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Resolution 03941
RESCIU710E 10. 3R41 DESTn7hTTIG PUT!= PIACEti. AVP APPOTN"TIT RTnUTUT OF&TCERE ,y :?.1A FUTIC"Ll'00" "PI1 Q121-T 0m. WHEREAS, pursuant to tho provisions of Articlo ,`^T .x^. of the Charter of tho City of Alameda and of Resolution No. 114Q,, hereto%re adopVcd by this Copnnll, a noncral Municipal KincLion is called and ordnrod to ho hold in the City of Alnooda, State of CallCornia, on ?uosday, March 8, 2C49 and `,-,ine electinn precIncts of Qc 0hy of Alaroda have boon fixed and established by the aforesaid %solution for the purposc of holding thn afore- said 3eneral Municipal Plection-, BE IT TERCIVED HV' 77E COUTUL OP THE CITY CP ATAVEDA that the location of tho palling places in and fer said cicction proclucts, and the elec - tion KPIceru for the precinct boaKs to conduct said leneral Uunicipal Elant:on in each of said prenincts be and the same are hnrab7 deslInatod and appotnhod, reopoc- tively, as follows: P011TIG PTACES AID ETEVION OFFUERS, 1901 CT FAL EIRCTICK-MARCK S9 Polling Flace: Gara7e, 3206 Washln7ton Street; Klaction Miners- Usnectur: Alive 2"hyalwnbarqcr Fullirp Place: ✓Chapol, And K VaUland DrIvo, Day ?arm Taland Elacklun 077cuys: Adams Urnat 71ork: Urs. Qlana M. Wwwan 1045 inspector: My P. Ashlyy K. W , Box 423, Bay Varm Tsland judke: Laura 9. Wou'L, 014 Reach Road Clerk: Clara H. Pcherson 246 Boacb Boad Clerk: Wlarnnco Y. Durle 150 Qvitland Drive PRESTUCT XC. 2 Polling Flace: Gara7e, 3206 Washln7ton Street; Klaction Miners- Usnectur: Alive 2"hyalwnbarqcr 3001 QrPleld Avenue judh: dessic V. _ec7ardan 3034 Adams Urnat 71ork: Urs. Qlana M. Wwwan 1045 Ponntair Street alerk: Wher K. W , 2906 Aashln7han Street PRECTUCT NU. 3 Pollin7 Pince: narage, 3210 Sterlinq Avorre RlocUon Nficers: inspnotnr: Edna SAmor 1354 Purnslic Doulevard judge: Gilliam A Sunners 1143 Part Streat C 1 n K; : 'tons. 0. i. Neal 3023 Briggs Avenuc. Clerk: 31111ar 1. younq 3277 larflold Avoore _ 'FX. 4 Foiling flace: Anraqo, Uld Yountair Stroet Eloction Wicars- inspector: Vothell F. Acirmn judge: Ruth L. Aillespic Clark: Eargaint A. loohrlc CICK: 4bba A. VePuc PRAUTCT 70. 5 Z107 Control Avonve 1227 Chnstnut Strea'-, 1240 Pountsin Stroot 3250 PaIrVow Avnn"e PaivnZ Place: Prort Hoon, 114B 0rnsldc Boulevard KlnKlon Orficers: inspector: Alice 1. Vurnside judic: Edna 1. Pletcher Verk: Eula A. Autchirson slark: hillota S"isyberg PRECINCT NO. 6 Folling Place: Carage, 1110 ATqh Street Election UVIcers: innpector: Aerhard W. lverson judge : qertrudc lochloy cleyo: 3ossic L. looper olork: Edit! McKnson M 1446 Pornsito o Boulevard 3240 MhartN Avonvo 3270 11borty Avenue 3248 liberty Annue 1531 Court 5broot 3211 Car0cid Avenue 111C 01h Stroalt, 32FO Carfinid Lvenue PRA M PRECTECT TC. 7 1'o11in7 Placo: lara,, 3202 Yonte Mtn Avenue Plection Officers: inspector: Oliva j. 7ryant judge: Mothlet 1), 2pehar MoM Sarah L. vitts CRYA: V! 0 10 4 Bc nt ley 3222 Tonte Vista Avonue 3225 Puirviow 3220 Rajo UsLa Avonno 3203 Pairviow Wonuo 1 o3ling Place: Aara7o, WOO Pornside Koulovard, "ronts on Yale Dr. Alec! !on Opp! cers : Upenshaw Mork: jean Ms.-, Usnontor: Edward C. Eisenhart 3020 Pernside Toulovard Woven mudge: Edith MOM 3122 Dayo Vista Avenue Qnrk: KIM 1. Quebou 1520 Yale Drivo Avcnue Clerk: dannah E. Make 1816 Yale Drive MCIACT NO. 0 Polling Placc: laraga, 1833 Cambridge Drivo HinnUon Ufficers: insnector: Alice Kahn judge: Edith 4. Qsk,-� Clork: hartha Upenshaw Mork: jean Ms.-, FAMUCT NO. 30 30CS nlampsnn Menue 1RZ3 Cambrid, Drive 1R30 PromonL Drivo 1RIS vernsilics Annue 1W harvard YrIvo PaUlng Place: qara7e, 0924 Southwood Drive Unction Officers : Inspector: Almn i. Panterio judge: conolia 1, Whard �] le r1c: 177rhin n. Crilmann Clark: Ethel 5, Shinkwin PREMACT M M- 2421 Wh Avonuo 3033 71uwpsun Lvnnuc MW Mcnin Avenue 012 Cornell Drive Vollin7 Place: lara7e, 2036 johnson Avenue Election Wic,ars: 1psycc0r: Edith L. Kardy 2520 Eaqlo Avenue AM Kor-T, AFaectnr: ninnia A. Mies 3523 ClnnnM jusge: 00 V. Krollor 30CS nlampsnn Menue Clark: Aanas A. Woven 2P30 Lincoln Avonue MOM Wary D. Wartin 2105 roar! Nvreot MCI= NO. 12 0 1 W7 Pl Pasm Gara7c, 2140 Vanu. rnn Street NiocUon Wflvars* enc, , inspector: AM Kor-T, AFaectnr: ninnia A. Mies 3523 ClnnnM lov& Avonuo judqc: Puby boo Keth,' ]UP Hari 7troet Strent Vorn: 'WbcrK A. WiTarks 2811 �nvtnni Lvonuo 7 1 n rk: Wary C. Paqlynn 2904 WnKrQ1 Avcnue 7WRIT 70. 13 UP11-Tr7 Most: larn7v, 153C "cunWn 0cctl an CM no enc, , inspector: AM Kor-T, Insnenhor: iennin 1, Zahn 1020 lov& Tkrnnt i 0,170 : �Iarcncn 1. Killnwr ZOW jankson Strent Clerk: Wy 1. Werson 1530 Wourt Urent Mork: 7nn N. Nee'! 