Resolution 03848M
Ii-ILL0, a certain antio. W porchnse W real erLy doted We 14t--,,-,,
MY uf Septe�ber, 04n, made hi an,' jeKoed TrauA Aazzanu and Wisypnina 2azzano,
his wife, as partics W We first part, on" LW w i t y of Ala.wda, a municipal
corpurstio., as p2rty 1....t .i uhn secuLi part, wQc, 0ior aboat said usto, enecuto(_
and delivered by snia �rank nnzzaAu and Msanpino nnzza�o, his wife, t the
jity of Alamoda; and
021�13) by said ootion said �ranZ Razza_fie ann luisepnins vazza.o,
his wife, Zrnnusd to the My of Alameda an orti n to Of
CMUL real pruporty Situave, lyina and ") e -L-, '; i"', t to :i ,?_d City of Alameda, and
oure partioula2l" descrioed ao 2011OWS, to -wit:
ZM10 U. T_3 jancel oW land describou in L he Wed by
Mdoara AcQuiali to YrW Auzzanu aria. k, Guisoqnina
jazzaAop Wed januarV 29, 1031, recarcey, Mict M,
19311 iA buck 25:1 of Micial nuourds uf Ainneda
WuEty, at P%gu 105, doncriaM as 10110WS:
at thn corner of aW narcel W,
land; and rinnjvA thence alon, QW LOMOWn _re ..L..:
Uerwof nurth CEO 241 W oest 40 feet to tha western
line of saiu parcel of !,M; thence Man; the lost
named line south 10 M 45" west 1.0 zust; thunce
sonth 340 50 39" east 43.5Q feK to tho eastern M.e
oz wait p21.cel of land; a. d thouve aionthe inst
nanod line north 10 Ai 45" east 1—ol zest to tie
pui4t of Wej.
oh c�naition that said option to a�ercinsu by the acid Citj of Aks.wda on al.,
hetwfo beptensur 15, ON; ond
=21-j) t4a said MY of ilunnum did, on or Quut said date, accept
Sain L -HOU:
thut the aforonentVaned QWun he, 9nd the some is �ereby, accepted un wenulf
of thu jity of AiBneda, aid said jity join. cil, acting for and on ochnif of sold
jity, AMOY WnSentt tu the recordation of said :-tion and ordeps this resolu-
ti= to be attacned therutoi as required by Notion 1158 of the ✓Mvil Me of
the itate of jalifornia.
A the undersilneu, tereby certify tat the 2otcg.i Resolution wus
duly und 1c5iinriy i�broduuod sad udu7tud by We Cuuncil W the My of Ma, .,eda
in ,an unuiqr vwetln_ ossenUed un t h a 5th day oz Qotabcr, 1j4S, by thy followins
votup to wit:
.,,._,r.CouRclincn n.deysa, nJonas, Morn, Aweeney and President
Wnnsc.ejal (5).
.VKOM !one.
T. L."202 i havc �eruuntD sat :0 hand und MOW tke MS
cial sea! of anid My tA!s oth day of ctaber, 104F.
city e.,
iLereby cortify that the roro3uinj ia a full, trio im ourroct
of "Aeoulation Lo. 3348, njUPTIM OEM! 11=1.�! .2 YML.T: 1ML
":J 1==Ihi IV 01,
introduced and adonted OY tho "oyncj'"Un tKe 5th day
1A k Y
Wtobars 1,45.
1�- . 384,,-3'
11�!.KKW MD
Ii-ILL0, a certain antio. W porchnse W real erLy doted We 14t--,,-,,
MY uf Septe�ber, 04n, made hi an,' jeKoed TrauA Aazzanu and Wisypnina 2azzano,
his wife, as partics W We first part, on" LW w i t y of Ala.wda, a municipal
corpurstio., as p2rty 1....t .i uhn secuLi part, wQc, 0ior aboat said usto, enecuto(_
and delivered by snia �rank nnzzaAu and Msanpino nnzza�o, his wife, t the
jity of Alamoda; and
021�13) by said ootion said �ranZ Razza_fie ann luisepnins vazza.o,
his wife, Zrnnusd to the My of Alameda an orti n to Of
CMUL real pruporty Situave, lyina and ") e -L-, '; i"', t to :i ,?_d City of Alameda, and
oure partioula2l" descrioed ao 2011OWS, to -wit:
ZM10 U. T_3 jancel oW land describou in L he Wed by
Mdoara AcQuiali to YrW Auzzanu aria. k, Guisoqnina
jazzaAop Wed januarV 29, 1031, recarcey, Mict M,
19311 iA buck 25:1 of Micial nuourds uf Ainneda
WuEty, at P%gu 105, doncriaM as 10110WS:
at thn corner of aW narcel W,
land; and rinnjvA thence alon, QW LOMOWn _re ..L..:
Uerwof nurth CEO 241 W oest 40 feet to tha western
line of saiu parcel of !,M; thence Man; the lost
named line south 10 M 45" west 1.0 zust; thunce
sonth 340 50 39" east 43.5Q feK to tho eastern M.e
oz wait p21.cel of land; a. d thouve aionthe inst
nanod line north 10 Ai 45" east 1—ol zest to tie
pui4t of Wej.
oh c�naition that said option to a�ercinsu by the acid Citj of Aks.wda on al.,
hetwfo beptensur 15, ON; ond
=21-j) t4a said MY of ilunnum did, on or Quut said date, accept
Sain L -HOU:
thut the aforonentVaned QWun he, 9nd the some is �ereby, accepted un wenulf
of thu jity of AiBneda, aid said jity join. cil, acting for and on ochnif of sold
jity, AMOY WnSentt tu the recordation of said :-tion and ordeps this resolu-
ti= to be attacned therutoi as required by Notion 1158 of the ✓Mvil Me of
the itate of jalifornia.
A the undersilneu, tereby certify tat the 2otcg.i Resolution wus
duly und 1c5iinriy i�broduuod sad udu7tud by We Cuuncil W the My of Ma, .,eda
in ,an unuiqr vwetln_ ossenUed un t h a 5th day oz Qotabcr, 1j4S, by thy followins
votup to wit:
.,,._,r.CouRclincn n.deysa, nJonas, Morn, Aweeney and President
Wnnsc.ejal (5).
.VKOM !one.
T. L."202 i havc �eruuntD sat :0 hand und MOW tke MS
cial sea! of anid My tA!s oth day of ctaber, 104F.
city e.,
iLereby cortify that the roro3uinj ia a full, trio im ourroct
of "Aeoulation Lo. 3348, njUPTIM OEM! 11=1.�! .2 YML.T: 1ML
":J 1==Ihi IV 01,
introduced and adonted OY tho "oyncj'"Un tKe 5th day
1A k Y
Wtobars 1,45.