Resolution 06258M CITY OF 0\01A RESOLUTION NO. 620", RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ALAMEDA WOPTINC SIEC- IFICATIONS, SPECIAL VROVISIONS ANO OLISS Foi hilt.. ,.,1 oF wouTILE ORIVE AT TUE DUNP ROAD ENTRANCE, CILLING FOR ATES ANO GTRECTIN��' CITY CQRK TO ADVERTISE SANE. n=Q0, the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special Provisions nod Flans -Lor the widening of Doolittle Wive at the Dump Road Entrance, numbered PW 7-61-11 and filed in. tho office of the City 'lerk on duly 18, 1961; NMJ THEREFORZ, BE 1T ASO err BY VIE 09MCIL nF W CITY OF ALIMEDA that the aforesaid Specifications, Special Vrovisions and Plans, numbered and filed as aforenaid, be, and the same are hereby approved and ndopted. RESOLVE% FURTWR, that the performance and completion of the xmrk specified in said Specifications and Provisions be, and the same is hereby authoriyed. 1ISSOmit n, FURTHER, that the buncil of the City nE Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 a.m. on FRIDAY, KLY 23, 1951 Go furnishing to the City of P11 labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment necessary Enr the work hereinabove referred to, in accordance wILK said SpeelfiCaWens and Provisions. Bids must be uresmed to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, ':lameda, CA11fo1nia, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, -1rapasal for Aidening nf Woolittle Wive at the Wmp Road Entrance", or similar designation. Contrnct, if awnrdad, will be awa16ed subiect to the provisions of the Charter of the Wy of %Iameda, to the responsiWo 31d5ie1 who suhnits the lowest and best bid. The rinht is reserved Lo reject any or all bids. 09-10" S --c W J�' i ciao) ons and lirnvisjons any be had hy nny prospect J ve, bidlkler On "I'p-Alication :n the City Engineer, at his of lice in the Ci to Anil, \Wedn, Californip, The City Clerk is Acre by directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times -Star, n notice calling for senled hidn, in accardnnce with the arovisinns of this resoluLion and of said �pecjfluatinns aid Frovisions. !, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Mcgoing Resolution was duly and regularly innnd adopted by the Council of the 0Vy of Alameda in regular meeting asseWled on the !Fth day of July, 1061, by W follnwinq vote, to wit: WES: Councilmen Dungan, :1011, Schacht qnd -resident 0111sch7nn, t4,$. WES : None. WNT: Councilman 2odfrey, (1). FN 7ITNESS TIEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and Mixed theofficial seal of said City this 19th day OS july, 1961. Q E Q) 1 hereby certify that the foreAoInS is a fuJI, true vnO coyrect copy of 'City of Alameda .Sam sslut ion No. 525S, ,00 3.t,,_ SWIFICACI ONS, SrSCIAL FROVISIONS W OWES FOR 41DENINC OF' 530LITTLE DRIVE Q WS QUAP ROAD ENTRINCE, CILLING FOR WS AND WaECT11M +,., 3. CLERE TO A0VFRTTW,,,' K.W, introduccd nnd adopted by the WWI on the 38th d9y of july, 1961