3593 AWKqs Aveaio ;R7017"T Tc. 14 P011H7 Qace: Oaraqo, 0047 Kuninal Lvnnuo WcWan 27ficers. inspector: AM Kor-T, 1014 �ound 2bro*moi t GIWEC: WaOailne A. Woonran 2047 00nal Avemne CUM onon QiUes 2015 Encinal Avonuc,,, Morn: larol L, Vorrionn 1rt: C7 Yound Mvo, FRECTOCT 70. 15 WIM7 Clace: laya7n, 1209 Court Stroat Election 07# ,-r ern , Tnswentrr: john lorbor jud7a: Reta L. Marks vinry: inahol A Downer "NUT"CT K, 2r- 3005 jackson Avenue 30GO Van Kuran 5hrnet, MR Vnrntain Men! Follinn Mace: larave, 1134 Court Mrsot, Ar. its on Maws Street Einnt"On Micars AnsnWor: Wel A. Pierce 7hers-ey '7 1 E3 riv: UnrMa W. 0310n Werk: Carle E, nayd7ner PRECTICT NO. 17 1137 T -h Street-, 1104 nvn&ln Street, 2POP Allmaro Street 1114 jourt Stroat Politng Place: Gara7n, 1120 Colia7c Avenue MWon Orrinnns: inspector: nnna We Grano, judqn: Wool T. Clark Clerk: Orace Atzor Mork: Min R. Vannrcaso PRITTICT M 0-" Polling Place: lara7o, 1013 Woudway Sloction WYcors: Insrector: Jessic B. Hartley judge; Nrcd ;oschcr Clerk: Pearl Ann johnson Mcher FRBCIYIT En. In 2840 Adams Stroct 1042 CollaZo 1375 Vorsallics Avonuo, 3109 Colic,go Avonuo 2115 Calhnun Stroot 1135 Broadway 1138 Woroland Drive 1039 SaInny Meet Q1107 Macro: larage, 110P roar! Urcot, 1042 Colloga Wnuo Avorue jW070: MrIc Phillips Ninction UPPIcers- ivd2e: Nina Y. Purkeo 1152 irspoctor7 7ancy B. Wamsey MIR San jose Avenue Pearl Stron',', N. ThaLl 12441 hcosevelt Drive Adqa: Ervinc �. husinq TGR7 Court Stroet QW: W. Or= leonren 2711 aasMnqton Wreat Clark: dary Anpol. 123611 Mr! Etroci.; PREWNCT M 20 inspector: FolUng Places: Varaqe, 1111 3roadwa, y Uect!an Officers: inspector: Nettle Glark 1042 Colloga Wnuo Avorue jW070: MrIc Phillips 25on ivd2e: Nina Y. Purkeo 1152 No7ont Stroot WoM Lillian A. Awman 1005 Pearl Stron',', N. ThaLl 12441 hcosevelt Drive P547TACT 40. 22 Uark: WAIncon 1111 Droadway Follin7 Mace: lara7u, 099 Yarh Ureet PAEGIACT 10. Sa Milo- Places: 7arage, C454 San jose Avenue Macklon orf" Coro : inspec tcr: Warqarot Mwers 1O..2 Park Avorue jW070: MrIc Phillips 25on wan jovo Avoruo Clerk: AM 2450 Als P -M, C Is rk : MrOqne N. ThaLl 12441 hcosevelt Drive P547TACT 40. 22 Follin7 Mace: lara7u, 099 Yarh Ureet MnMan Officers: inspector: Sadin Andorson, CE25 Calhoun Stroet jud7e: label Grawn 2100 Wis shroct, Clerk: K3!znhnth A Mini 058-A lark Street Cie ph : Antal A. Koj, 371 Cedar Street 46, M M FAEC!QT-±0.-23 sorer Thomscri judge: 'Eala L. Polling Place: 7ara,, 1239 Park Avonue Ralnn,,, Work: 11ork: Tillie j. Anderscn Election WfIcers: Emilie A. Christian 2328 Uncoir Avenu(--) inspectnr: El Wnbn"h Ths'u 1190 u Park Avene, judgo: Dorothy R. Was 1010 Oak Street Clork: join W. Warthy 1558 Park Avenuo C Meaner E. Dumont 1305 Broadwq,, PRECINCT NO. 2q Polling Place: larale, 1210 Versailles Avenue Elention Mice inspector: sorer Thomscri judge: 'Eala L. Wathleson Alto M, Clork:Amy A. Ralnn,,, Work: 11ork: Tillie j. Anderscn PEE7TICT NO. 25 2520 Enninal Avenuo 1215 Droadway 1.237 Ursailles Unnue 1233 Wniq Street Wilinq Place: Aaraqe, 1375 Fear! Moat Election KfAcers : insImctor: Clifford C. Bacon Judge: Mario A. Banta Clerk: Crace Boorman Clark: Arose h. Cox PRECINCT U0. W-) 1413 Harl Street 1375 Pour] Stroot 1350 Broadway 2515 San josa Avenue Tollinn Place: Aara7e, 1355 07onk Wroof-', Election Officers: %spector: Mabel L. Pislov 2507 Contra] Avenno judge: Roy E. Word 2515 Encynal Avenue Clerk: jesHe 5. Anwood 13CO hagont Stront Clerk: pose Hagen, 1372 Pearl Stroot PRECINCT U. 27 Pol ling Place: Store, 2424 2anka Clara Avenue Motion OVflcnrs- Insnactor: Maud E. Evatt 2R25 lincoln avenue judge: Alto M, 7urren 090 Pearl Strect Work: Louise H. Nola 2707 Clay Street, 11ork: Emilie A. Christian 2328 Uncoir Avenu(--) PRECINCT NO. 28 Folling Place: Garage, 2100 Santa Alarn Avenue Tlection Officers: innpector: Alicin 1. Pordi judge: Lenn Hardwick Clerk: Vildrod Hobbs to I o rk : Florinda Bartal in! PRECUCT XC. 29 260C Santa Clara Avenue lF20 hroadw,r. 2127 Buena Wsta Avenuo 2049 linnoln Avenue Polling Place: Rarage, 2517 Aebb Avenue Election crricers* Wspector: Wrank L. uttla jud7n: Ann 0. T"We Clerk: isabelle 1. Wr!7ht Clerk: isaac Q. bln-nslein PRAWNCT 30. 30 20B San jose Avarve 2918 San jose 4vanue 2431 Uncoln Avnnuo 1920 Rvarott Street Polling Place: Wren, 1133 Broadway, rronts on Noble Wenue Slaction Off Wers , %spectcr: Annie thillips indqn: Mary Y. Novas, CU? k. Evelyn A. a3 d, Work: dean K. Dexter 2517 linvoln Lvenuo 1525 Court Street 1631 Court Etrnct, 2W -A Rpona Vista h -ire nue FREITECT 10. 