Resolution 03819MALUTAL LO. WS'
M= I"'I_"I_'_""�'IIV'xiihIHG aAGE IME
30Y 2AT: MW LOW llw..00.0310 11461TEA, A:. 1
REAMID2 by the City Coqncil A Us City it Alwie !a, "!aAeds County,
California, uhut
A0121=31 tKe City injineni on said City Luc nsoertiined the jonerul.
PrOvAMM rate Of Uer Men wajas in Lhe ioanlity in Wich suid public crurk is
WNW A Je perfOrmed for dork of a simiTuy churacter to that described in
ResLiution of intuntion 10. 3817 adopted SePtember 7, 1948;
A 00106, said rate of rer Mein wnges is set Vurth anu ountained in
the notice to ouatmotom and wnich is a part 02 We specifications for Wd
prujact, o0jus OZ wAch are an Wile in the orrice of ine city Enjineer ana also
in tne offibe uf We City ClerA of suid jity; and
Wis AnIncil has uU11 C,nsfdered said soule and finu We
same tje corrooL in ull 1-ArtiCul''-Ars.
WAI !I lei hIN1.31 AIRIUP MAN.Ehou "JA L"j:AA03 as follows:
1. That said onge souls aj sub IoUn in the lotice to Wntractors is
Reruoy adopted as the prevailiw rate oN ver uiem wages or wor? of a siniMr
OU'r_if tOr W tnat MOve auscribad Q tto localit: in anici such public work is
proposed to be perfurued.
2. Mut not ie6s than suid rrevai,inj rdue of per ajem naaes shall.
A Doin r•ar any work propused to be perfurned under ouid he8ulutlon of intention.
1 heMY cartifY that to.._., zor.1 � rc2clution woo uiQ mna rGAUNrly
nauptea ana pu3sua by Me My joun, cil aof ".nje"y, ja iCornia, ut a
r " ", L:_kl' Uurucf told n tho 70 AV ul September, iyM, uy the funlawin,,.,
voin at the nembars thereof-,
AYEj, and in favor theroof, Councilmen: Andorson, janes, Osborn,
sweeney and President Aransaheidv W.
UOAV, Cainalimen: Eune.
C i t Y 0 1 "c a 16, It
i horehy
certify that the fofolvinq !a
a rail, true ana correct
oy "Wesolution 3219,
AST,ALM .!Wj 1"QUIA-G !,A.
A"LE nNY 2Az. M.AD
A�OE�1.01 PRO&= Ka.
11 " 0troducad onu Worted
' b R ' 1 o�n tue 7th
1 1 -14 L ''L
of jeAambery 1046-
;A el A. Ula AQ of AsMeMa