During 2nd year of service 240.00 - During 3rd and sujsequent years of service 250.00 - Senior SteauGrapher-Clerk 1 During is year of service 200.00 - During tad year of service 215-00 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 230.00 - Junior Stenographer-Cierk 1 During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Janitor 223-00 - Laboratory Assistant (Part Time) 1 .75 per hr. The normal working week for persons holding the position of Janitor shall be forty (40) hours per week. M W 2_1 0, Im Title of Office Number Salary Over 40 hr. or Position Positions Per Month Per. Wk. Rate MEDICAL -FIRST AID DEPARTIENT During 2nd year of service City Physician (Part time, 424.50 other eaplGyment permitted) 1 202.00 Emergency Surgeon (Part time, years of service, other employment permitted) 2 186.00 Registered Nurse 3 1 During I year of service 1 230-00 During 2nd year of service Sub -Foreman 240.00 During Ad and subsequent 2.365 Laintenance le hank years of service 286.50 250-00 Emergency Steward 2 255.00 1 At rate of ??9-50 per day Nurseryman 1 Extra Nurses 2 250-00 PARES 1ND PLAYGROOKDS DEPARTMENT Landscape irchitect 1 1a' Durin3 lot year of service Police Lieutenant 407.00 During 2nd year of service 408.00 - 424.50 During 3rd and subsequent 1 353.50 - Police inspector years of service, 441.50 350-00 - Labor Sunervisor 1 1 Assistant Labor Supervisor 1 29S.50 - Sub -Foreman 1 273-50 2.365 Laintenance le hank 1 286.50 2.478 Equipnent Operator 2 255.00 2.21 Nurseryman 1 253.00 - Groundskeoper 5 247.00 2.137 Truck Driver 2 247.00 2.137 Skilled Laborer 2 242.00 2.094 Laborer 14 223.00 1.929 Senior Stenographer -Clerk 1 DurinS 1st year - Except the Labor Supervisor, Assistant Labor Supervisor and Senior Stenoraphe' a normal working week for emPloyeas in the Parks Department stall be forty (40) hours per week. of service POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief 1a' 530.50 - Police Lieutenant 2 408.00 - Caief Radio Officer 1 353.50 - Police inspector 41 350-00 - Identification Expert 1 342.00 - Police Sergeant 6 335.00 - Patroli,,',van 48 DurinS tat year of service 275.50 - During 2nd year of service 2S6.50 - DurinC Ad year of service 29S.50 - DuriLG 4th and subsequent years of service 310.00 - Policewoman 2 DurinS 1st year of service 275-50 - During 2nd year of service 286-50 - Suring 3rd year of service 29S.50 - Suring tai year of service and subsequent year 310.00 - Titie of Office or Position lumber Zositions POLICE DEPARTlENT (Cont.) Senior Venographer-Clerk 2 DurinE Ist year of service During grad year of service ,During Ad and sAsequent Sears of service Salary over 40 hr. Per Month Per Wk. Rate. 200.00 215-00 230.00 ExceptinE tho Police Chief and Senior Stenographer -Clerks, a normal working week in tAe kolice Department shaii be forty (40) hours per week. hach member of the Police Department who stall attain the qualifications ole "Ex- pert Revolver 3lot" , "Sharpshooter", or "Marksman", in accordance with the pro- visiuns of Resolution lo. 2964, shall receive, in addition to the compensation provided above, and so lonE as such qualifications are retained, the follw oing amounts: Poundmaster "Expert Revolver SAK" "Sharpshooter'' PO'J'111) DEP.ART _,,221,1T 8 15-00 per month 3.50 per month 2.00 peT month 9 23S.50 The normal working week for persons holding the position of Poundmaster shall be forty (40) hours per week. RErl= � 0 ATIC'N Superintendent of Recreation DurA6 1st year of service 398.00 During 2nd year of service 424-50 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 451.00 - Supervisor of Playground Directors 1 265-50 - Senior Stenographer -Clerk - During At year of service 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 215.00 - DurinZ Ad and subsequent yeurs of service 230.00 - Junior Account Clerk -Typist During 1st year of service 180.00 - During 2nd year of service 190.00 - During 3rd and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Playground Directors A DurinZ 1st year of service 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 215-00 - During Ad and subsequent years of service 230.00 - 1,Jaxi.i,,_u.,Ti of 8H,�1.72 per hour if employed an hourly basis Recreation Aids N During 1st year of service 170.00 DurinS 2nd year of service 180.00 Jurins 3rd and subsequent years of service 190.00 Ivaxinozi of ,31-145 oer hour H emplojed on hourly basis. E im M Title of Office or Position Number Salary Over 40 hr. PCO ons Per Month�i to Wk . 