Resolution 03817M aIRLUTIGn Aj. 02 !LTh.11," To jOWAUCE jAhITAZY iMa L,M'z-, sky inn. 1 ... w �,Lln YVAToGT 3:0. 1 A.oj..V.jI by tLo jit� ccuncil of We nit! of .10necs, Alameda juunty' Ualizarnia, L -"t in US W"in tAe nablic intoye3t ana cinvendenco ru,urq au�_' LAnt it 0 Wo MLcution bf salu juunciA, tn order the fulluainq i"Provo"anto us auus 1L ,,.,iiafur U Purtion ot sais jity, to -wit: 1. Ma cunsLructiun ol vitrivion clay pipo annitir: ss"ur nainsp Wye bruLctus sna Musa inturals, tcawtner Aith sL"nnurd �an�u.as und risers cafr&i Ma clot He 2rvaU3 on. covors CwAriete, 0� ny vn= lslan� in laitlino 4ive' istAuen joonty noju an. a MiLt 250 roe! srutnewqtyriy of Mobjurg Avanae, L,I WruaL need fro. jounty dona Lu ismono Roca$ in isinnu ;uad zzon ,aitisnd Drive tj Lho "06t UCAurl; puinL tnow6af, i" �clrujn venue nnd ZitcwurA venue bet"ee,IL Wrivu sna UICA .0AdI nnu in Seninary venue jet"een �ewcn 1= ond as ncinz 250 test Lurbnowster"! tXroof, ani the c"nstructio, of vitrilied My pipe _,Y0 bzjkynes sad �Ousa 101uPils in one. O"d wat"ean �Iawer an. bne nvt. W Mcnjur'' ._;u in j u int: -cad 0 o a _00, � a sout 3ou fe A �navhjrj: vr-� 1noddn "31"U. R. hanover any PU01ja W.; Vs An�e,j rozerred to as runninq WeVLC'n 00 AYO, W ZMW Or M Any LOOS W"Y, KC iLterSaCtiOn6 Of thu UUjlic n%70 Pularrod 0, nyn Ociuuau tc W extent thst VOM ....Ani.'_ bo Nunn an Wo n1ans Wuroi.. 3. Klstruat3 ann 1"art porticulurly siowo a the records 01 Zia -McO ,J 1. thu Juuntee AMMUOY uY nl%.oaa GounLy, jaMfornin, and obill oo, S lWal unon uuu Nionj herein rararrea to ua" to be filed with th, 31erk ow SM, - City. 4. _�! if sold ,.i i, on& 1nnY6v6 wnt. uro tu bo conubrucLud at the ;ivcti. o und in vLa partion,jur juenticnsy of <the foruj, sizan anu 1, in md antelials, nnu or too 1008, �rA�Ho U�v 010vations, no S�OWE pu- j0IRMW the AWL& Prufilea .A- -POOMWtivi M. ie be :i toe Y.crwur, as 1 erelhMor pro- Viaed. 5. There ij to ic oxcuptow Proa Qc �Ork Y,ovu uoscrined nnj ";or! nlrouq asho tu lind unu Sr"ae nN& LOMC OXO -MO& Or 0 0011 11A, Q W ULUM-3 in SON, plans, PrUM's andOPUQMatiuns. 6. SO" jouncii cues herub7 Wept w= estmnMAA w Uo oMuj�j yy6e for W�i. "Urr tna �rALZS Ono HeMi.10 tu "U Z,Qnn in snlu ginns, prayiW O;OcMuotio"s. -in such jrauus ina oUvotions :w, wo 5s in t sm. 2eujnn13 Oarovav niuz rjzbr6=0 is Eke Antm; PVne of US QtV or 7. GaN WnLuq�jt= ia W,u +. _._i{ ol u.w City joincii OV SSW jity, U20 Uf nuts Lhon 1001 Ur ulolns�ullc janefiL, =u suia coahcii uves horeun tie t` .x nd expensus Wroot chnrnen3le Qnov an mnsovsEent, alst�ict) 11U. 00016L culd Nuncil deciare3 zo Q tnu djohrict buLu2ited by 3nia RMONW-WAts Ono to Uo assessou Ln pay the costs nnd experaes tnereav, tLe jouvaurici or w2ch .0triol Ora Alonn on W nor M010a %QrNn, iny yon', -a"= wsoso-ent Ustriat Project hunour Lne" on file iA Lhe office at sLju jit,,,, j"Oryl PoZerelne is w.icn i� n6peby node Cur wunnur noMoUars. 8. Said jity Auuncil Vuru>r avelapes t,nL Ail pualio ibreuts, j�h4ays Ma ov„ar proqurt�, Mni_ sni" nssessLent districo, in use in thu Purfory- o .tet e UK a wjiW �Unctiok as sucz, 3MI! je awiLted fr"n ih; Assosa.unz huhenft'_r to t 6.