Resolution 03820M IM .a , '�,,C _,", U s. AZYWINTIM TKO 03 P.23A 02 AEMLA1 YMISTS U "InMuh TU YoUlvaZa L.- 140i,Z,21N M M&Mj ECTIM 3.Y 2.nA DUMECT hC. 'I by the jit; Council of the GiQ of .at ,am uncia, hinnedu Cuunty, jaNvorhLap that, Wznn.s, pursuant za Resolution of intention Lo. 3SW of this Council, adaqzed 6eyte"ber 7, 1143, purswni to Article 4 of 0apter 5 of Title NIX of the oluneda "unicipul jude, te My Engineer of said City has filed nith tho to of i.i 00, the writt= ruport cullen for thereiL, aQ by saW Assulution of intenti6n, u.M report We been "resented by sniu Clerk to tuis Council for con- siaerution, and tnia Cannoil has considered and prelimiunrily upDroved nod con- firmed sula report, ana oraered is..? i. tne same stand as ihe raport ur tLe purposes o ull oumequent proceedi�qs hau pursuant to suid haw1uio tn of intention; i0j, linw%ni"An, K is iNAWA, us fallous: 1. ihat Tavwn, the 26th dof 3eptember, lV48, at the hour of MUD o'clockD.L., in tho rajilar anctinj place of Kis Council, City Aani, AM"eda, GuNfuraia, be, aW the snae are Away, a4ncinted and Mad as LAO tinu wad place fur aeurinA prota6ts ..i.._..+ruiation to the pro7osed isprovemento callea fur undar saia �esslution uf intentioh and nare partloalorly pruvided for in saic rdlnort, 2. Thnt the Clerk at vAis 2ity be, aaa he is hereby, directea to give notice uf 2aid Laurin, ny two succesaive insertions in the ianeda Times -Star, a nawspaper puilished a circulated 3enerally in snia jity, ana by cunspicuously postin; sane ulon; all tne ouan struetj MAY the nssessment diatrict W not Aure tnin thruc humrau ML apart, .J qt not less tan ls.rew in n1i; suia pustin''-', anu -Ujiicutlun tu UW huo Um COMP±4twu ou 101st ten Wye wfuyu une autu ldruill set Tur L""MnA of protests. 3. !nut said notices to K nosteu sn�il be neiaeu Notice of improve - aunts" im Mters of not less Man one-hilf inCh in LuljnL, WU 0�ail, in ls,iolu' anarnaters, st"10 Lae fuct Una Sato U! t.e nQssn�n Uf Un �e�olution 01 inventiin, Una of t.e Min; or sain renart and of the ante, usur Oulu ylace set fuz Chu noar- inS of saia protests, anu briefly descrioc tne improvements proposed Lu be aaue$ nhu rufar t- suiu rea.lutto ion and ro.or, for Furthor nrQoulsrs. A tae undersigned, tare jy certify tuaL tne roruAnikZ Uso!Uicn vas aqq,; aLa ruAuiarly intrualcua Ohd Hunted hy the jouncli ot LAO sit: of AKL80 i''''I regular muetKA osseMed on it 70 MY 02 1071eMuerl 1'{3yby Qd follaning vote, Q wit: Mo: joancjineL nnderaun, joneS3 Osborn, narty and President wranscat' id, (5). U13 : Lone. M. 101-16 ..eu2p 1 Me Aereunto set ny hand and Mixed the Wfi- ciol sea! of sniu jity tnis 8t3day K 4pbenber, 1,46. I qereby certiQ that the foraguin" is a MIT, true anc cirruct copy of "Resolution ho. 3620, 1111, Zn) 0.0 ZIM0_1 ON! �TS K MWWJII�, IV inu&, on.) i"!+Wn-30 10 011WAT11 0 �ONCA 3.7 12" xaaj.61 �6. is" introduced and adopted by the Murod, A day of :eptember, V 048. 'it, A— T- f�� E� - 7