Resolution 03843RMLLUTIUL LU - 3943
JUDEP ALD 02 IlTANTIGh '10 "1"
MMAM, µM ill 1= MT1=E 3:1 C&M 10 n:VIRMS, MY
Ell j2KAK .13SA3511=31 1:0 To 1.V -P",
IIKILTII� T� !"CKW T1137 .111, 111MM �ELI 31 !?=3 Z3
My MG: M.Yj A102 .020Q:A.T PAMOT i3. 1
by the Council of the City of Alameda, County of Alumoda,
dalifornia, as follows:
1. Yhut it does hereby preliMnarily deternine that in its opinion
We public ccnvenience and necasaity require the construction of vitrified clay
pipe sanitary sener 2mins, uya and house laterals, together with standard
man=les ani risers c2.pad vith cast ito. fromej an cover, conplate, on lay Parrin
Island in Anitiand 3rive boWeen County Ruud and a point 250 feet southeasterly
of PitchburG Avenue, in Garden Road from jounty Road to island Road, in Island
load from Enitiand Drive to the most westerly point thereof, in HG? rose Avenue and
2itchbur, Avenue betwcon Witiand Drive and Mach Road, ana in Seminary Avenua
batoeen Beach Road and a point 250 feet northeasterly thereof, and the construction
of vitriKed clay pipe dye branches and house laterals in Deach Road between
Flower Lane and Atchburg Avenue, and in County Road at a point about 300 feet
soutHarly from Garden Road, all as more particularly described in aesolution No.
j',:I® of intention to j:alk strunt janitary 9ewar nains, adopted by this Council oil
,u. c- 1946,
and as described and shown in the pian6 and specifications
contained in the Engineer's Report adupted pursuant thereto, to which roforence
in hereby made for further particuiars.
2. That the public conveMence and necessitj require, nud thut it is
We intention of this Council, to chan, the bounc-aries of the assessment district
and the areas of the lands thereiu La be assessed, as doscrib"d anu raverred to
in suid ddw�lqtion of intention, and in the Diaqrcm and A"oossment contoined Lti
saiu inSinuuzls leport, an file I'm the office of the City Clerk, to wnich raMence
is lae"Ine";Y for fuhher particulars, by incorporating and includinZ MAN the,
s u -").11 d tries uz said assessvent aistrict and the areas to be assassea and asiessin..
thereans their res ective shnre3 of the costs and exoeLses Q said work aacordln,,.;
to benerits, the AllorwinZ designated and described parcels of land situntau in
tau jity of Alaaeda, to-uit:
Diagram and
Assys,sent to. Desar, tion
A parcel of land parallel and adjacent to
the DA line a; jeach Road havina u deptli
of 110 ft. M! frcsi Mach Roadf and a width
of NO ft. SE from center line of nolrose
Avenue, being a pur. Q Lot 1, jity of
Alaneda Assessor's as, 379;
B A parcel of land bounded Y. by 32 1n. of
Lot !lap City of Alameda Assessor's „00k 37%
W by M line of 3each Road and E by the
dividing line between Lots 2 and 3 and be-
tween Lots 14 and 15, 30c. 30, Tn. 2, SR 3
j. L. D. B. L.Y as, shown on Sale hnp ao. 109
321t Larsa tide Land;
2 2 -J A parcel of land Munded by li,,-ie of
Laitiand Drive, EE by a In. Mul LA of
1n. of Co
unty . of Zait!Nuu Avive b I "
Road, and j by j Me of r 1/2 oZ Lot 26,
Sea. 301 M. 2 SA 3 1- -: J 13', , -k-� as
on jole �ap M. 10, 3alt harsh I Tide Land,
beinta portion of Lot 22-0, City of Almneda
"usessor's Wok �0- 377.
2 3 A parcel of land bounded 31 by EE Kiw of
haitland Drive, 3 by E La. of 21ower hins, W.
by A hinc of Lot 29, Sec. 19, W. 2>
3 �T-
1, J 1. to Ks aw s�oyn on Oalo Zap ho. 10, Anit
�nrsh L Tide hand) aM 1. A. by lino pnralial
to ann 1101 LA W in; In. x,,,) a.. nuitianu hyivu,
jeinZ Lot 23 A of MY of Alanudw Assassor's
Jaw: 377.
