Resolution 03840OKLUTIM; Ku . 3640
thu Mate of jolifornia inder ChaPter 47, 3tatutes of 194),
(4th Extra oession), as aoended, has arpronriated funds to provide financial
a6sist6nce to locul agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or citios an(I
counties of the SOW of Califorria, sc thot they any onSage ina Urgo public
works construction program; and
Me My of Aiaaedn has submitted to the Mrs3tor of Finance,
undor the aforesaid Act and the rules and renulutions prescribed thcrounder
WMKTIC, 00. 116, for an allotment in the aro of Q,285.00 as the Hotels
share of the estimated costo clan P1porntion of a pubMc works project, de-
ribed in suld appliMion as krujoct K0
sc. 47-13--Impruveaent of Godfray Durk,
wkiK application is Watified under the above applicatioi nu.aaer; and
.&MLnW, the Director of Yinance, an hovemuer 23, 1945 approved tY,
afayesaid. application and allotted to the My of Ainnedn) by Executive Order
Lo. P-75, the sum of 02,285.00; and
the Gity of .1aaedu desires to withdraw the afarasiia iea, aDplica-
How because said C.Q wishes to raallocute the funds provided Woreqnder to other
ProjecU6 of a 2wre Uraent nature;
_,,.'njULVK!) NY 711� 21,001h W ME
that Lho City of .1ameda hereby reAuests the Director of Finonce to withdran the
afuresaid. anolication and rescind Axecutive order W. F-75.
33 !T thnt certified copies of this resolution be for-
wurded to the Director of 7inance, Me Unte Controller and the Wate Ali�cation
& We Undersi,ed,i.ereby certify tu`vi t the foreguin� neUUIUtiUL
duly ;:inn regularly Mtruduccd and adoptud b7 the Oouncil of the City of Alanada
in udjuurned regular meatinS asienblod on thu 15th day of Gaptunber, 1946, by the,
followin! vote, to wit:
MG: Oouncilnen "nderson, Janis, Gsborn, Sweeney and Preoident
Wun8ulaidj (5).
A , LYN Une .
11 _"" . .... . I 'Iiave hereunto aet zy Uuna, and afiinad the MY -
Qui S e & I of said City this 2Wth day of jenta2ber, 1945.
W" , A j. P. 0-1ob,
7 7 17 7
" T
i hereby ocrtify that the forenoing is a fall, true and correct copy of
"Refulution Lo. 32409 A1WUV,') 0. MM DIANICA wV NM T,,
&: 311-W ul f... UIT: U A!,.3jA M MATE AIIYT�.0 1: 3Z7KYI:Q CU22 wl'
P.nh. (PavinCT ru. 47-13)," introduced ana%dopted
Vie Council an the 28th day of Seysember, 1948.
D&)A,17..... 141 WAT
k Y PIM;
( PI
'T I
thu Mate of jolifornia inder ChaPter 47, 3tatutes of 194),
(4th Extra oession), as aoended, has arpronriated funds to provide financial
a6sist6nce to locul agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or citios an(I
counties of the SOW of Califorria, sc thot they any onSage ina Urgo public
works construction program; and
Me My of Aiaaedn has submitted to the Mrs3tor of Finance,
undor the aforesaid Act and the rules and renulutions prescribed thcrounder
WMKTIC, 00. 116, for an allotment in the aro of Q,285.00 as the Hotels
share of the estimated costo clan P1porntion of a pubMc works project, de-
ribed in suld appliMion as krujoct K0
sc. 47-13--Impruveaent of Godfray Durk,
wkiK application is Watified under the above applicatioi nu.aaer; and
.&MLnW, the Director of Yinance, an hovemuer 23, 1945 approved tY,
afayesaid. application and allotted to the My of Ainnedn) by Executive Order
Lo. P-75, the sum of 02,285.00; and
the Gity of .1aaedu desires to withdraw the afarasiia iea, aDplica-
How because said C.Q wishes to raallocute the funds provided Woreqnder to other
ProjecU6 of a 2wre Uraent nature;
_,,.'njULVK!) NY 711� 21,001h W ME
that Lho City of .1ameda hereby reAuests the Director of Finonce to withdran the
afuresaid. anolication and rescind Axecutive order W. F-75.
33 !T thnt certified copies of this resolution be for-
wurded to the Director of 7inance, Me Unte Controller and the Wate Ali�cation
& We Undersi,ed,i.ereby certify tu`vi t the foreguin� neUUIUtiUL
duly ;:inn regularly Mtruduccd and adoptud b7 the Oouncil of the City of Alanada
in udjuurned regular meatinS asienblod on thu 15th day of Gaptunber, 1946, by the,
followin! vote, to wit:
MG: Oouncilnen "nderson, Janis, Gsborn, Sweeney and Preoident
Wun8ulaidj (5).
A , LYN Une .
11 _"" . .... . I 'Iiave hereunto aet zy Uuna, and afiinad the MY -
Qui S e & I of said City this 2Wth day of jenta2ber, 1945.
W" , A j. P. 0-1ob,
7 7 17 7
" T
i hereby ocrtify that the forenoing is a fall, true and correct copy of
"Refulution Lo. 32409 A1WUV,') 0. MM DIANICA wV NM T,,
&: 311-W ul f... UIT: U A!,.3jA M MATE AIIYT�.0 1: 3Z7KYI:Q CU22 wl'
P.nh. (PavinCT ru. 47-13)," introduced ana%dopted
Vie Council an the 28th day of Seysember, 1948.