=Aun tu C_Vor the cum. in "na L:.. .i..... or sqid 1. Lutice is nervoy liveA t 0 Sevin! Wnj3 to renresent =Vnja asams- nunto) inu beur i.terest N M ruLe uZ not L oxasou Y,ur r cu.t (Q) Per annv.�,, nii! ju issued Lurearoar L t1w maimen nrcvi.eu in i,ua plan 0 o2 Article 4 waontor 6 of Titie AU ae tho luneda OnNiVal jOLU, VO list inSta!JKent Of ",j&l aonVw shaii . aie i, urwwn (i.) years Zrc� Liu socund do of july next succeeajD','_, ten noubbs fro" LIM Uuta. 10. Excent us Sreih W.CMSS 020viuod zur L�Q issunLce of unnus, U13, tic "ve -Ork 00011 e --Lu nursjuQ W to PruvisiuW Oz -rtioio 4 of Shapter 5 Uf TiM .1. ol snin joue. 11. Reftom, rerce is heroby muue d t2m proceedinjs it Mis 3ouncil, and the lcttev 0Y the QUY newit. ufficer, under Section MW of t5c Strouts and Ailh- ways jude, jection 6540 Of the Zealth ann Wet y Oode. 12. Anid innpuvw�"nt- nrH >rrenv oo0prmi M in -I ivnwrpy _Q Vt" �"_ Sneer, una LLe offichr hnvicKrIe E.nu control of the ocis tract inn uf rub! ic inprovenantc in ana Yo .i. ... nti. d M� of the kind ueocribud Lerein, heinj n cQotent MOW WIuM 1Y sOUVW 102 UK Purpose; on& guid My Wincer is hwreb'y -iroatat d tc nwhe and file QtA toe MA if said ORZ " reporL in writina, pzint - saUinj Wc foilowivS: (a) Plans nnd slocifications of Lhe pruposed improvenents to be made Darsuant tc tAis resolution; (b) Ensincer's stntement of tLe itemized and tatul estimated costs ind expunses of suid jrWrovenents and of the incidentul expenses in coLnection thore4ith; (03) =winj the assessment aistrict above referred to, and also t buundaries and dioensions of the respective ouNivisions of land within suiu district as the same existed at the time at the p< ..sof Wis resolution Q intention, each of wnich subdivisions Mali be Aven a sepirate nunjer upon SaW diugram; (d) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the cost ana, expenses of the proposed inprovenents ucan the several subuivisions of land in said dis- trict in proportion to the estiMed benefits tc be received by such subdivisions, respactively, from said improv eralls, ana oi the expenses incidental thereto. 13. if any excess shall be re_iized unoL saia assessncnt it shall be soent for maintenance unless the jouncil snail hereafter othoraise deter.ine as proviaed oy Ow. '7� I hereby cerbify th&t toe foreqoinq resolution ti daly n1regalNrly uUopteu by tOe MY COUnCil Of tnu City uf Alnmedu, CnliforMa, 4t a meetin!; thureof Lela on tue 7tn day ol Reptember, 1948, by the followin; vote ok the "YES, and in favor thureDf, jounoilmen: Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 3ranscheid, W). MAS, Councilnen: Lone. _AwELT, Councilmen: Lone. ('): jity Clerk 1 hereby certify thNu too lare2oin.A is 2 full, true and curruct copy of aQ hu. 3817, UV MiLTIOL To W13MM 5j'., !-- i,,­C�` _Aihs 730 2110 MI -11A 301for? Z1.0030.110 Z10jacT W. A" introduced Hnd ado tud by tke j,uncii an toe 7th duj OZ supteuber, 1948. IM