31 YolllnF Qace: Vara7c, 29SO 0710 Avonue Election Ors ficers- Tnopector: Julia Modunbook judge: Men E. Smith Clork: Dorothy D. Haro Clerk: Ethol Suthorland PRECINCT ED. 32 2605 Gunna Vinto Avcnuc 2624 Ea7io Avenue IR11 four! stroet 2622 Eagle Avenue Polling Qace: Garage, 1710 Everett Street, Eloction Ufficers: ",,ama7o, 1117 Carl 2trnet lnspectnr: uth Folltag Place: inspector: Wao E. Mabrook Hazel 3212 Vernnide Blvd. jti udgo: Lar7aret E. Hoffman 2504 Buena Victa Avenue Clork: Hazel L. Hertzig inupactur: 1712 Evorcht Ctreet 220C Clark: Cerbrude B. Blenocker 2519 En7lo Avenue AcTnal FRECTECT NO. 33 PollY7 Place: Garage, 2243 %ana Vista Avenue Election Cffioors- inspector: Vorda Mae 11au Judqc: Nary jano Clerk: Afetha van't 7aff Clerk: Madys P. Crawford FREOUCT NO. 34 2204 Buena Ustn Avenue 1954 Elm Street 2310 B"ona Vista Avonuc 2225-A Annoin Avanue Foilln7 Place: larago, 2251 Unca!" Wnue Election Nficars: jnspecknr: Menlo 7. Wobing judge: Bessie E. Dutuning 0 113 ric : 1,101anca i. MIS Clerk: bessa Kephart 0220 Buena UsLa Avenue 1410 Usk Street 2216 SanLa Clara Avenue 2110 Santa Clara Avenue PRECINCT NO. 35 ",,ama7o, 1117 Carl 2trnet lnspectnr: uth Folltag Place: Mroroom, 230d AlamedaAvonuc iud7c: Hazel Hnr7arhahn 1220. Part Onnue Clerk: Debbie Uoloy 2261 Election Of More : Ploronce j. Porsherg 1242 Part Street inupactur: QUIn i. Elchards 220C Santa ,Avenue, Claim Avenue haryford Lao laterson, 909 2209 AcTnal Avenue Unrk: Eaybolle 3. Conde]] 24W Me Driva Clerk: Ralph 1. Mhosnoy 2617 Bunna Vista Avenue 'RECINCT NO. 36) Pollin7 Placa: Cara7a, 2233 San Antonio Avenue Elaction Miners, ",,ama7o, 1117 Carl 2trnet lnspectnr: uth Steinmetz j 9,6 Wrel Wroo-1, iud7c: Hazel Hnr7arhahn 1220. Part Onnue Clerk: Debbie Uoloy 2261 Clinton ovenue Clerk: Ploronce j. Porsherg 1242 Part Street PRECTICT NQ. 07 Polling Placo: ",,ama7o, 1117 Carl 2trnet Election Officors: Election Officers, inspector: Farlon L. Thon! 2231-A inspector: josephine A. Jensen 099 lArk Street JudRe: Abble U. Kith Encinal Avenuo 12 33 Agent Struct (31 C3 Q Mary C. haryford 909 Oak Strawt le ark : 1c"I,rd le .. Evistol 901 Park Strnet 3HEUNCT NO. Foilio7 Place: larage, 2244 Clinton Avenun Election Officors: inspector: Farlon L. Thon! 2231-A Glintan Avonue judgo: Qua P. ,orf hart 393 Cedar Meet Clark: Isrtle B. Wood 2033 Encinal Avenuo Clerk: lena V. Hove,-.,, S71 laurel Street Im W PRECTNCT NO. 39 Polling Place: lara7e, 2159 ClInKon Avonue We ct ton U rf! cc rs : inspoctor: Agnes P. Morton judge: Elsto A. 07alls Clerk: Elchard Umoi. clrtosh Clerk: Emma S. Roseman PRECTNCT NC. 40 1211 'wry hastnut Strent 2207 Clinton Avenve 101P 11ow Strect 2157 0111n0n Avnnun Polling PInce: larage, 0007 Clinton Avenue Election Gfficers- Inspector: Nellie Andrew 2222 Contral Avenue judge: Maurico D. Muff 2024 Clinton Avenue Clerk: Clarina A Wolonkamp 028 4111ov Street Clerk: Wary W. Underwood 1121 Dlow ..lits ONESTKCT NO. 41 Polling Place: 3arage, 2040 Encinal Avenue, Election Officers' Tnspactor: judge : Cie rk: r1k PHECINCT VO. 42 dul latte Qlbor7 Anton R. jacobson Cho r! at te % aho I -lary S. rchahon 2014 Encinal Avonue 2110 Cunha Clara Avenue 2026 Encinal Avenue 2040 Encinal Avonuo Polling Place: laram, S115 Can Antonio Avnnu(- Election Officers - Aaraqe, Inspector: Vida B. Thonos Jud7c: Helon E. Aldor Clerk: ;da U. WiTn Clork: Ella Yao Thomas PRECINCT NO. 43 2115 San lose Avenue. 2111 San jose Avonue 2153 San Lose Avenue 2117 San joso Avenue Polling Place: Garage, 2135 Alamoda Averuc Election Officers: inspector: Mario E. Sluck Judge: ida E. Havarre, Clerk: Hose Grimard, Ciork: Loretta i. Arno3d 2121 Alameda Avenue 2151 Encinal Avenue 2133 Encinal Avenue 0110-A Alameda Avonu:fin PRECINCT NO. 44 Aaraqe, 1315 5111ou Stroot, Election Offloens: Polling Place: larago, 2042 Contra! Avenue leo L. Election Officers: 2028 Pacific Avenue judge: Hazel D, Tice" arle inspector: Myra Malloy Nellie 2032 Encinal Avonue judge: Iva A. Patterson Ainkel 1419 Arand Street Clerk: Dena Iastov,- 0216 Santa Clara Avenue clery: Elizabeth 0. Dapling 2114 EncinaT Avenve PRE7INCT NO. 45 oing Plc ae: Room, & FildolphTan Slub, 21n7 Contral Avanue, Fronts on Walnut Moat E11CLIon offloons: inspector: Mae L. Harris 1422 halnuL Stroet juige: William D. Her1ford 909 Oak Street Clark: Lillian K. jacobson 2110 Santa Clara Avenue Cle1h: 10bel Fahlmtrom 1419-E Walnut Street PRECINCT NO. 46 Pulling Pluce: Aaraqe, 1315 5111ou Stroot, Election Offloens: %spector: leo L. ayland 2028 Pacific Avenue judge: Hazel D, Tice" arle 2320 Knuoin Avonue ClerR: Nellie B. Thompson 12054-B Oncoln Avonuo, CKTIC: Alice S. Ainkel 2163) Santa Clara Avenue BE *17 Polling Place: Caraqc, 2002 Buona Vista Avenve Election Ufflcnrs: Gara7a, 2149 Uncoln Avonuo Elm stroet, inspector: inspector: Esther L. Sln7leton 2010 Pacific Avenue ind7e: AFnes R. Asen 0000 Buena Vista Avenue clarl: Agnes S. Myland 2028 Pacific Avon"(" i!