Resolution 03947RESULUT101 NO. 3947
the following described r o a l property,
situated in the City
of Alameda, Munty of Alameda, State of California, to -wit:
Lot 22 Block 33,
Town of Woodstock$
has been assessed heretofore for city purposes for the fiscal year 1948-1949,
and taxes levied ;Lareon in the of are uncollected and unpaid; und
M101101, after the time said taxes became a lion on said roal property,
was, b; deed recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County oil.
january lK, 1949, in Book 5704 of Official Records at pago 297, acquired, and.
ever since has been, and nou is, owned by the Alameda Unified School District
and has beeL and now is being used for public purposes, and because of such
public ownership is not subject to sale for delinquent taxes;
A CA i TIMEI'M I 3E !T M 0( LVED Q TUE C MC !L 02 C !T_'_ 0Z
with the written consent of the City Attorney attached hereto, thut all uncol-
lected taxes chaa ges. or levied for city purposes upon the nfores aid real
property, togothor with penalties and costs thereon, be, and the same are hereby,
cancelled, and the Auditor and Tax Collector of the Lity of Alaneda are hereby
authorized and directed to cancel the same on thair respective books.
M IT F10MM? RESOLVED, anything in tnis resulution to the contrary
notwiKstanding, that this resolution and order shall not be construed as can -
calling, or suthorlzMa the cancallaLlon of, any special assessment Mies levied
agaiAst said real property by the City of Alameda pursuant to the provisions of
the 4acquisition and improvemuwL hot of 1925".
I, Gtanla� 0. Mitney, City Attorney for the City of Alameda, State
of California, do hereby consent tc the cancellation of any and all uncoilacted
tuxes and Baa sesumunts or punalties and costs thereon, onarged or levied for
city purposes upo. the phael of real property describad in the within resolu-
Dated: Fenruary 15, 1949.
777-7777ey of the City of Alameda
* * * * * 0 * * * *
il the undGraigned, hsreby certifj that the foregoing Resolution was
dily and reoularly introduced and udapted by the Council of the City of Alameda
in regular mectinZ assembled on the 15th day of February, 1949, by the followin,''L
vote$ to wit:
(4). 0YAS: Councilmen Anderson, jones, Osborn and President 3ra1`lscheid,
EMS: Lone.
33300 Councilman Ssee ney, (1).
IT I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi-
cial aeal of said City this Ath day of February, 049.
(SEAL) 1. F. OLM,
City Cler'k (Yt' the _Cityof i'7at.iedu
* * K * * * * * * * >'',
I hereby certify that the foregoinS is a full, true and correct copy
Of MsOluticn to- 3947, 0ANCELL1!_,, Oil PRUPERTY
, I '� � lii DA
M'iI1P=D LC_!��UL DISTRICT." introducod and adopted by the Counoll on ohe l5th day
of Fabruury, 1949.
y—MI-e-ft-of the City of 10-31