Resolution 03826AMuMM. Lu. 3626 WiGh"T115 Mo KUARM ' 6-1,-."","_z"'_"' MY U�KGIAL TO M21111 AD M!" ME T!JIL, SAM, ;W1jTRO_nM 212 AMM ATHIM AmPURT W MOVID&J 6Y MOTIVIS 2151-2155 C2 Tin STUM AD .11M.'Ays OUDO ""-L" Sections 2151 to 215) of We Streets "',unci 'c',de sf tiis 11'IIL A_� $ ', State of jaMfornia (aaded by inaptar 11, Matutes of 1947, At Extra jession), proviau for an Ann 1_a._ Wrest Ae'nort to be file. wita Ke State Controller Q. - each Ato on on before Atcaer ist of oach year, concernin. receipts ana expendi- tures; AS N _'."'Y' TMI .^M, R,&M.. Uj T-0 G_.. ..fin US that darl Merar, City Zana>r, A, and he is hereby, GeAqnuzed as Lhe city cifioial to prepare uad file with the Unte Onntrailer the WnUai Areat Report as provided by 3ecticns 2151 tu WIDD of its 3treets and ninhways Code of the Mate of WAroraia 1, the undorsi,nad, heraby certify tant Lou foyeGwQ3 Hasolatiun uAs dmy and rogularly introduced anu udoptea b fru e Council of tA My of nlamod,,'l in .au journod rogulur meatiLl assemulud on the Wth dDy at Keptember, 1040, by the rollo"Inj vote, to nit: my"j: Counui!Am Andersun, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President Wanscheid, (.). AW03: Lone. W AUK& I have hereunto oct ny hind un� affived tke Cifi- cial sedi uf saia My this 2Vth 07 of Septemner, IY48. J. 1). 'A"Ah City Cierk, I hereby certify that the foreSoinj is a full, tvuo And correct copy a ,_,ITY Tho GITY WICIAL A PA.P"_� -1-) NIT. Tat ST.P3 MPW A3 FAMIDAD �-,w 2W 1-215 5 W TA! 31A.Sin W e!W �JS j uAl j! !An 30 11 it introduced and adopted by the Council an the 28th duy of Septmber, 1§48. Im 369