Resolution 03828512S, AALM�4 �j�j!210"iaw;:3 An ]�II:A (Q 1"1 1948 at 1949 TWO-INCII 3101 C �L. Tn� U71Y Q,-' MWE %T"AWKII UILIM 'ID6 AnZ allY Uhnh T" ADTA,vig,,; JAf nhAZADA Unt the 3peci2icatinns anu Provisiahs for furniAin; nine (9) new 1946 or 19,09 two -door sedan nutonobiles W toe AY of ala Cita, for the Police DepartJen t,11-0. 103 9-4a.15, filw in the Office Of 4 6 UAY Work on 3entuabor 2SY ly4ay je, MO thu swiw ano Aereby, approved anu adonted. AM Vhj 2101[�q that the jouncil of tho My of Alanaun viia reneive seulau aius up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock 1. E. an Tuesday, October 5, 1946, for the 2urnAninj to tao jit; of w, nine (9) no1948 or 194Y nodelf two -door sedan uutunobiles in atic awl ruance win suid specifications and Provisions, Aus muot be ore"mit ed to the City ilerk, in Aho City un, Alymeds, California, under sealed hover and plai.ly marked on toe outside, "Proposal for nutarmbiles", or sivilur designauion. Contract, if awnrced) will A awarded, subject to the provisians of the CAiMar of suia jity, to d., "l responsialo aidder wAa sub.its the lowest and Dost bid. TA N,K is resurved to reject any or all bids. The jity Clerk is hereby directud t, cuvortisc, in tho Alarsda Times- itur, u notice call0a for seuled Auo, in accordance with tho proviHons or tdis resulution und Of Said Specifications and Provisions. A the underaigned, hereby cerbify thut Lie forugaina 2esAution was MY an& rugUlarly introduced and auu9ted by LhO COUIIC-il 0,�f "ohe AW of A>Qeda A ndjourned regular aaeting a�semjiad an tAe 23th da; of 3eptaaberl 194s) ly the folluwin� votes to wit: AYA6: Aransoneid, (5) HUM: ,,33M: Councilmen anderson, Mues, Osborn, Weenay ina Prosident Lone. ill ,110_13j 2�� A_02, IVve hereunto set my Eand and affixed the AM AU sun! ol said My tAis 29th day U 3eptenner, 1948. KIM J. P. cn.M,l city .... .. inereby cortify that tAc foragoinq is n Yon, true m�u correct cupy uf WsOlutlon ko. WA AW"IM QAWM00, A.i J K.10.1EG L11h (9) N.1 19LS 0.o 1949 TdC-JLCA QOW 3 jo T�& 011y 02 h �, y, Ah, t. >t ZOhIol DN, AE:&Q CAMIA An'. -l-,.,,-L-�,,�',',[-�.,L",-��', an j2y G""A" To intruQ cled anti nuantod by US jouncil an W Wth Uay of IM 371