_0 Tit : %thor S. Crooks 1512 Mayotte Street PRECUCT NO. 48, Q1107 Place: Gara7a, 2149 Uncoln Avonuo Elm stroet, inspector: EiecZon Officers: S. Priastley 2124 Buena VisLa Avanue judge: inspector: Men 1. 711son 2130 %R20 Elm Wreot� 23ork: NO: Cabriella V. ?arm 2149 Pacc Avenvo Clerk: Phyllis 1. Nogers Allow 1514 ATIlow Street-, Clerk: Vora E. Kra Uffman 2045 iincoln Avonue, PRECINCT NC. 49 Polling Placa: Cara7e, 1P16 Yulborry Street Klection OfMcors- johanna Lundtoft IR27 Elm stroet, inspector: Yatilda S. Priastley 2124 Buena VisLa Avanue judge: Lorotto DuPosee 2130 Eagle hverne 23ork: Vincont j. Pluna 2060 Eagle Avonuo, '""_y riv : Elizabeth Ann hudson 1712 Allow Street PRECINCT 10. 50 Po Mng Place: 7ara7c, 2046 EaSe Werue ;fit, ction Wicars - inspector: LWits' ion Vooter judge: Cora 4.Schumacher Clerk: Edith L. 3rown Clark: Ann 7homsori 20CI Unona Vista Avanue 1015 411low Strnat 1835 Willow Moot; 1200 Chestnut Streot Poo i2 Place: laraw, 1000 infayette Strent Eloction Officors: inspector: johanna Lundtoft IR27 Elm stroet, judge: Election Officers: Maud S. Pluno C062 Ea7lo n-acnue c3opk: ' johanna E. K-atz 1202 Mayotte Stract Cloak: Clifford Lazal 1,; Crnnd Stroat 12,207 Riona Vista Avenue, TBECINCT NC. 52 Sri: 11ing Succ: Garaqn, 1019 Grand Stront Election Officers: Election OPYcors ' loard, 1914 Pacific Avenuo inspector: Emilie i. Clifford 1817 Crnnd Stroat Wreet, judge: Claire E. Plotz 1627 inincoln A-conue Tolork: Una .7..? Uffman 1712 Vinlurn Street, MIT: Aram S. johnson 1712 Tinturn Stimet, YAKIACT NO. 53 Polling Place: larago, 1026 TacUin Avonue Election Officers: fnsnector: Fazol 1. loard, 1914 Pacific Avenuo judh: Eva Wexhultzea 1633 lnfaretLo Wreet, cleh Echeeror 18C4 Scific Wenuo 21 o rk: Doris Uffman 2045 Sanha Clara Avenue 7RUINCT 70. 54 Vuliin7 Place: larun, 150P ;rand Atraot Election Cff7cers: Appector: john Harry QtafV dudqc: loona 0. Wriest Clark: Ndna OUT) Work: Label B. Keimer M 1419 Arand Street, Apt. 50c, In20 Santa Olara Avenue In= Lincoln Avenuc, 15CO Arand Stinst; W W PPECIKCT 10. 55 Polling Aace: lara7c, 1927 Santa Clara Lvenun, Vloction. Wise- inspontor: Florernn E. 7onlznr IRP7 S, +.k; Clara nvnnnn judge: huby 1. Nallann Durham 1909-D Santa 0ara Avonue Qlnrk: N11na "Oudshrn Yegfried IH20 Contra! Avenue Clerk: Kalynn Q. Almbrou7h 1420 Wrand Streci,-, Alameda Avonuo PREVTNCT NC. 0; Pollin'r. Placa: Garage, 1700 Alameda L-vanue, Vaction 6fftc inspector: Harold A. Ennustor 1000 Paru Shrnot judge: Carol W. Durham 1738 Alameda Avenuo � 11 s Al : hazol D. Yegfried 18131 alamodn Lvonuo C1071: Anyurce j. Siolgfriod 10231 Alameda Avonuo PRECINCT 20. 57 Polling Placa: lara,, 1903 San Antnnio Avonvo McVon Officers: joseph 11bbs j329 Lhorman, aLrect inspector: insnector: Charlotte A. Deas 3720 San Artonic Avonue jud7e: 0111 -Tam A, Mitchell 1303 San Antonio Avenue qlex*: Dopa A, Chasc� Lorton Street 1821 Ran AnLonin Avnn(,a e "artha B. Morris FIEWINCT NO. 00 1004 Union Uree', PE471ACT VC. 5,33' Polling Plson: lara7e, Vil C10"on Avenue Aection crPnery inspector: johanns. -. Kcsscha jud7e: Bea Casey Q! V r1c: Lose 1. partleft :1 lo Q : Edna h. 1'atterson PRECTNCT NO. 59 1734 San Antonio Lveruo 1AIS Enn Aninnin Aurnnn 1123 Union �trcct 6 Union 3tre�, Pial linE Place: larage, 17R6 San jose Avonuo Election Micors: joseph 11bbs j329 Lhorman, aLrect inspector: Leo C, Ealonmy In4p 1726 San Antonio Avenue judge: Walter S. Leach 1359 Aroadvay 21ork: Josoph V. 15mmingson 1125 Lorton Street (Tiork: TV= C. Aechti PIS Union Street, FIEWINCT NO. 00 Polling Place: Aara7n, 1112 Clinton Avenue plecVter, officers: joseph 11bbs j329 Lhorman, aLrect inspentor: learge 4. %vokpans In4p central Avnnue judgo: Lora A Snrouns VIR Clinton Avenur� !!CIA: QaVer U. 7hrisvio oil union Meet Clerk: Annu D. Kenney 3710 Day= Avorue PISCIECT TC. 01, Follin's. Ylacs: Surage, 13PP Verman SLro0, Clection CPP1cors* inspoctor: joseph 11bbs j329 Lhorman, aLrect judqn: Sallin >Keak-,, 1001 Norton SLraat.. Mnet-, Voldl: Armys V. Posshard 1501 Clork: Abbic W. hemminsson 1125 Oarton ShrnoL Clerk: YabnT L. lood 1408 Can dose -venuc THESTE07 KC. C2 01107 Moo: larago, 1535 lontral Avenue, 11onts on Coktnze St. A10CLIon Cffl"c inspector: NaiT 7raV 15Z5 Wontral avonuc, judge: Walter A. Townsend 1415 QrRnd Mnet-, Voldl: Armys V. Posshard 1501 Alnmnda Avonue Clerk: Cla Eno D007o 1213 Alamoda avenue PRECINCT ED. 63 follin7 Waco: 3ara7o, 1401 Central Avorue, Wronts on VorTan Q. Election Officers: Worector: Edna S. Stunohouse Mid& Nola S. 011ard Mork: lora Wroomar Werk: Pauline 1. Hall FRE-TICT 00. 