Resolution 03887M RESOLUTION 10. 3007 &CEPTING OETTON OF PURCHASE OF CERTAX REAL iROPERTY FROA AUGUST J. FROVY &D VAE C. FEOVVP HIS WIFE9 AND CONSENTILG TO THE RECORDATION THEREOF WHEREAS2 a certain option of purchase of real property dated the 13th day of October, 1940, made by and between august J. From.:, and Mae C. Frown, his wife, as parties of the first part, and the City of Alameda, a n"nicipal corporation, as party of the second part, was, on or about said date, executed and delivered by said AuFust J. 1'rcy-mn and. Mae C. Fromm, his wife, to the City of Alaneda; and WHEREASS by said option said Au-ost J. Frown and Nae C. Fromn, wife, granted to the City of Alameda an option to purchase all that certain real property situated in the said City of Alwneda, and more partl3ularQ described in said option, on condition that said option be exercised by the said City of k1ameda on or before October 14th, 1949; and WEEREAS, the said City of Alameda did, on or about said date, accept said option; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COCIL OF THE CITY OF tenet the aforementioned Option be, and the same is hereby, accepted on behalf of the City of k1ameda, and said City Council, acting for and on behalf of said City, hereby consents to the recordation of said Option and orders this resolution to be attached thereto, as required by Section 1.158 of the Civil Code of the State of California. I0 the undersigned, hereby certify that the fore golnF Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in re;ular meetlnF assembled on the 12th day of hovember, 1945, by the following vote, to wit: "YES: Councilmen krderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Presidert Pranscheid, (5). EOES: None. ABSENT: None. I! WETNES3 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official seal of said City this 17tb day of Novenber, 1948. J. E . C 1 a r1c 'SEAL) c T t Ar'-ff T e RE ------ k of the City of i hereby certify that the foreCoInE is a full, true and correct copy of "Resclut!on No. 3667, ACCEPTING OPTION OF PURCUASE OF CERTATA RELL PROPERTY FROY nUGUST J. PRO71 91D AsE C. PRO"A EIS MYS, AID COISEETINO TO THE RZOORDATION THEREOF." introdneed and adopted by tie Council on the 12th day of Novenber, 1946. mom