Resolution 03844E nn0 L. N 1 0 - 3844 SIAM PAM= 3 �71) V—111V poll, CITY !�n— y KIM OLD CITY K.AAJ, "UMD interest anu nuoussiz; renuire cortnin 10e.ntioAs to we t„ i„, in AU RAC03 of the MY Departnont in the MY M11, and ,orh a,7u2tenwnt tharotc; and the My An,inear has prep=eu 3peciwicutioas, Special P2o- visi�.s Und Plans 161 said woM WUch jpeciAcatiuns and pro �,,T i�d JIL -�,ize, n,-L,:J�)ei,ed 11 9 -4C -A2 an. acre Aind in tho Mice oi Vs AW ilark of aui& MY On October !YLV; U! nA IT RAAMID j- ZL; CKEDY! tAs afoasaid jpeci2icalions, special Provisons and Plans, nwaoered aLd filed as avore� aia) A02 nua the sAn Ace nwoejy, agprovK and adopted. 1016 -MIA, ZIUMST 1 thut Me narfornance and completion of the work specizied V said Specifiaati,ns and Savisions be, anu the sane is 5ere I 0y, natn�rized. &1300.03 111--LZA that tho Oounali uz tho My of Ala�eaa "M receive sealod 00a up tu the nour of 005 o'clock 0. n.$ on QueAny, Maier 19, 19LS2 for Lao iavailhinS da ,.0 the City or Awned" of all Mor, notayisis, methods nrd processes, inplonents, Kois and machinery, except as otherwive specified, neaes- snry for tht work herainabove refervcd "C:adin accordanco with said woocifioationo and Provisons. A.s must be o7esentea to thn Vitv Clerk. in the GiV 7M. in, "laacdo, GaMoyaia, undur soalcd covor u& plainly morkua on 4^.t outside posal for ulternti=3 to the Citr Hall", or shaLlar dpoilnUisn. jwntractf if UUUMCfwd o will A a�arded, sn5jcot to tho provisions of the Ohvti. uor uw z�e jib: or ili�edv, to the resnansiblo biiknitd the i�t and oest Au. �to rijt is resenved to Y4!eot nn,,, laid sDecificitions and pruvisla.3 nay in Aa )7 any proopoctiva niddoa.,- no applicatin" tu on, MY AnQcoy, at his vNice i. tho MY FQ!, Macao, jullfurnia. The Aty Merk is hereby diricted to advortise, in VG Alanada Mass - Man a autice uo!KLfor souled bias in accurd2nce with tHe rruvislo�s of this rus-lution and = suid 2pe0fications ana ProviVoms. i, thu undcrsi�nea, hurc, certify that tho Vozoyihn Aesulution vis daly and reSalarly intraduued and adinted il the luuncil of tho 307 of Alnra&l in roquinr aaetKq assomiled on the Sh 07 o2 Mcber, 1910, bo Us folluain,''; VMS to wit: 0.0: On-111011nian widerson) Bones$ Osborn, Raceney and P�coideat Manscheial (5) - R 211-:23 1 -',nva 2ercunv oat ny HnnA anC offixLd the cial sun! K ouid Aty this oth A; of ctober, 19&h WA jnZIT, R t F La city cielyz 1 16 i erej� certiQ thit the foruj&R7 is a Will, truc and corract cuoy wi," "A"s.lution ho. 3244, AJ,T=a Z131— YnWIMIk.. 21.) Z.a.0 OLA I-- CA.=A An jJ =112111! ME To Ji'lp 0 1wroduced and udaptud by the Uti' MAI 011 1,1u, 5'61 I ths Gity of Unmede, ��JL, rl, o,-