64 1431 Knrton Streat 1426 QOTvan Stroot 1205 Ronkon Meal-, 1402-A Ssnta Clara Avenue Foll-Q7 Moo: qarnje, 1539 Eorton Street Slaction Uf Vicars : %spenhur: Trane G. 7radbrook jud7e: Cora Childers Clerk: trraF, Zaw-ya-r Clerk: Yary Dunleavy 1541 Morton Street 1212-A Santa n1ara Avorue, 1415 ;ortor Street 15Z5 Bay Street PRECINCT NO. 35 Tnspector: annic L. Cox, PoI107 Place: Garage, 1557 Santa Claim venue, IG26 Aronts on Peru St. •Prnncao j. Lavi7nnc 13S3 fincoln Avenue Clerk: Whol Q. Hahn 1611 Election Uff Wrs : 1020 Chapin Wroot clerk: illy 1, ,A ();'1. inspector: Yap; f.Mbson Vista Avenuo 2SECINCT WC. 09 1557 Santa Wara Avenuo judVo: Witit 1frod P. Starrett 1540 lincoln Avonue, Clerk: Mabol V. Only 1520 Starton Strnot Unyvo FyTraes Ian Sloten 19 Swers Court PRECTNCT NO. S6 Coiling Place: lara7e, 1305 WoUlp Avenuo 0oction Wicers: Worachor: Admnrd Undbrook judqc: One. E. Shronberg Clerk: Kwoll L. Marion Clerk: Enid M. Alson PIECUCT NO. 07 1541 bortan 2trent 1501 PaWric Avenue, 27 Powers Wourt C710 Santa Qlara Avenun PoUM7 Placo : yid, rn7a, 1W Sheivan Street Waction Uflnors: Tnspector: annic L. Cox, 1611 Bay stroat jud7e: Pearl Brooks IG26 Shernan Shrnot Co 0I IQ: •Prnncao j. Lavi7nnc 13S3 fincoln Avenue Clerk: Whol Q. Hahn 1611 Dorton Ureal, PBEGINCT 40. 50 1020 Chapin Wroot clerk: PWIM7 11aca: Wage, 1025 Ka7le avenue AcKlon Wicers: 1nonector: baglia 1. Purkharb 035 %71e Avenue isms Jud -48: lara A. Mehinein 1012 Ea"Lk Avenue Clark: Prida L. Wpori 1020 Chapin Wroot clerk: illy 1, ,A ();'1. 1028 Wona Vista Avenuo 2SECINCT WC. 09 Polling Plnce: Club Hem, 1514 Q. Charles Stroolt, Election Wicers: luspoctor: Adele Knaidson jud7o: Urtruda 1. Ray C1"Inda Lint, Wbmniz Clerk: Emna Trautmann FRECINCT NO. 70 WIB Cord! Shroot 1142 Caroll-no StruQ; 101S Taylor Avenue 1000 Santa Clara Avonue Polling Placa: Basement Room, 1417 Bay Strcot Election Wicars: TnopuKur: Wholmina E. lasmussen 1417 Bay Street. judSe: Agnes S. 5hippindall 1423 St. Sharles Street C1011: Bassle E. Purzi 1516 Sheivan Street cielf: E5401 1. Wal 1443 lorton Meet, M W M M PRECUCT NO. 71 Pollinr Place: Garaqe, 1111 San Anhonlo Avenue Aloction Officers Inspector: Halen B. OphKons judge: Ethel H. Spann Clerk: Margaret �abar Wobwann judFo: Valerlo A. AM 1318 Clerk: Henrietta Marl: Orkmnr FRECTICT NO. 72 1308 St. Charles Stract 1251 Sherman Street, 1212 Tanta Wara Avenuc, 1030 San Antonio Avanue Pollinq Place: larage, 1028 San AnLonio Avanuo Rio Kion Officers - Stt ree inspector: Annic 3. Trspentor: Vera L. noorgo 1270 �abar Ctrect judFo: Valerlo A. AM 1318 Carolina Streat Marl: Soptimus Chippindall 14S3 St. WrIes Stroat Cloris : Maudo C. iripon 2028 Encinal Avonue T`10. '73 1015 Lincoln Avanue hvenun Polling Mass: lara7e, 917 San Antonio Avnnue Xlection Wicors: Warago, 1542 Nozart Stt ree inspector: Annic 3. "orson Ad7c: Ernost j. Vrobst Clark:littler Ellen WorrTs 1436 Work: Whol Knonman Ethcl FHECTNCT NC. 74 1302 Ninth Stroct, 1112 AM Street 920a Contonnial Avonue 1401 Ninth Street WIMF Place: Asrage , 830 Contra! Wnnue Election Officers: Inspector: Narion Sna7rave judge: Laude A. Albson Work: james C. Gibson G Ica M; : Mary Alice -eddle FRECIECT NO. 75 B05 fortain Avonuo 1378 QuiTank Street 1378 3urbank Moot 2042j GenLral Avenue Polling Mee: Garage, 1436 Ninth Street Election Micors: Warago, 1542 Nozart Stt ree Election Offinors: inspector: Sadlo Iranor 023 Contra! Avenue judge: Ellen WorrTs 1436 Kinth Stroet, Work: Ethcl Symo 3440 Anth Street clork: !oldie R. Ann 1555 Yozart Streit PRECINCT NO. 76 Hammond 1015 Lincoln Avanue hvenun MUMF Place: loom, B24 HaT7ht Avenue Alc0lon Wicers: Warago, 1542 Nozart Stt ree Election Offinors: Election Micers: inspector: Lauzu E, Spangler SIC Halqht Cyrus Avenue judge: Einnia Z. Richardson 824 Haight A. Schwab Avenue C101h: Narqarat T. Shore 1525 Ninth 1556 Stroet Clerk: Qlvla S. Hammond 1015 Lincoln Avanue MUNCT WO. 77 Vollinj flace: Warago, 1542 Nozart Stt ree Election Offinors: Election Micers: Innpoctor: Inspectur: Cyrus L. Poster 222 Oncu2n Avenue judge: Natalle A. Schwab 1554 Pozart Meet Clerk: Klai" %Qnnyy 1556 hoznrt Meet Clark: Sadia Dunne 1030 Lincoln hvenun ZIECTICT FG. W',3' MUnq Place: laray, 530 Yuena Vista Avenuo Election Offinors: Innpoctor: Panny Dupouy 83C Ruena Vista AvPnuo judge: Alice Wevens 1021 Oood Streol,, GICTA: Was hood 1810 St. Charles Meet cloph: Won 1. Dodt 1723 Chapin Street Pk E C T IV101 . '7 c7l Garage, 1453 Page Street Vivian C. Nelson Polling Place: Garage, 1819 Eighth Street inspector: Election Officers: Y. DeVine 1453 Page Street inspector: Manche hern 1831 Nason Street ludge: Dorothy L. Onmundsen 1862 Ei3hth Street Clerk: Rose dagenhoffer Patten 761 Eagle Avenue Clerk: 83 Adolph H. Beran 1822 My Street PREC','12,�",CT 110. 