Resolution 03841M RESCIUDILU RASGUIFY:�,3, 3200, 3201, 3202, 3231, 3232, 3233, 3234, 3235, 3237 and 3505 22LATILI To AID110AM&V Tv VAT� KRIM& CJ­, 171,K&A aW, U.N., a ..03TAICA 11 JURAY11a WT ( _21 1' -i tho City of ALameaa desires to witAdraw certain applicati,ns made to the itate Director of Knunce for state assistance in defraying cost wl' public-aarks j: ti:, because saiu City wisn2s to reallocate the funds provided thereunder to uthor projacts of a more urgent nature; BE IT RASULUD 31 Ma CoMil, W kl� MY W Ann!&! 010 Resolution M. 320U, passed by this Council on sugust 219 194K entitled, Quthuriz13 City anager to make application to State Dircenur of _Anance an behalf of the City of Alameda for state usoistance in defraying cost of street and hiJway improvement plans (Project ho. 2);'' Resulution 10. 3201, passed by tHs Council un August 21, 1945, 00- titlyl, WuUoriziuA My manaSar to nuke application to MAO jirictor AL, Yinance on jehaW or the 003 of w�eda for �tahe Assistance i" defraying cost of struct and i;hwaZ inprovaAent plans (Project M. 3)"; Lo. 3202, pmased 5y this Wuncil on AnInst 21, 1945 an - titled, WtWrizi�] jity ... anuyw to 2ake application to 6la, te Airector ul' yinunce on behalf OP We M: V Mason o.istanne in defrayln=t' of street and �i;hway improvownt plans (Frujact No. 4)"; hesulution Ea. 3231, pascea by this Oouncii in October 2, 1945, w - titled, ditZ Lann,2 to make a- ' Plicatiin to �Wte Dir�ctor .:1'2iaace on junnlr uf ,he jiQ oi nla.ean for stale ansistance in defruyUA cost W plans for venonstraction of �as�ington Park, (Tr)ject V0. 45-7)". 10001utdon ho. MY, pussea �� tkis jouncil on uctuber 2, 445, aL- titled, ".Morma_ zW jitz znnn,r to nnkc anpiicatioE zo 04te Airoctor ul' Tinance an woulf w tho Oity of navedo for stnte assiotAnce in dafra7n: cost of pinh. iow raconstruction or incoin Ynr.by . Wroket o- 47--j"; Aes6lution Vu. 3213, n9osed oY titivat ""Ut, wizihA M�. r 00 nahc �Inwnce on �z Ono z. o. OW "1010da 0� Oland ror ounitrueft ion ow i1provo.znto Wis Wincil on Gotobet at 1945, a plic4tLon W t LC Mr"atur wii" fA SUN a6wist,wc in uewwiz� .Xqji yn2k. (Troloct �0. 4�-q)"; 003t Awssiation. lo.j�34, ponsed o; v.is joqncii an �atobew 2, 1945, en- AlVa�-Vr tc �nke U-11w0w �U Mue Zreotur w_' t!=Ace on ^"n3if uv thu Mt� of 3!=ow for state on.iwLoe in dwiw� Vicoat, at plans fw racw3truction w In"Inisy _,rk, !?rQoway �0. -coolUMUL 1-y. 3135, pnsjod by t.0 jouocii D octouor ;, 1)4>, w- tit!"u, GLI"n"qe:a to 0 he wpilow"Wo is i„? Auve Mroctur oi' Y,nanau uL wh�!Z it tLo jity oY al&.edw fOr SULO aSHMUMe in defrayiUCWt uz 01whs zur oucunstrkuLl"n 02 �ra.klln ponk. :Prujeat �W. Q-11)"; hysaluvljA Lk . AM , oasaac titind, "UA��inj� MY V:a70f to annd Vianzod Z. wu.Aly w V�o Olt: of 01.01n of n1an. lir Laprovo.a." C; v0dZywy lark. tils w-ancil on catabar 2) IVA5, en- ap-ldclMn to n 60 Wractur OL for atits nvnist=c in defrayin: Q1,n no. 3505, Yawled a tnis KuLcil on n-rch, N1 1117, en- titlea) jlt� �nnmzer to qnAu Snn-!n2Sn>1 a-lientApn to nq&''': iirwatow of M. w�ce cn beL011 oz t�c MY af Unleoz KDr Ante 03WASznnee Ll dufra;ia: coot ow plans foi rocanonneton nnenonsioa or w.!nztcv lan. Wnjoct Ea. 47-7)") bn anu 010 w:� ar6 �eruh�, waclzdeo. 1) tho undersiAneu, h'`. .= certify thit We fnr'nm in� jesoinica was duly onk rezularly introducod 2nd adopted by the Council of W Jity of Almeda in adjourned re�uNrmctinS assenbled on We Ath uu; K Qe;=02, 190, tic AILOWQ� Volep so At: W"nallmn Ande2aGn, jones, Osborn, naeney ara pmsidem'' Annsonoid, (5). 1 v2�: Lane. Az..M: Vme. 11. WRAW ..Ansy) 1 have hereunto set ny And and arzined tho offi- Am ami or suit CAI this 29th dar of 3aptenher, IYU. ("3.0 'I_ OL V City C! 1 here 5y cyrtif: thmt ti, ko forcqai is U YU!, true 2AU correct my o -'r, Mesolution E0. 3E411 A"Mij- 1 320U, Sul, ROAs 3231, 3232, WAYS, 3235, 3217 nED 3505 AA"A= � 'Y n AMIP. � 10 WAYE Annil'a h-VaA ZVI 11,10 AnIAZMA 11 wVWZ. 1 A Q W PUTILK .!�! � _. j.QT.V" intro- -(J�A.d u.a adumed by the joancil on zhe Mth my of ieptonvry 19,. 3"Ark a Y T, 1 a 6 m m 3 85