Resolution 03837380
(Of =�0113 UK
210M.3 3 tile State of under WaDter 47, Statutes of W44
(4th Extra Gessiun), as amended, Aas appropriated funds to provide financial
a3siataaue Q Maui agencies, defined Wrein as counties, citiac, or altias and
counties oz We 6tate W julifornia, so that they 2ay angule ia a larZe public
works construction progrwi; and
the City of Maneda has subnitted to the Director of Finance
under the aforesaid Act and the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder an
applicution, to. 132, for an allotment in the su:._� of 01,940.00 as the Mate's
share of the istinated cost of plan preparation of a public uorks project; de-
scriped in said an-Mcation as Project Do. 47-9--Construc�'.ion of I:,.:prov(a,'..1ents
Krusi Park, which arplication is identified under the above aplHoation number;
Director of Tinance, )n Lo"td ember 23, 1945, approved the
aforesaid app3icatian and allotted to the City of Alameda, by Mocutive GrMr
,,,a. P -72P the sum of �1,940.00: and
the City of Alameda desires to wittdrNw tKe aforesaid applica-
tioL because said Uity wisheo to reallocate the to
other projects of a more urgent nature;
1M =11AMM) at 1T 1MMED BY MA MWIL C'S T.1 CITY Q ALI!nl,
thut the Cit: of Waaeda hereby requests tho Director of Yinanco to withdraw the
aforesuia application and rescind Axecutive Order No. P-72.
W IT MOIL]! .&SQ.70 that certifiea copies of this resolution
forwardod to the Director of Finance, the Mate Controller and the Stute Alloca-
tion nourd.
IV the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoin; Resolution was
duly und regularly 1�trudiced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda
in adjourned regular meeting assemilud on the 28th day of 5eptenbar, 1946, by
the foilowin� vote to wit:
M Aj:Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Meeney und Fzasidont
3ranscheid, (5).
i ie
�LWM Lane.
W AIT0,3"I I have hereunto set my hand and affixed theoffi-
cial sea! of said City this 29th day oz Soptunbcr, 1948.
- * I " � V * 4 4 'i
i hereby certify thnt the foragoiLl is a full, true and correct copy of
"Besolution, LO. 3837, 412WAWMI _IPPM.M� Tb 3T.TA �,'_'7
WE .01,12 02 M3 UTY LF shZL�K, M? WATE AMST.V'32 M DITIL.1770 WAT C]" 11103,
"P&I u_' VMS! P22L (MUCT EQ. 47-9)," introduced and
adopbud by We jounail on the 26th day K 3aptember, 194L.
..,it,yC,']_yi-k of thu City of Alanada