80 C-arage, 757 Taylor Avenue Santa Clara Avenue Polling Place: Garage, 731 Pacific Avenue, Pronts on Concordia St. Election Officers: Lopolito 1443 Eighth Street Inspector: Fritzie Lawrence 1820 Eighth Street Judge: Emma T. Colette W. Apostle 811 Lincoln Avenue Clerk: Pauline An Thompson 3282 755 Eagle Avonue Clerk: Mary Ellen Hampson 827-D Haight Avenue PRECINCT NG. 81 Polling Place: Garage, 783 haigit Avenue Election Officers: inspector: harl P. hatthews 629 Santa Clara Avenue Tudge: Alice J. Latthews 629 Santa Clara Avenue Clerk: Nita h. Kreiss 741 Central Avenue Clerk: Hazel L. Brown 6366 Haight Avenue PRECIUCT NO. 82 Polling Place: Garage, 1453 Page Street Vivian C. Nelson Election Ufficers: Clerk: Alice Gober 828 inspector: Clerk: 3ernice Y. DeVine 1453 Page Street judge: Ruth J. quinlan 728 Taylor Avenue Clerk: "dilkens 605 Central Avenue Clerk: Theo L. Patten 632 Santa Clara !venue PIli CIM N - C. 83 violot E. Lickel 628 Aaight Avenue Clerk:92 Polling Place: C-arage, 757 Taylor Avenue Santa Clara Avenue Election Officers: inspector: Dorothy Lopolito 1443 Eighth Street Judge: Florence A. Kenney 768 Taylor Avenue C+.ierk® Emma T. Steffen 1424 Page Street Clerk: Pauline M. Janusch 3282 Garfield Avenue FRECINCT NO. 8/ Polling Place: Garage, 714 Taylor ivenue Election Officers: inspector: Ida Lay Smith ;T 28 heptune e 3ach Cottage judge: Vivian C. Nelson 900 Taylor Avenue Clerk: Alice Gober 828 HainAt Avenue Clerk: Livia Vironda 763 Pachic Avenue PRECINCT NO. 85 Polling Place: Garage, 1458 Sixth Street Election Officers: lnspector: Hulda Gibbs 636 Haight Avenue judge: violot E. Lickel 628 Aaight Avenue Clerk:92 Charles A. 2orster 150 ! Webster Street Clerk: Estella A. Patten 632 Santa Clara Avenue PRECINCT NO. 86 Polling Place: Gara3e, 601 Lincoln Avenue, Yronts on Sixth Street Election Officers: Inspector: James Fernie 01 8una 3e Vista Avenue judge: Frederick A. Bolston 139 Ccntral Avenue Clerk: helen Dowdall 605 kaight Avenue Clerk: Helena E. Blakeslee 341 Lincoln Avenue M M M M PRECIECT M 87 Polling Place: Garage, 1625 lifth Street Election Officers: Inspector: Robert E. O'Hare 634 ly1win Court judge: Annie h. Pauline 521 Pacific Avenue Clerk: Eaude 1. Bolsten 139 Central Avenue Clerk: Edith Y. Schneider 1415 Fourth Street PRECIMCT Yo. 88 Polling Place: Garage, 1549 Fifth Street Election Officers: inspector: Leona 3. yuan stone Judge: Julia wartini Clerk: Clara Dempsey Clerk: John G. Dempsey PRECIECT EC. 8 317-E Pacific Avenue 407 Haight Avenue 451 Haight Avenue 451 h0ght Avenue Polling Place: Garage, 463 Santa Clara Avenue Election Officers: Florence A. Howson 515 Inspector: Frances -3u,1-man 532 Haight Avenue judge: Anita L. helton 324 Haight Avenue Clerk: Rosalie Sevenoaks 4731 Haight Avenue Clerk: Violet M. Pinckney 465 Taylor Avenue Polling Place: Garage, 564 Central Avenue Election officers: lnspector: Florence A. Howson 515 Taylor Avenue Judge: Everett W. 11baugh 474 Central Avenue -Apt. D Clerk: Anna Larkin Seymour 542 Aaight Avenue Clerk: Oertrude 1. Mneian 517 Taylor Avenue PRECIMT DO, 91 Polling Place: Gar aqe, 311 Central Avenue, 2ronts on Taylor Avenue Election Officers: Irene Bajuk 342 Pacific Avenue inspector: Gladys A. Jowles 311 Central Avenue Judge: Alice h. Seymour 329 Taylor Avenue Clerk: 3ar6lara A. Rose 307 Central Avenue Clerk: Vilda D. Piziali 313 Taylor Avenue PRECINCT NO. 92 Polling Place: Garage, 342 Pacific Avenue, Yronts on Fourth Street Election Officers: inspector: Irene Bajuk 342 Pacific Avenue judge: Iola Goggin 1620 Yourth Street Clerk: Josephine L. Utt 1609 2ourth Street Glerk: Helen G. Loreto 1615 Yourth Street PRECIRCT Q. Polling Place: Garage, 111 Santa Clara Avenue Election Officors: Eargarst Aoscacci inspector: Gertrude J. VanDyk Judge: Dorothy F. Hagan Clerk: Jessie P. Hoyt Clerk: Emily T. Sasser .ECI1,`CT ill Santa Clara Avenue 331 Santa Clara Avenue 315 Lincoln Avenue 153 jantral Avenue P01109 Place: Gare ;e, 536 Santa Clana Avenue Eloction Ufficers: M,::; act Eargarst Aoscacci 547 Taylor Avenue judge: Vivien S. ghitmorc 1416 2ifth Wreat Clerk: Margaret Willies 511 Taylor Avenue Clerk: Thomas Killies 511 Taylor Avenue PREGINOT EO. 95 John 8. Kimetz Judge: Lary POii0q riace: Garage, 1012 Pacific Avenue �ee Clerk: Election Officers: Shirley D. 2osti? jurtis Seaborn Court Avenue judge: jesse James Versailles ovenue 1425 Chestnut Street Clerk: Inspector: William J. Cox 1611 3ay street judge: Ruby L. Debold 1012 Pacific Avenue Clerk: 3ornardine Petorson 1621 St. Charles Street Clerk: 3urtha V. Zahay 1828 St. Charles Otreet PRECIrCT 10. 