Resolution 03804M M WSUIXTIGN NO. 3804 1N MEMCNIAN CF CENSTEh 0. WWI' 411TH PUPOUND SM03i the Council of the Citj of Alameda records the death of one of We IoNal and t..1 -vi -s' ,>ix_t4Uai citizens of the communlLy, CHUM C. STUTT, who served the peopla oP the M3 for nony jears as a member of the City Planninj Board; x,. -r,. MKINEMIN9 101 W MULVAD, that, in recogrition oF his falthfnl and unselfish servico for the best interests of the City in tho field of zaniqp, adjustment and pla. ning development, tho Council hereby exprosses its sense of' perconal loss in his untimaly demise, and its Mi appreciatLon for his untivin,,'' and wholehearted effoKs in behaM of tho peoplo of the Gity. BW 1T WIRKIR KESUMUk tint this ResaluUon be spread in full upon the minutes of this moeWng, and that a copy Lherncf be transmitted to the family of Ar. Stutt that it mal extend Lo 10 mcmbers a sincyro czpressIcN of synpathy and condolence; BK 1? tint whon tvis meennE or tho council on "o City of Alanoda adjoains, K shall do so W respect to the manoi, of CHESTER C. STUTT . A the undersivned, horoby certify that Lim 15sclution was duly and regularly introduced and adopLad by the Council W the GiLy of Alameda in reUulap mnotin� ausumbled on the 17th day of Au,st, 1008, b, tho follue1q,, Vot09 Lo wit: AVAS: Councilmen Anderson u0nes, Osborn, Keeney and President 3ranschold, (5). ACES: Nune. ABSEPT: None. M ATTYESS WARAEOV, i have Wrounto set PW hand and affixed the ME - Val sea.1 oP said City this 13th day or August, 1248. (SEAL) J. P. CI"ZK City Clark of tho City of Alnmeda i hereby certify that the foreEWnq TH a full, true and correct copy ol" " introduced and adopted Is, "Molition. No. 38042 Q AWWWW CV MOM C. SQTTI tho Council on une ISO Ual W1 "MUS61 101U.