Resolution 03810M REW �UTW Lu - 3810 AMPTIOG CGEVEYnhM (" . M_hM i,,. J2 ID GARUIL City Clerk W the My or iwneaa I hereby certify =6 WWI= AW WGINEMIAG ea ea, of TO TH. WCRWIWv' jW'nY,d.&] 10u:; 1AWLI) 0. upti WAIA303, as certain indenture dated the 27th 07 of nugust, 1948, mude a by and between Harold C. jard and Yrances E. Uard, his wife, as parties of the first part, anu My of Alanedm, a municiloul corporation, as party of the sec.nd partl was, on or about sain duta, executh und deZvered by snid parties of the first part to tne City of n1ameda; and OHM"32 by sain indenture, tAe grantors therein named granted to We City of Alumedu a permanent easement and right of wuy tu, at any time, or frolu time to time, construct, maintair. Ufa, 'late, replace, remove and renew an under- rjiuid s~",,a,itary sewer in, through, under and uionS that ca tui piece or strio of land in Lhe jity of Alameda, County of Alameda, 30te of uniifornia, partil cuiarly described as follows2 to -nit: JsQ1;T.M at Tideland Survey Stake eS, as Msted in Tab' , leanwers of salt jnrshas according to Tjap W. 2 of Salt hursn ano Tiaelands Situate in tae Cuunty of niumeda, State of California, 1871", prepared by order or tLe Board of Tideland Coi;'ii,�,issioniers, and on file in the office of snia ComMsMoners, certified co - piss thereof being filed with the Turveyor General Cf the Mote of CaliforLW, and with the Munty Recorder of the jity aLa County OY San Yruncisca; runninj thence S 250 341 20a bO,92 feet to u point; thence N 560 40' 30'' It 331-06 feei to We Va puint of beSKninS, thence n 560 401 30" E 115-00 feet to a noint; thence S 330 19t 30'' E 5.00 feet to u point; tnence S 560 40' 30" � 115-00 feet to a puint; ".uRue N 330 191 30" j 5.00 foot to tko point o:f' b0SMLinS;; and dAIMIASP the City of Alameda did, Co leptember 7, 1946, accept said conveyance, und uclZrou powse.si,L op tho sai- assament in tna ron! property U00vi doicriUM; -, I Ay fill GOMMM, (�_` TiL., Cl,'TY 1+'.' that the baa orumantiored indenture be, and the s9me is hereby, accepted on be- half uf the City of Alameda, ULU said jity Councii, acting for aW in Lahalf of said Mg, hereby consents to the recordatiun W suic lndenLure and orders tMs resuiatiun tc be 9ttlened thorcto, us required bY Sectiun 115S W the Civil Mae oZ tiu Mate of CoMforria. 11 too uAdersigned, nerGuy certify tkat the for.IWLS ResolutjoL was dui� unu rm,alarlZ introduced and adopted by the Cot;uicil of Ae City of Alaseda in Mular auutin-1. ssseDulad un tne M day of 3eptember, 1948, by the vote, tu adt: AM: Councilmen ndarson, janes, Osborn, Swoeney anu President jransah&A W. 13wILT: Lone. E. aMESO .02MOP, I h9vc hereunto set ml hanj and affixed the offi- 001 soul ut suid Gity this Sth day or 3entemberi 1946. City Clerk W the My or iwneaa I hereby certify =6 Lhe zorajoing is a full, true and. correct ea ea, of "Wes,lution La. 3810, aMPT12.1 jW'nY,d.&] 10u:; 1AWLI) 0. upti introduced ana Mopted by We jounail on the 7t,[�� c,,,,' L n_ u, 7 u a,,, 7 j