9C,,� Polling ilace : Garage, 1580 Pacific Avenue Election Lfficers: insractor: John 8. Kimetz Judge: Lary Ann Ruby Clark: Ruth G. �ee Clerk: hucinda Shirley D. 2osti? jurtis PRECIECT Q. qr7 453-2 Central Avenue 1566 Pacific Avenue 1553 Pacific Avenue 1515 Central Avenue, Polling Vlace: Garage, 1635 Alameda ivenue liection Officers: inspector: Label C. Coffin 1223 Peru 3treet judge: Elizabeth 2. killer 1611 incinal !venue Clerk: jilma Hondcrson 1419 irand Street Clerk: Shirley D. 2osti? 1615 Seaborn Court PaECIZCT U. 98 Pollinq r!ace : Garage, 1919 Alaaeda ivenue, ironts on Chestnut iJt. llection officers: nonson 1012 Doris Court Clerk: inspector: Eileen 1., KniSht 2615 nincoln Avenue judge: jesse James Versailles ovenue 1425 Chestnut Street Clerk: Prances T. Reis 2142 Alameda Avenue Clerk: Georgia Donnelly 2169 San jose Avenue lqIECUUT loc.�h Polling iaace: Garage, 815 Park Street Election Ufficers: Inspector: Eabel 3, Besayan judEe: Louise Gamenara Clark: Clara Kouff Clerk: Vincent E. Rolland PRECINCT HC. 100 844 Uak Stree-, 1009 Vbrsailles lvenue 2024 Clinton Avenue 2312 Clinton Avenue Polling Place: GaraGe, 938 Versailles avenue Election Officers: inspector: Margaret 0. Tonningsen 1..162 Broadway judge: hary Jean nonson 1012 Doris Court Clerk: Trances S chuller 2803 Clay Street Clerk: Elline S. loods 1096 Versailles ovenue PRECINCT NO. 101 Poll inZ Place: Garaqe, 1726 Loreland Drive Election Uf(icer s: inspector: ThelQa E. Rackenzie 2913 Eadison Street judge: Edith i. Flatter' 1823 Pearl 3treet Clerk: Carol jean Ahlborg 2611 Lincoln Avenue Clerk: abel 31ackburn 183 creland Drive PRECINCT NO. 102 Polling Place: Garage, 2925 dindsor Drive Election Ufficers: Inspector: Edith E. Perry Judge: Irene H. Osborn Clerk: Larqaret Taylor Clerk: Verna E. Coffin M 2010 Versailles Avenae V918 Windsor Drive 3234 Fernside Blvd. 2901 Earina Drive NN M PaECIZCT hO. llq' Polling close; Garage, 1211 Ligh itrect Election ifficers: inspectnr: Kathleen L. Addison 1219 High Street Judge: AnSelena Reid 1211 Eigh Street Clerk: Laura B. jones 1228 Post Street Clerk: Agnes N. lohn 1141 52oadway PRECIECT U0. 10 PollinE Place: GaraSe, 1.818 Third Street Election Officers: iRspector: Lucia 2errerc 308 Drush Street judge: Lary K. Cappa 314 trust 3treet Clark: Grace Douglas 1812 Third Street Clerk: Stella i. Van Hecke 1.524 Third Street PRECIACT KO. 10 Polling Place: Community House, 1711 Second Street Election Ufficers: ILsysctor: 3onnia A. Gnebba 211 Cypress Street Judge: Maybelle J. Loomis 106 Cypress Street Clerk: Margariethe A. lute 222 Cypress Ureet ilerk: Nadine Roe 1800 Eain Street lain Street PRECINCT NO. ic6 Polling Place: Room, 2017 Third Street Slection Officers: Inspector: Wartha V. O'Hare 634 Ay1win Court judge: Alberta L. Ferem 422 immen Court Clerk: Bernadine Garbonero 235-3 Gibbs Avenue Clark: Geraldine E. Murphy 1804 lain Street PRECINCT Q. Iq ---�iZ Polling Place: Room, 2101 Jones Court Election Officers: inspector: Helen V. Armknecht . 108 Jones Court judse: Ileta 1. Gnutzmann 2101 jones Court Clerk: Anita Reynolds 2037 PearY Court Clark: Teresa E. Dorner 2116 ingram Court PRECINCT NO. 108 PollinZ Place: Room, 615 ha' win Court Election officers: Inspector: Olivia L. F. Armas 615 Ay1win Court Judge: Gladys Latshaw 609 hy1win Court Clark: Elizabeth H. Stevens 635 lylwin Court Clerk- 1,1arion i!]. '1Nev,,.,7ian --''032 Lawrence Court PRECINCT E0. 10 Polling Place: West end of huditoriLu.,1, 345 Gibbs `venue Election Officers: inspector: livienne L. Skelton 517 An Cony Court Judge: Earline Smith 111-3 Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Yattie E. Davis 223-A Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Flossie 1. Sherry 441 Bainbridge Avenue PRECINCT NO. 110 Polling Place: Center of Auditorium, 345 Gibbs Avenue Election Ufficers Inspector: Gladys LeCarty 643 Pacific Avenue judge: Agnes A. 3ishop 436-A Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Inez W. Eultz 134-0 Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Ruby H. !awl 414-D Gibbs Avenue PREC!hCT NO. 111 Polling Place: Ease end of luditorium, 345 Gibbs Avenue Election Officers: Inspector: hargaret jane Coarsen 247-D Gibbs Avenue judge: Sylvia K. Lowery 241-D Gibbs Avenue Clerk: Edna A. Heenan 2113 Overton Gourt Clerk: jessie E. Lender" 257-D Gibbs Avenue PRECINCT NO. 112 Poll ns Place: Room, 232-A Singleton Avenue Election Officers: Inspector: y1sie 3. Finley judge: hellie rulett Clerk: Agnes files