Resolution 04944nsa.unn NO. ngy!- ADOVIAG SYACI WATWS, SP&TAL PR071SIOXS U0 rLANS WOR PAINTING AkD DECORATING iNTERI00 PORKONS 07 CITV ULL, CALLING 2CA BIDS CAD WWTINC GITV OL20K TO ADVERTISE SAVE ---------- WERRAS, the City En-ineer has prevarod Snecifientions, Special Provisions nn d PInns for the paintim and denorating of interior uort.ons of the GitN Hall, n1.ixi1e,-�,ed, 1"o," 6-5?,1-15 aid filed in the office of the city Clerk on Jane 15, 1950 NMI TWINVORL3 4 !T AnSOLVni Ur THE CKNCi,i� 0P t, l_ 01� hhat the aforesaid Snecificationz, Special Provisions and Pipns, numbered and filcd as aforesnid, be, and the same are herebnproved and adopt9d. R1 >Ct D, that the performance nnd con-cletion of the work specified in said Snecifications and Provisions be, and the same is hereby authorized. AES0ZV?`dA 0TATUR, that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock P. Y. on Tuesday, june 29, 195k, for the fqrnishW7 to the City of Alameda of all labor, materials, rmchincry, tools and equiDment necessary for the work hereinabove referred to, in accordance with said Snocifientions and Provisions. Wds must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, in Alnmeda, California, undersealed cover 8nd r1ainly marked on the outside "Proposal for Pointina and Dcco3:atin7 interior Portions of City Hall", or similar desi7nation. Contract, if awarded, will be awarded subject to the Provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda, to bhe responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid. The ri7ht is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said SpecifieRtions and Provisions may be had by any prospective bUder Baa aDplication to the CityEngineer, at his office in Lhe City Hall, Alameda, California. The City Clerk is he directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times -Star C:. notice cailing for sealed bids, in accordance with the ppovisions of this resolqtion and of saiO Svecentions vnd Provisions. i, t5e undersioned, hereby certify that the faro7oinv nesol"tion was duly an6 regularly introduced and adopted by the Gooncil at the Citj of Alameda. in revular nectiny assembl& on, the 15th day of june, 19-5V, bo the following vote, to Wit. AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jones, McCall, Yoresi and President-, Sweeney, (5). TOES: None. AWE. AT: None. if QTITTLISS i havn hereunto Set -y hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 16th day of junn, 1951. (SEAL) SHIFLEY H. TENTI_kms R City Clerk of the Ciby K Alameda 1 bprebv certify thRt the foregoing is a full, trU0 Rnd correct copy of "Resolution No, WOW, ADOPTIAU SPECIQUnTISQ, SPECIAL PHOVISIOAS AND PLANS POR PhIVUn A"7) ATCORA"!40 W"WRIOR POATTONS OF CITY HALL, CAUINa POW BIDS AID DIIEGfINa U191 CLERK TO ADVERTISE SATIE". adopted by the Council on We 10th day of june, 1954. 4 City Clerk 00"th"u- nhL U&.V• 0 V f Alrye&i