300I�,L SERVICE Public welfare Supervisor 325-00 - Social Service Case darker 269-50 - Senior SteDographer-Clerk 1 Durinq 1st year of service 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 215-00 - Durinx Ad and subsequent years of service 230.00 - The normal working week for persons holding positions in the Recreation and Social Service Departments stall be thirty-eiSht (38) hours per week. STREET AYD DEP,'JRT1t 111S City Engineer Daurin S 1st year of service During 2nd year of service During 3rd and subsequent yoors of service Salary, period Qly 1 - 16, 1948, Chief Desi gala. Engineer During 1st yeai of service During 2nd and subsequent yeurs of service Office Engineer During 1st yeai of service During 2nd and subseQcent years of service Assistant City Engineer 6enior Civil ingineer During 1st year of service During 2nd year of service Durina Ad and subsequent years of service Assistant Civil En neer During 1st year of service During grad year of service During 3rd and subsequent years of service Junior Civil Engineer During 1st year of service During 2nd year of service During 3rd and subsequent years of service Survey Party Mief DurinS 1st year of service During 2nd year of service During Ad and subsequent years of service Senior EnjineerinS Aide DurinS 1st year of service During 2nd year of service During Ad and subsequent years of service 550-00 — 575-00 — on — 3'7 - icy 37-00 — 458.50 — 476.00 — 458-50 — 476.00 — 423.50 — 6 407-00 — 42 .50 424.50 — 441-50 — 1 367-50 — 378-50 — 390-00 — 10 333-00 344-00 355-50 — 2 322-50 2.79 333.00 2.88 343. 50 2.97 5 235-50 2.082 247-00 2.137 258-00 2.232 Title of Office or Position Number Salary Over 40 hr. Positions Per 1vionth Per "i7k, . Rate S-TREET -A1.,'D EEIV� ING DEPiRTYENTS (CONT.) EnSineerinS Aide 7 During tat year of service 212.50 1.83 During 2nd year of service 223.00 1.929 DurinE 3rd and subsequent years of service 233.50 2.02 Labor Supervisor 400.00 - Assistant Labor Supervisor 1 298.50 - Carpenter - Foreman 1 2S6.50 2.478 Concrete 'cream 1 286-50 2.478 Sewer Foreman. 1 286.50 2.4? -a, Sub Foreman 2 273-50 2.365 Sweeper Operator 1 269-50 2.331 Maintenance Mechanic 3 269-50 2.331 Auto. Eouipment Operator- hechanic 2 286.50 2.478 Equipment Operator 1 255.00 2.206 Painter 1 255-00 - Truck Driver 7 247.00 2.137 Skilled Laborer 8 242.00 2.094 Laborer 11 223.00 1.929 Senior StenoSraDher-Clerk in City Engineer's office 1 240.00 - Senior Stenographer -Clerk 1 During 1st year of service 200.00 - During 2nd year of service 215-00 - During Ad year of service and subsequent years 230.00 - Junior Account Clerk -Typist 1 During 1st year of service 180.00 - DurinZ 2nd year of service 190.00 - Darin! Ad and subsequent years of service 200.00 - Junior Typist Clerk I Durinla year of service 170-00 - Jurini 2nd year of service 180.00 - DurinK 3rd and subsequent years of service 190.00 - Excepting the City Engineer, Assistant City EnSineer, Labor Supe� visor, Assistant Labor Supervisor, Senior Stenonrapher-Clerks, Junior Account Clerk -Typist and Junior Typist -Clerk, a normal workinZ week for employees in the Street and En gine Denartment all be foxy (40) hours per week. TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR Treasurer and Tax Collector 1 500-00 - Deputy Treasurer, Class B 1 371.50 - Deputy Treasurer, Class A- 349-00 - 3iiiinj Aacnine Operator 1 2o6.50 - Parking Meter Collector 1 241.00 - A normal workinZ week in the Treasurer and Tax Collector's office shall be thirty- eight (3) hours per week. E 281 LAI! A HELP FOR ALL DEPARTMETTYS AND AFACATIOL-I RELIQ -1"E RELIEF AND EZTRA WORK Title of Office Number Salary Over 40 hr. or Position Positions Per Month Per Wk. Rate Senior Stenographer -Clerks 5 in the rate of $1.30 per hour Junior Typist -Clerk 15 it the rate of 0,1:1.10 per hour Legal 6ecretary 1 230.00 Junior StenoSria pher -Clerk 2 2; the rate of 10,11.15 per hour 0nitor 2 222.00 Janitress 1 192.00 it the rate of 11.66 per Lour Telephone Operator 1 At theirate or 11.20 per hour EmergencySurgeon 1 186.00 BacterioloSical Laboratory Technician 1 270.00 Registered lurse 2 At tke rate of &i2.03 Per daY Poundmaster 1 288-50 - Laborer 10 223-00 - junior Account Clerk -Typist 5 At the rate of 01.15 per hour Ile - Deputy Field Assessor (seasonal) 1. 239-00 - All salaries and compensations, as fixed by this resolution, sfall be payable, in arrears, on the 5th and on the 20t! day of each calendar month; provided, that when any such day falls on a legal holiday, payment shall be made on the next preceding business day. The salaries d rates of compensation an as fixed by this resolun tioshall be effec- tive as of and after July 1, 1948. BE 1T 2UR=_','Z -HESOIXED that all other resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith, are, to Ve extent of such conflict only, hereby rescinded and annulled. E 1, the undersiSned, hereby oertify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in reSuiar aceting assembled on the 15th day of June, 1948, bV the following vote, to it AYES: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Branscheid, (5). LOES: None. ABWENT: None. il,, o1ITIZ&S1111 ROOi F I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the ' t official seal of said City is thI h day of June, 1948. J. P. CLARK i hereby certify that the foregoinS is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution 10. 3752, ESTIBLISHING CERTA?TT POSITIOES 02 W1PL()Y11-E',1TT I!; T.[-L,.T, CITY OF TH 3.4LAIEIES AND RMS OF COMPENSMON YOH SUCH POSITIM AND FOR AhL CHARTER OFFICES W POSITIMS UNDER TIHE' JURISDIMON 02 Sj1D CITN,"int ro- duced and adopted by theJouncil on the 15tA day of June, 1948. M f6Heda '-- 2,83