Resolution 04339IF751077MY TT. 433" AnOTTIM 7: �777TCnT%A 15V "n- =22TST 150 nIV71 4717TT 2, M-7, KIM, 55 WV7717 qDl"S AM 2n 7TWE "1;'7 710- 7C "_� C1777 137 AIWTD�' 1AWT1 70 MOS AT"D DIAZIMITO 7T77 OV791 7C A77117754 Tn7�' 1 7 7 U77 07 AT217DA tynt Ve S-ecifications and ProvirTons Coo fvr-7VAPE 150 fire helnotn, 150 untpr rnDoUnrt Poota, 15C 40N'r Inars, 55 coverall nuMn PrA 2S fibre EKFs haV2 to te CAtj PP Alame&, "o, 71 3-51-8, Mod in thn offirn of the 907 TWO on Yarah 20, AM, be, nrd V"a sann nre horo>j. nrj non7trd. MASUTRIA 1774171-11 thn, fie Corroll of the M7 of Ala"Pja will receive F-iled bids up to t h o br-r rf �:05 010100 7. �- on 7rWay, A -r-11 3, M51, for Ine J err'shLr- to the CHI of 150 firp "Kmcts, 73C water rnyelicrt coats, 150 MNr' Jeers, 55 noverall suits and 29 f1bro &Rsc .qts, To accordarc- Wtv WO 9nenMea- Wors a,d Provislorr, 4do nust be wrosanted to t4e City Vark, To the City yall, Alameda, GaYfrinla, uneor spalea cover and r1ainly rnrhed on tne rutsIdg, Oro - poral for Are iolqo7p, �atnr Mrollart SoVit. tc, Coveroll Suit -, Aars n-0 Qts," or sln7lar des4watfor. contricts 7f awaNedy vill be awarVed nr5jock to the rrovfWars V V)e Charter A saK My, to the rasno-siblo Ndler who syknits ttr Arwost nnf best h i K, '"N r, -'It in rornrVad to roject Rny or all bldc. 740 My Mork 7S hereby Khroctod to VvertIP03 1- t�o Alameda plgen- T t rQtl on CaD Wrspolof W7 ! r acarruirl- -rnVVnA ors cc 041's rcsol 7t 10- gno of SnAf Spec! f 1 ent 1 rrn a-0 to -e! 21 ans . :P tto ri,pr OgrK, hereby corttfy K>at in AregOnZ VnSolutIC7 ans Or]- ard rpclonhly 3rtrolynnd nro lernt'6 by t�e Unrcil 01 t4e 77ty of Qn-ed'a 7- 470or -nn tl-7 or tin PStV day of �arch, MY, by "in Minwirf"l, vct05 to -Vit! MF: Con-allren an( orron, jo-es, rshrrn9 Funerey and 7ref idprt 9rnrSC"vId3 V. 70CF: more. A-75,707" 701MI M 1:7�7701 2777�03 7 %avo �ererrfc set Ly Kaqd w& aMned the AM - ciao OCRT of said city We Wst toy V parc�, 1951. V. CAME" City clery of the Vt: of Alamnda 1 "ereby certify that t4n foran 7eirg is a T1 r11, true a -d correct o o py w7 "Onscintin- To. 45VP2 LOON -77 3�41_ PC �jT 7V-7 C "A 7 F 1507"ASK 07=j 55 �r77111T 27`7 477 PI '417 I�A?5 7477 1177n .. 1--troAnceo u-0 n0p"t2d by t�e W�,H? ur Vy 2M ",y PT n Yoh, I P51 qjt7 Clqrh 07 the City n7 Ainnnod"I