Resolution 03908216 2
USUT, 71 GY VC. 37MF,
A77=70_1 7W
WE PUSIV 577177 A20
myrus f roblic intQrest ard rccessity -nqu'ro that the real pro-PiAY
heWnaftor Vercribbd be acquirW bj the City rf Llanmda for pybl'c ctrnet ard
Y47hway puinoses; and
WEnKS, KathoriTm Tudson, a Moo, is the nwrer of Vo real property
horKnaftpr Opocribed ard 1v willinE to vnil the an -P tc the Anj nf Maroda We
t"n son of �50.007
rul, 17rumcm, 2S in PISCIVEn 71 n�� cauzil VP 7�n vn-� 1 a Am7n"%
as follows:
Section T, "Ot tie My cf Alameda purchase from 7atherins Yndson,
n V110n7y fn- the son of V50.001 Wt cortain rnQ property y1trUnd Tv t4o City
of Alar2da, Courty n? Alampos, Stnto of 011frWa, -oir particularly doccribedl.
n- fallreona.
:07IRK of Ve parcel rf land described in the UK hy
On G, 7row- W Ausnct j. �Vnr� to 71"Yaq T. Kudson MAI
Fanch 101 1009, recordod !Arch 1% 1909 in book 1597 of Veeds.,
at [ago 41, MrRda QourtT Ovrrds, Mccribed as followc,
D17717M nt vie northeastern errrar rf Wd pnrnrl nf
Anrl, and runr1r; theren OCY"r W"(1 -orthern 3 ire of MY!
pnrcni of Iona r -rt> RM,AT TY yort 2,90 Poet: then so -A".
54, W NO east 3.2F Opt to the west-rn lire of sold rarce!
01 land: 2,e Oerce Own Ve last nstrod Ons Wh
45" enst WS font no 1"� pni-t a" be§nQ7E,
upon h4p follaol7q Urns ard en-31tions, to wit:
W) T�at jncd, rerc�nrtnble title in Me stnj7o 4n Wd real nrqrq-%r
bc onivoyea to Cho Wtj cf Alanoda, freo a -V Vonr rf all objnctlorvo, Yors, on-
or4honno-Q. cl—M QCK 070100 PC MWO1 bl" subLect to spen-nd 7-Rt"Dre-t 04,
OvxnF a -V Or Oe 79col174F-1945�,
W )�at tV Wtin V cold real prayorty be es-73arool by jWVy
tnVn Tqcninnce 19oved by the AlarpQ lownty-Tact My Title Topurnneo Wnpar-,',
�!tln in On City of Alanadn, ac provided in 0--rece01-1 sul7vislor
C 7tat UDOP doonsit Wtv said titY !rsurnrco
to t�o City ' of Alannda, of A wo! nrd suffic7ont UcP rP arant ccnveyAro W(l
ron, rVy-orty to 4 WTI V Alameda, a-& co-Altin-M "yon 6he issrarce of a tWe
inru-pnoo- yni'ay, an afc-awald, to 5, nyprrvo" by V�r City Attornry, a �nnnt
t�'e nity of Ajawnin be,.. fn7 :50.00, payabl, to VM order of..,, QamoO,
lnyvty-n.SK Pay Titiq 1-s"mone Or001, n ccrycr".... cn, n7c Orlivorno 10 Fqh!''
t'Ve �nqnr=cr no7pany an nFc-ny �Plner 7rr 0o purTrso, r? nVocMiS the can
runnVor of sold purlhaso.
Sentin- 2. ""e cn oP �W.00 !c �Crn"Y from t_ c U7140
POWS yoM of t4- Sit - -7 xUrOOD to jTY the rurphore on of WO Pon, proport''',
nrf c -s" ur titin incyAnnn rolicy.
19 4-P horeby certify tVt thn for-aW-S 7PFn3Yt7or
&vlj red re,Z-�arly !nt-rdmanH ad ajoy"M by t4o Cc -no!] �T thn Alty pf Maeda
. V r?aWnr M-CUrn npFerhioo nn Or Plot My of Vcp-bor, K43, 5y L�n fnllowlq,
ANTE: 70prK 1�en 470rcar 1 jC-Os$ ("borq 5 Mae—OU a"& 710VOCK
7---Wq�CV 3 (51.
7"73: To"O.
WS777! 707e.
�77 S , 7 - � a P7'nnd S 7_7�Pvy heyountr nQ YT �nni 9
Val SeRTr"V �'ty �V: YR -0 MY of Toonrbvy, 1M.
7"yof UP 5"to cp MrRAo,
i hereby certify tMat thR,flo-nnoInS ?s n full, Owe a -d correct ccpy
To. 3009P 71 nQ"7ST?7C7 CT, CITM, WAT PQCW��"Y ""',
WT 7"IMPAY T. WCOM ("7100F), " T-troduced ar6 sanyt-A by Oe Ccun.....
ell nn the Pist day of Tecmher, 1940.
AN I A ' A
sit; chr� W the W KY rf Alaneki