Resolution 04336M
P770TWIC K 7U. 4307
TaNumplir ;111539.13 -TUV
to ar6 recelvef by the My
CPrtalr MOr"YS hsve bee
of Alamcda from the State of 017"orrla vnd OpposftQ ir the Wnhol4n oovnrsur,
Control 7undj Purruart to the provisTonr of t:v Alecholic 7nvera2n Cortrol Act
(Statntes of 1035, 7a7e 1123, as anonded) and tho 7rovivic-F W Ensolutson To.
P2129 adoptad by t4s Council "-�ersn
77177UP "_ rp lns Wr nNnorW f -on tin Aqnn7r1 2nrd of t�e City,
solely for Ve purposes spncifind fr said Act are ir said TeFolutiony the sun W'
j113=13 in correctior W�h the ovorstion -r .,i, na!rtnraroo of Ve Vlloe Depart_
that tin scr 0, :11 5179.13 hop ary tie rq7W 4 9 4nrobj. 3...rnrv7-r7WA f Orr tknA!-
ocholic co"brol jord to Ahe nnrprmi nrd if t,e ""T of Uatip; eda.
M4e nu&tcr P"! v4e mr-asurer nrr he-oby amt4rr17PV 9-3 Mr-oord to
n�e TS14 trirsOr or '"Y"r r-srentiv- 4nokc.
duly and rnEujarly introduced and Mont& b7 tic Correll of too C111 of Mane&
1- rocuinr nnetirs nssembled on the soth My of varch, VEI, by t`ic folinviq-,
"Ptno to -Wit.
AYES: SounKin-n ArOersor 1 jorgR I Worr I Sweeney ard Frnsion7t
7aOT: Tope.
k7zon" ! 70r -
T7" _77`779 173377?p T "nvn "orrynto sot �j hand mid afnmod Lhq 0"541-
,,a! opal of rMo 7"t- fh4s 7s, 19- of 7arclf 1051.
My Mery of t"e M1 ov Valnll�eldllll
1 �orvby certify V�nt the fore7olcg is a Tons tv-e a -d
?PF01qW0- ye, 43301 `1.7770"= ;115530.13 Q7Q 747 ATACUPTT7 y�777�77 CC_' A 71
77nA 1 1117 qj; T , �- I
"JAM"p" VtroNrcol ard ndrcW hy
or tie PON day of "hrQ, MI.