Resolution 03833M aESCLUTIUM M. 3833 MHORAWIM AMMD AF!!!0ATIQ,_ TO 010 12MA0021 CI TH! 01TY CY ALX2DA FG", GTNIA 1".r CO"'3T u_ , YUMECT Nu MARM, the State of California, under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944 (4th Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds to provide financial assistance to local agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or cities and counties of thb State of Klifornia, so that they may en7age in a Or, puulic works construction program; and J, ­L",',' the City of Alaaeda has submitted to the Director of wt' inance, under the aforesaid Act and the rules and re3ulations aa' escriShed thereunder an a plication, Lo. 127, for an allotnent in the sLma of as the State's share of the estinated cost of plan pruparation of a p0lic works project, de- scribed in said application as Project Lo. 4-- Improvement PInns, Pacific Avenue t' on Webster Street to Nan Street wit a a new street connecting Paacific Avenue with oincoln Avenuo between 4th and 5th Streets, Mich application is identified ander the ajove application number; and the Direator of Finance on hovember 29, approved the 'A 1 1945, aforesaid applHatiOL and allotted to the City of Ainmada, by Executive Order to. P-86, the sum of Q2,000; and the City of Alameda desires to withdraw the aforesaid applica- tion because saia City wishes to allocate the funds provided, t?iereund.er bo other projects of a more urgent nnture; IM TIMMAMA, M IT KE,,_,0,_LVED, '3Y 02 TLA CITY UP AL"=V'i that the City of Alameda hereby rejuests the Director of Yinanae to withdraw the aforesaN application and rescind Executive Order he. r-86. 3Z 1T that certified oopies of Mis resolution bc forwarded to the Director of Vinnnce, the Nate Controllar and the 3tato Mace - ML Mard. * 0 * * * * * ,� I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly anu regularly introduced and adoptud by the Council of the My of Mae& in adjourned regular meetinj assembled on the 28th day of September, 1948, by the following vote, to wit: nyAS: Cwunailmen Anderson, Knes, Osborn, Sweeney and President 3ranscaoid,B). MOM: None. M 110!121113__'� I have hereunto set my hana and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 29th day of Septeaber, 1948. (3ice. 1) J. P. CLARE, City Clerk of the City of Alameda I Vereby certify that the foregainq is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution RO. 3833, APPLIGnTICA Tu STATE DIHECTOR CF 20=01J Oh AMIALZ OF THA CITY OF NOR STAT! ASSISTME it DEPRAYI-i'SIG Cl,,,, -',,T STR20,2 ,M) HINKLY KaMOVELLON PIN: 3 (IM MOT EC . 4) , " introduced and adopted by the Council orn the 28th day of September, 1948. 1z Cit U Mrk of 110 the City of Aluned,,,,i