Resolution 04338I PESOTY7TOZ 70. Qg-�' 7VTIT 777"��7 7c: F07 MWETS, ROO CCYT-� 10777i lnovit- n=7 1-D 209,07-5"Aq TAM 77 7�7 3T nAT r [1— -77 7 TIT A ` 774 �77 TO W"i"' jTn7QTj7?- 7V --77 that t' a 7 nor! Q lent! nv! ,0 car car-,Ykinc pno notio- On 7-1,nvyjanats, 200 t7111 0-7"Ovr rQ-ts nr& Pop 0vrrWnaF m-7 to t4n 1117 07 AIR -00A, W, 1051, to, npd the 0170 nr,-- �ernb�4 awnrovoC a -d Plortod. 722HYA", OPW-749 0at t"e 70"m"! rf t�n 71ty of Alamnfq Will recMvp smind hids Ur tn the hour 2f 5:05 01010ch Y. 7- On "YOOMY, APYT 3, 1051, "Or t"n fvm!m-771 tn ""a City W R O O votbor WTI W'"Orn rVic" jachltF, WO c0tyr- tW711 r -1 07V nnrtv orc por nv:"rmpns =2, Tr acnnr&nncc wlt� Wa aM ?mvisjors. We racy bn prerortod to t"r WtV MOry, "'? thO MY "Oil, AD" nednI Call "n-mv, vrlp- sma? qx oovor P -v Tj a-11 o- 4 "P a-ts"% "Orcn"S11" fer �nttvr "will jac�etv5 70nt7 nnQ �70-scns 7nor", rr S!79nr Sonlon"Im. cortrick , 17 nunrOW7 will he awnr&K SWept tn fm wWsir-p 00 t�a 74qrt-r rf Vold 7,tyr to the iYn7rrWK% W Ner who s -b& t? 0P Wns" or" Osst - 11 4 . -�e WVt is roservad to minc- n-7 or riv 1137. mp my nery 7Y nrovy 07rochyd tr M-ortly-, in the Alamnda 1"mos- Men n rotion callinS fer snaleO Ws Tr accordarcr with t7e rravisions of this, rp Folut! rr ' Nap! f _ca t i- S av? Q P -S . ij Ve YnKn7Wgr-A, Korehy certn" Vat ne rvroScirg 7nvonvor On,,, 0-7y and rnS-Iarly irk-oduced mrO Mantra V:- t"n 3n-'701 oy 0hp 700 ry ANDOM"', in reamlar mentin- assenbl-A or t�v 200 dnj Of Vnnc>, 295T, by Oc Tn?1ov1q-- 70tno Ait s: 7,rq. i� 7"775S 772177A, T �avp mrrunto apt ny hv"� qr� a7PAYod the rf"J- o, Q Sno 07 -Y 0 py, - V 1 S 71st aly rf 7mTh, 1951 1w (zoo V Y Qlol- n" the M- ov 119meca i �ermby cartVY Q' at V Turn Wrz is V ?-I!, trpq Rio vulmoct copy rf' �n. 4 a 3325 0 epnj T - - 7n -T C74 WC4 �it n-7F7T �? 200C CT -07 M 1 T! Tc"! 7CT77- 200 CC7707200 V727747 7�-T -C 715", W IT10, vc! 1 71T -S 177 7- 0Tq 7; C T -W qT npr Tc A 7742" 777 CA 7 7 Z-4 nMotpd by t co�7rlj rr t"e sotOP ! jny ityp>, ]q5j. 0n MY V, Alamej:a