An Ira. wd
122 0 123 W,e porticz of Lot M jitz 02 Uwada
Assomor's �001 379 Vim LA of 11'
li�e of Mtchbarg venqe and hE of 7,,_!
line or �Ktlunb Drive
the owtion ol hot 123 City of AMAe&-i
Aschuop's wok 37V lyih 31 at 3,,,'
line or 10:10L luca ma aw 37': 01,
vitc.buw� "Venae
the '.'s t.'... ow Oulu .,wob Z§ !Yin 1
")2 1
l -,.w U90 wd on; M of
AtObw; "Venle.
Tau lottoP5 Nnd nTim7� nn�o"�K� A tKU U-D.� layt �-Wj cumar
WC L W jaia pNr0e1S 0Z WMI KIM tic dia�w= .n L.±. wip3sw3awA mmui w Awl P',
too "3ZOSPOVIS Scak OW thin Alty, the VOU10 nw_A�w JE VicA nooks n -marc at,
the w-cw wlht copnoi A uacA -Ispcei W luna, anj to !Q rczefawce in upwby
mde Lno 2a2t�cr myticulnus.
Mull w "Up of SO . Astrict ULU wons to is p3scanctd, ns .0iwiwd, 0",
MCA i. zh� 6AW ;T Lhal ""I "u- �ict rZoranae is �eyo,
I -ads ww fu thw 0"W031102c.
A T.wL A mblic CoLvcniunoo vi� nacc3oity rwvim, and t.nt it is
Un intantiun UW U.0 KIAM.) t� cn�n'c t.0 a.0=0 of th, sevcrul nzswb�anU''
uanLnl�nd in ouin njnon�nant nnd tu n,sww soi, uu,illan! p%rcelc supovin3d in,
.Lco�on 2 �Mreaf to 0AU V Tie wwanssp a.! po m2, APLAnInAy juscrOod H,
U. 3W 3 nnan Wid .`J0MCnQ0nG il _��, WL O� ,SWS:Ynt3
wjwl�u b� LAC Walcil .� watub'I 3, AP41, on 111c i tne azlicw U! nu Aity
=Lnw is Otul� m"S .. VWL ar p4wticni�r3.
L.0 ;Qlic 0. nownin ion nM necussit: po� Avi,
il t�w i.ZCL�.C� 0� tAiv joulcil t� �Iwo the nam71-tio., of pqrcels 13A, 1Q,
1L "5 1V , 1 . a �� 10 to ro" a a S zoilown :
yortiQ of ju At, of
nw� 1�i�' a line Vil
L, A. a 02 loin ;A
OR 3-1 lzin� �A of & Mo parallel tj anta nal
� z On cwlna� ii -e �2 1F Lnqd 2o
15, lurtion m lot 10 , jit� 0V Aln"WA lose
3 17i. , p .�n !2u,
�,'!OnW line nz ishou !W%"'
zartloh OZ Lot Q, Qt� K
ownta2 line 02 is ..... =A ":nd
loruio� oz hot E My 02 Iunuan �,=
311 1 W a rwru A .& 4, zc. 309
into !�). 10 of jolt �Plw jau yidh onn. rwordeu A.
Aw 17 w "aw$ it yu ;a ) U .1XI&A qunnQ-
-0001001 huv.u�a i A �y Nnn 02 M -no 4j)
�:, a line dm " 2rm thu ouint
Qtepwtut cbl.m of tLu cwt.p 1103 of Witlnxil
wrivo nad Mom "on& ni nn a� :10 of Q, 21w,
sai� centm Me A islinu ..0adi.
