Resolution 03838M3 LWICL381_F ::1T 'J"?"� QU STATZ DI12TW, YKCATIA: DIP Kli�hjll Q: !U1 -o 0� MM(00, Q? 1.03 Mi, U LCMILU PAHL. WCOACT Y� . 47-10 the Vate K California under Owter 47, MUM 0W 1944, Uth Extra session), as amended, has appropriated funds to provide financial assistunce to local agencies, defined therein ao counties, cities, or cities and counties ol the State of Californin so that they mny enqa> in a Urle puilic works constriction proSram; und "I , the City of "Weuo has subnitted to Me Director of 7inancep undar the aforasaid hot and the rules and regalations prescribed thereunder an anplicstion, ha, 133, fOr an allotment in the sum OP C485-00 as the State's shaTe 0z the estinntea cost of plan preparation of a Public works project, described in sold application us Projoct W. 47-li--Reconstruction of EoKinley Park, which applicatiun is idehtifiod under the aoove apDlication nunber; and the Director of Finance on Tovember 23, 1945, approved the afaresmid aunlication and allotted to the My of Alameda, by Axecutive order ho. P-739 "tat a. sua OC 0485.UU; and the City of Alameda desires to withdran the aforesaid applica- tion because said City wishes to reailocate the funds provided to otlier projects of a nore ur3ent nature; i1,_19(1VT1D Uf T_'IrE� CC`J,117, !L 12 TKV CITY CF AL=M'i that the City of Alameda heroby raquosts the 3irectato r of 2inance to withdraw the aforesaid application and rescind Executive Order ri. P-73. 1-IT111111 MOGIM.0 that certified copies of this resolution be IT for"ardad to theDirect:dl of Finance, the State Controller and the Kate Alloca- tion Ward. 1, the horeby certify that the faregoinS Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of niameda in udjounned roSular aceting a�scmblec an the 26th day of 3eptumber, 1948, by the follo.ing vote, to wit: .1212: Councilmen Anderuon, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President hraDscaoidq (5) - ZjA3: Line T. M.WOUP: i uni e. ill 0511-13S -:21AACY) i have hareur,,to set �,,-iy hand and affixed the affi- ciu� sea! oz di c_;. My this 29th day of September) 1948. tiw a' T-C-��F of 77 , 7 ­ � 1 ET T TUTUT I hereby certify that the Nre,in; is a full, true and corruct copy Q "Iesalution ho. 38381 UWAVINA WILIUM) AIPWTCATICT 04 M117 DIMOTOR W M] & 07 M. CITY OF ,1z;. _t K2ills] Wh0cll W Wh 001�32WOMV' 1-`,_,_,,1,. YO. ipyroduced and adopted, by tke domicil on We 26th day oz �,;eptc,.,,­�uorl 1948. y pleTn 01 tue Ulty UY M 381