Clerk: Avis L. Strote PRAC1NCT NO. 11 232-A Singleton Avenue 306-A Singleton Avenue 227-C Singleton Avenue 212-A SinSioton Avenue Polling Place: Room, 115-A Singleton Avenue Election Officers: Inspector: Valeria Scoggins Judge: Ulivia 3. Turner Clerk: Dolphine hr. uce Clerk: Solamon Scogqins PaECIYCT NO. 114 115-A Singleton Avenue 219-A Bach Street 2422-D Martin Street 115-A Singleton Avenue Polling Place: Room, 254-D Mosley Avenue Election Officers: InSceCtOr: Dorothy [1U171,1,_)E11 judge: Frances Dela hiva Clerk: Vary 2airchild. Clerk: Edna Holdi PRECINCT RO. 11 229-? Bach Street 204-D Kosley Avenue 230-B Bach Street 312-A Mosley Avenue S Polling r1ace: outh end of Auditorium, 2411 hartin Street Election Officers: Inspector: Stella 1. Barnes Mudge: Irma hee johnson Clerk: nela L. 3rowen Clerk: Floyd julbreth PREOINCT NO. 116 138-D Singleton Avenue 2414-D Lartin Street 226-A Bach Street 2441-3 Wells street Polling Place: north and of luditorium, 2411 Ear tin Street Election Officers: inspector: Yabel T. Cooper Q judge: Kary . Rathbun Clerk: Irene Colbert Clerk: Bernice Pederson PRECINCT NO. 111'7 A 140-D Singleton Avenue 224-W Bach Street 2420-A Eartin Street 378-B Singleton Avenue Polling Place: West end of iuditorium, 511 Buena Vista Avenue Election Officers: East end of Auditorium, 511 3uena Vista Avenue inspector: Pear2 L. Hall. 550-3 Eagle Avenue judge: Ben 0. Hall 550-B Eagle Avenue Clerk: Roydon aanow 469-C Eagle Avenue Clerk: Annette E. Engberson 461-B Eagle Avenue PRECIECT NO. 118 Polling Place: East end of Auditorium, 511 3uena Vista Avenue Election officers: inspector: Uretta M. Allen 560-D Buena Vista Avenue Judge: Helen C. Radford 530-C 3uena Vista Avenue Clcrk: Daisy 4. Ganow 469-C Eagle Avenue Clerk: Kathryn A. Swan 643 Pacific Avenue 101", w ME M PRECINCT NO. 119 Polling Place: Center of Auditorium, 511 huona Vista Avenue Election Officers: 811-.'� Thou day Clerk: Wildred D. !cDonald Inspector: Olive P. Vlaters 559-i Eagle Avenue Tudge: Faye U. hryan 434-A Eagle Avenue Clerk: Betty 0. Ridenour 627-D 3uena Vista avenue Clerk: Jessie hathbury 434-D Eagle Avenue PRECINCT NO. 120 Polling Place: Room, 861-D Thou Way Election Officers: inspector: Roxie 7oirol 861-D ?hau day judge: Agnes M. 3o-nl-,qell 811-.'� Thou day Clerk: Wildred D. !cDonald 1114-D Than lay Clerk: Cora Wreasnan 1020-,% Thou ',,Alay PRECINCT NO. 121 Polling Place: Korth end of Club Room, 901-C Thou Way slaction officers: inspector: Sarah Winkler 3232 Wadison Street judge: Heal B. havarre 2151 Encinal Avenue Clerk: Josephine Harrison 603-C Gibbs Avenue Clerk; Johnnie Des, jones 914-B Thuu Way PRECINCT U0. 122 Polling Place: South end of Club Room, 901-C' Then Election officers: inspector: Fern D. Aillet 906-3 Thau Way Judge: Elmira johnson 964-0 Stalker Way Clerk: Zenobia Long 1007-C Stalker Way Clerk: Grace 1. Dou3las 855--3 Thau ,,,',lay PHECIACT NO. 10'' Polling Place: Room, 947-A Stalker Way Election Officers: 3essie C. Gladden Osoector: Lucy Z. Gillette 947-A 6talker Way Jud -Se: 011ie A. Lacy 1001-B Stalker'H',Iay Clerk: Edna Lae Thompson 855-D Stalker Way Clerk: Elnora 3arr 934-B Tlaau ',,,,ay PRECINCT 10. 124 Polling Place: Club -L,00ri, 901-D Thau 'Jay Election Officers: inspector: Mary A. 'einberger JudSe: 3essie _'au, hman Clerk: Goldie 1. Hartman Clerk: Anna Vaughn PRECINCT NO. 125 2109 Santa Clara Avenue 1020-D Stalker Way 1060-C Thau Way 1055-A Thau Way Polling Place: Room, 1063-i Stalker Way Election Officers: inspector: 3essie C. Gladden 1063-A Stalker lay, judge: ignes L. Larson 1079-C stalker Kay Clerk: Jessie Y. Rowland 1058-C Thau day 2926 Clerk: hina Y. Amos 1041-3 Stalker Way PRECIVCT NO. 126 Polling Place: GuraSe, 3119 Ternside ,::Civet. Election Officers: inspector: Willic L. qutto 3016 Lincoln Avcnuo Judge: Rose 3. Ga }i 1821 Yale Drive Clerk: Late Downer 2926 Lincoln Avenue Clerk: Cora E. Vonhof 2821 lernside 31vd. I, the undersigLed, hereby certify that the foreqcinS Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in reSu- larasse-nabled on the 15th day of February, 1949, by the followina vote, to wit: AYES: Councilnen Anderson, jones, Osborn, Sweeney and President 3ranscheidl (5) - NOES: Kane. ABSEKT: hone. III ,j-,LLRECF1 i have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 16th day of February, 1949. J. P. CLARK (SELL) * * * * * 0 * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 3941, DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTIM ELECTION OFFICERS FUR GENERAL LUNICIPAL ELECTION," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 1011 day of February, 1949. ity,Cjbrk of the'City of Alume, BE y