W sai6 Lot 13 beinz a POM�OL U_' lot JV
,00. 303 Tn. � G! 1. A 1. Y. 2 w s w�u on
enQzled " 'M : w, U nz Alt � qpV wo Me
Ann"S bounded 12 ly kha 3� ALe of jwuntZ Pom,
nai knovh in AL�w map and 'Z by 1 M.0 -praAw-
to U7. W-1 1, of V'u center ii.e 02 aalu coant"-,
120 lortion of hot 120, dity of �10vlods .0sewoov's
look 37, boundea Z wN LA hy the j und SA idnc,,
OV County Wad, also known as island nind, aml
1 and 3; by a Uns pyrallul t. and WWI � and,
ttLe centar line of caij tat santy nma.
"nd Mon Us bounwrina W On uwsonsnunt diSAW anCa, the =cn of lunu t is
nzoau�sd V wnwom to th, zcpwwia� Nnea of Sain hat 120.
5. That tLe public cumverience and necossiiy req,ire, aLd that it
is Ke inHaVOL C2 tAo Govacill to Kunio the estinne of Coot, as coUainau
in said Angineer's le-VOKI, to S.O" th,Lt the tutu! esti=teu cost if suid p`ye o-
Ilect is chanjad fraAWSV3.41 to about 03,00-5u; tuqt a cogy of saia pro-
nosev asti�uze of cost is an file in Lou O"fice of the MY ilerh to WK011
refeianLc. e is hereby �ade for fuptunr ppyticulars.
6. Wint the pubijo convenience and neces5ity reqnlrG, aW Mat it
is thu intention of nis Council, tu onanjo and nodi;y 3e4,t1.nn 13 02 1he 1000-
latio. of intention to rand as M!Ms:
"if any excess chill we realized ;ran the assessment thero
stall Ue a credit to eac� nsiesnAent, up insiallment thereof',
n irornta s.�we of 3uc. assessment us eac: a3ses.... ent, on in--
stollnent wereofs Sears tall the assessnents.11
7. That Taes,ay, the ly�, nuy A Cctuoer, 104S, at tAu Aour u2 SWO
o'clock 00 n. in thv ra_law nvoting place of Vin 30unal1, City .t I. nianoda
GnllforLia, bc, and t�w sn�e is herely appointed and Met- an thu Q�6 andi
place nkah an& nholo tLn Jouncil will conAder und th(---
nailic conveMonce and necussitv requiwe the coistraction of suid tc
ana the satin, oY nid channea in the Anjincer's Repurv, und tho �aiter Na
orderin� said wur�, anu was._ unu vhe,e it Q11 Lenz ull ;croons VQ,Yostod, and
laos npuz ull onjectiono to tto �aMn� oW saio devorniaatlo�sl •o2 of the
or onid Van,s, or the orderinj of sMA work, or any thereu,kr . Mttu" objua-
UwAs tu tho proposed cAnjes be Mad with the iier. for any Vt.res"Lr w-!,
persoz ot or hefore the Q.a s3t Wa2 ukE teu. 03.
S. Chat the jity Clerk shM Ave �wtice of saia henrin� by pujliskin,,-�,
a cony Uf t�is rewulAtion once iL �he ""Innedu Knos-suor", a nevspeper nuolished
and airailatod ,.,_`c ;_.t_ in said Gity, beinthe newspaper in uhich the Mice
OY izprovu�unt narKiLl was ml.Ashod, and by 70stin� U cnp� of spia resolution
an the �uiiaAn �uaK W tLe jity mail, saia postinj and publicutior ta be nude,
Uu lens! ton days jefure cht; Way set fop sain hearing.
I$ -und-rsiqned, hurewL cortify Mt we f .we ;ji, q Ao.,Iuuon was
di -
Y and re�ainrly introduced aM auuptud, by the jouncii of zho jit� of AlumeAa
in vs:,lin moetiz, assu=!Q on t�r M da; u! uctQer, 1043, thu fulluo_;
Votot ZC wit:
CouncilAen nndeT"un, jonea, Mirn, Kneuney and Frosident
kW; -
2, 111:-- 7---�& i h4ve �OyeuLt, act LO Ma" Una affized LAO 012i-
001 jani 01 void MY Vis 6th UaT OZ .Cto)029 1943.
(A A